The original of this narrative, kindly lent me by Lord Clifford of Chudleigh, to whom I make full and grateful acknowledgement, is a manuscript booklet of 41 pages, about 9 in. by 5 ½ in. The author, it seems clear. was Lewis Clifford, who with his twin brother Arthur was in the school year 1792/3 in the class of Poetry. These two boys were grandsons of the 3rd Baron: their father. the Hon. Thomas Clifford, of Tixall, Staffordshire, the youngest son, was married to Barbara. a daughter and co-heiress of the 5th and last Lord Aston of Forfar. She it was who inherited Tixall and at her marriage brought that estate into the Clifford family. The twins, aged 17 “le cinq du mois ventose de l’an troisieme” (23 February, 1795), after their release from Doullens reached London on the following March 3rd. and after a month or so at home spent the summer term—April to August—at Stonyhurst. Arthur then rejoined some of his former fellow prisoners at St. Edmund’s, Old Hall. Of Lewis one knows only that he died unmarried in 1806. For Arthur’s subsequent literary work. see the Dictionary of National Biography.