The present paper originally formed part of a Forschungsbericht on all the main branches of interior decoration in Roman Britain prepared for Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt n, 12, 4 in 1981-82. Since fifteen years have elapsed without any sign of ANRW, 11, 12, 4 seeing the light of day, I have decided to publish a new version, revised and updated to cover the half-century 1945-1995. The main difference is that the section on wall-paintings, on which I have written extensively elsewhere, is now omitted. What remains is primarily a review of research into Romano-British mosaic pavements, with brief comments on other media (opus sectile, wall-mosaic, and stuccowork) appended in a concluding section. The nucleus of this review is the Bibliography, arranged partly by themes and partly by locations, with items numbered serially (Section iv); reference will be made to it, where appropriate, in footnotes.