The Second Council of the Vatican remains the most important single issue in what may be called religious public opinion in the German-speaking countries. Little of the unbounded optimism that followed the Pope's first announcement remains, but there is a great deal of sober interpretation of such information as is available, and numerous articles have been written on topics likely to be discussed by the Council.
The Herder-Korrespondenz, vol. 15, No. 7 (April 1961), pp. 312-323, contains statistics of the personnel concerned with the preparatory work for the Council, and an analysis of the statistics. The tables are detailed, showing such matters as position in the ecclesiastical hierarchy, nationality, membership of religious orders, membership of the Roman Congregations, special expertise, etc. It is deduced that the following matters are likely to be treated: the Episcopal Office, (it will be remembered that this was on the agenda for the first Vatican Council, but the item was not reached), the shortage of priests, the difficulties, particularly those of recruitment, of the religious orders, the reforms needed to adjust the orders of women to the present age, the administration of the Sacraments of Matrimony and Penance, the liturgy, the position of the laity. It is noted that the officials of the Curia form a high proportion of those concerned with the preparations, but it is pointed out that this is, for administrative reasons, inevitable. It is hoped that the Council will not get bogged down in details, but will deal with essentials, and there is a plea for more publicity and information.