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Curricula Collections
Supporting Trainees studying for the MRCPsych exams

The BJPsych Advances Editorial Board is delighted to present these collections of papers discussing topics suited to the curricula for the MRCPsych.

Whilst BJPsych Advances remains focussed on the continuing education of consultants in psychiatry, we are acutely aware that trainees and aspiring consultants assiduously read the journal. Inevitably, the high quality review papers published in the journal appeal to trainees in psychiatry whether preparing for examinations or those seeking consultant position.

The papers in these collections are ideal for aspirational consultants, as the authors of our papers are a combination of clinicians and researchers, thus intertwining clinical practice with empirical evidence. All are rigorously peer reviewed. Within the journal, the scientific evidence is best exemplified in our Cochrane Corners and the linked Round the Corner commentaries. These provide a vehicle for understanding systematic reviews and meta-analysis. Additionally the stringent peer reviewed contributions from experienced clinicians provide the wisdom of experience. In combination, both represent the metier for high quality psychiatric practice.

In the future, BJPsych Advances will be publishing a range of papers that are focussed on the current curriculum. Although their aim will be on consultants in the many facets of their oversight such as education and training as well as clinical updating, many of these topics will be of direct relevance to examinees.

While some of the papers in the current collection may not be fully relevant due to their age, most are contemporaneous with recent developments in clinical practices. These BJPsych Advances collections are for reference only and include content published more than 3 years ago. Please refer to the Curricula and guidance for the most up-to-date information.

The BJPsych Advances Editorial Board would like to thank Dr Rosemary Gordon, Chair of the Psychiatric Trainees Committee (PTC) 2021-2022, and the PTC for their help in curating these collections and we hope to continue working in co-operation with them so as to assist consultants and psychiatrists in training.

Professor Patricia Casey

Editor-in-Chief, BJPsych Advances