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Advertising, Piano Culture, and the Changing Middle Class in Urban Galicia, 1911–1921
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 February 2025
In the years between the turn of the century and the outbreak of World War I, business directories listed four commercial piano storefronts in Kraków and an even more impressive nine in Lwów, though the actual number was even higher. Additionally, each of the cities boasted multiple local piano factories. The presence of these factories and storefronts indicates an established market for the buying and selling of pianos in the two major urban centers of Austrian Galicia in the years prior to the war. While piano advertising continued both during and after the war, this was not necessarily an indicator of a lack of change. The instability and increasing inflation of the period served as a catalyst, forcing some owners to sell their pianos, while other citizens may have had the opportunity to capitalize on the economic situation, buying these status symbols for their households. The persistence of private piano classified advertisements for those hoping to buy and sell pianos throughout the war years was a symptom of social and cultural change within the middle class in urban Galicia. This article situates the dynamics of the region’s persistent piano marketplace alongside contemporary socio-political and economic trends to highlight an important indicator of social mobility amidst the widespread impact of World War I.
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- © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of Regents of the University of Minnesota
1 Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny (Illustrated Daily Courier), 1 September 1912, 6.
2 Throughout this article, the Polish names of the two cities are used, rather than the German (Krakau and Lemberg) or the Ukrainian (L’viv). While the use of Kraków has become more widely accepted than the Anglicized Cracow in recent years, the author has chosen to use the Polish Lwów for two primary reasons. The first is continuity between the two cities. The second is because this study ends in 1921, when both cities were a part of the reestablished independent Poland, and these were their official names.
3 Bourdieu places the agency of who makes up a given class onto the participants of a given society themselves. Members of a class define their own social stratification by what they consume as they seek to maintain or advance their social standing. Bourdieu also notes that the role of perception is key to understanding how individuals perceived their own class status. Bourdieu, Pierre, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste (Cambridge, 1984), 372; 483 Google Scholar; and Bourdieu, , “What Makes a Social Class? On the Theoretical and Practical Existence of Groups,” Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 32 (1987): 1–18, 3Google Scholar.
4 Mick, Christoph, Lemberg, Lwów, L’viv, 1914–1947: Violence and Ethnicity in a Contested City (West Lafayette, IN, 2016), 22–23 Google Scholar; Bohdan Janusz, 293 dni rządów rosyjskich we Lwowie: 3.IX.1914–22.VI.1915 (293 days of Russian Control in Lviv) (Lviv, 1915), 1–2.
5 Henryka Kramarz, Samorząd Lwowa w czasie pierwszej wojny światowej i jego rola w życiu miasta (The Local Government of Lviv during the First World War and Its Role in the Life of the City) (Kraków, 1994), 36; Henryka Kramarz, Tadeusz Rutowski: Portret pozytywisty I demokraty galiczyjskiego (Tadeusz Rutowski: Portrait of a Galician Positivist and Democrat) (Kraków, 2001), 116.
6 Janusz, 293 dni, 121–25.
7 Mick, Lemberg, Lwów, L’viv, 4, 26–27.
8 Wood, Nathaniel D., Becoming Metropolitan: Urban Selfhood and the Making of Modern Cracow (DeKalb, IL, 2010), 13 Google Scholar. The total population was slightly greater than 150,000 during the 1910 census.
9 Kamil Ruszała, Galicyjski Eksodus: Uchodźcy podczas I wojny światowej w monarchii Habsburgów (Galician Exodus: World War I Refugees in the Habsburg Monarchy) (Kraków, 2020), and in the chapter Ruszała, “National mobilization, humanitarian agency from below, and wartime authorities: Polish refugees from Galicia in Salzburg during the First World War,” in Refugees and Population Transfer Management in Europe, 1914–1920s, ed. Kamil Ruszała (New York, 2025), 86–101.
10 Wood, Nathaniel D., “Plenty of Food in a ‘World of Electric Light’? Unfulfilled Dreams of Technical Civilization in Cracow during WWI,” The Polish Review 64, no. 3 (2019): 48–68, 57CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
11 Mick, Lemberg, Lwów, L’viv, 57.
12 Ogórek, Bartosz, “Feeding the City, Feeding the Fortress: Cracow’s Food Supply in World War I,” Journal of Urban History 45, no. 4 (2018): 2–3 Google Scholar. For a wider understanding of hardships across Polish speaking lands, see Katarzyna Sierakowska, Śmierć, Wygnanie, Głód w Dokumentach Osobistych: Ziemie polskie w latach Wielkiej Wojny 1914–1918 (Death, Exile, Hunger in Personal Documents: Polish Lands in the Years of the Great War 1914–1918) (Warsaw, 2015) and Robert Blobaum, A Minor Apocalypse: Warsaw during the First World War (Ithaca, 2017).
13 Healy, Maureen, Vienna and the Fall of the Habsburg Empire: Total War and Everyday Life in World War I (Cambridge, 2004), 40 Google Scholar.
14 Bartosz Ogórek, Niezatarte Piętno? Wpływ I wojny światowej na ludność miasta Krakowa (An Indelible Mark? The Impact of World War I on the Population of the City of Kraków) (Kraków, 2018); Healy, Vienna and the Fall, 31; Kučera, Rudolf, Rationed Life: Science, Everyday Life, and Working-Class Politics in the Bohemian Lands, 1914–1918 (New York, 2016)Google Scholar.
15 Wood, “Plenty of Food in a ‘World of Electric Light’?” 61; Stanisław Rossocki, Lwów podczas inwazyi (Lviv during the Invasion) (Lviv, 1916), 249; S.A. An-sky, 1915 Diary of S.A. An-sky: A Russian Writer at the Eastern Front, trans. Polly Zavadivker (Bloomington, 2016), 62–63.
16 Diamand, Herman, Pamiętnik Hermana Diamanda zebrany z Wyjątków Listów do Żony (The Diary of Herman Diamand collected from Excerpts of Letters to his Wife) (Kraków, 1932), 143–44Google Scholar.
17 Wood, “Plenty of Food in a ‘World of Electric Light’?” 65; Mick, Lemberg, Lwów, L’viv, 104–5, 144–45; Jadwiga Rutkowska, Pamiętnik Lwowianki. 1914–1919 (Lvovian Diary. 1914–1919), ed. Wojciech Polak and Sylwia Galij-Skarbińska (Toruń, 2017), 166–67.
18 Richards, Thomas, The Commodity Culture of Victorian England: Advertising and Spectacle, 1851–1914 (Stanford, 1990)Google Scholar; Sivulka, Juliann, Soap, Sex, and Cigarettes: A Cultural History of American Advertising, 2nd ed. (Boston, 2012)Google Scholar; Wischermann, Clemens and Shore, Elliot, eds., Advertising and the European City: Historical Perspectives (London, 2000)Google Scholar.
19 Ciarlo, David, Advertising Empire: Race and Visual Culture in Imperial Germany (Cambridge, MA, 2011)CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Hilton, Marjorie, Selling to the Masses: Retailing in Russia, 1880–1930 (Pittsburgh, 2012)CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
20 Agnieszka Janiak-Jasińska, “Zmagania historyka z reklamą: artykuły spożywcze w ogłoszeniach reklamowych początku XX wieku” (The Historian’s Struggle with Advertising: Foodstuffs in the Early 20th Century), Przegląd Historyczny 102, no. 4 (2011): 839–54; Agnieszka Goluch, “Czego pragnie gospodyni? Asortyment codziennego użytku reklamowany w kobiecym tygodniku Dobra Gospodyni (1901–1915) (“What does a housewife need?” The assorted daily products advertised in the women’s weekly The Good Housewife [1901–1915]), in Obyczaje i Życie codzienne na przestrzeni dziejów. Studia przypadków. (Customs and Everyday Life in History: A Study of Cases), ed. Patrycja Czarnecka, Wojciech Milej, and Agata E. Niedzielska (Warsaw, 2021), 173–87.
21 Wood, Becoming Metropolitan, 53; Myślyński, “Prasa Polska…,” 121–27; Myślyński, Jerzy, Prasa Galicji w Dobie Autonomicznej, 1867–1918 (Warsaw, 1972), 40–42 Google Scholar.
22 Issues from 25 June to the end of December 1912, one issue from 5 July 1914, one issue from 15 May 1916, issues from 30 July to the end of December 1917, one issue from 9 December 1920, and twelve issues from March 1921 were available digitally through the National Library of Israel. No issues were available from 1911, 1913, 1915, 1918, or 1919. Efforts were exhausted searching for holdings of other titles in any format at US and Canadian university libraries, and the Library of Congress, as well as The National Library of Poland, the Jagiellonian University Library, the University of Warsaw Library, the Małopolska Digital Library, the National Archives of Poland, the Ossolineum Library in Wrocław, and the Vasyl Stefanyk Lviv National Scientific Library of Ukraine. Additionally, Yiddish language newspapers were sought at YIVO, The Institute for Jewish Research in New York. Individual issues were occasionally found, but not enough for broad comparison, and none of the issues examined contained piano advertising.
23 Arthur Loesser, Men, Women and Pianos: A Social History (New York, 1954), 136.
24 Jolanta Pekacz, Music in the Culture of Polish Galicia, 1772–1914 (Rochester, 2002), 42.
25 Pekacz, Music in the Culture of Polish Galicia, 42–45.
26 Pekacz, Music in the Culture of Polish Galicia, 46–48.
27 Pekacz, Music in the Culture of Polish Galicia, 140.
28 Pekacz, Music in the Culture of Polish Galicia, 143–45.
29 Pekacz, Music in the Culture of Polish Galicia, 58–60.
30 Pekacz, Music in the Culture of Polish Galicia, 124–27.
31 Vogel, Benjamin, “The Piano as a Symbol of Burgher Culture in Nineteenth-century Warsaw,” The Galpin Society Journal 46 (1993): 137–39CrossRefGoogle Scholar.
32 Vogel, “The Piano as a Symbol,” 139–41.
33 Veblen, Thorstein, The Theory of the Leisure Class: An Economic Study of Institutions (New York, 1905), 81; 104Google Scholar.
34 Józef Reiss, Najpiękniejsza ze wszystkich jest muzyka polska. Szkic historycznego rozwoju na tle przeobrażeń społecznych (Polish Music is the Best of All: A sketch of historical development against the background of social change) (Kraków, 1946), 112.
35 Pekacz, Music in the Culture of Polish Galicia, 150–51.
36 Marta Michalska, “Fortepian, albo plagi domowe. Paradoks gry na fortepianie w Warszawie na przełomie XIX i XX wieku (The Piano, or a Domestic Plague: The paradox of piano playing in Warsaw at the turn of the 19th and 20th century)” in Obyczaje I życie codzienne na przestrzeni dziejów. Studia przypadków (Customs and Everyday Life in History. A Study of Cases), ed. Patrycja Czarnecka, Wojciech Milej, and Agata Niedzielska (Warsaw, 2021).
37 Vogel, “The Piano as a Symbol,” 142–43.
38 Józef Jezierski, Ilustrowany Przewodnik po Krakowie i Okolicy z Planem Miasta 1914–1915 (Illustrated Guide to Cracow and Surroundings with the Plan of the City 1914–1915) (Kraków, 1914), cover.
39 Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny, 7 November 1915, 8.
40 Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny, 5 December 1915, 8.
41 Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny, 5 January 1919, 4.
42 Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny, 7 August 1921, 12.
43 Rutkowska, Pamiętnik Lwowianki, 123–24.
44 Głos Narodu (Voice of the Nation), 1 January 1911, 5.
45 Paderewski, Ignacy Jan and Lawton, Mary, The Paderewski Memoirs (New York, 1938), 45 Google Scholar.
46 Kurjer Lwowski (Lviv Courier), 4 October 1913, 10.
47 For an example of Steinway ads, see Głos Narodu, 1 October 1916, 4. For examples of Bechsteins, see Głos Narodu, 3 March and 7 July 1918, both on page 4.
48 Beniamin Vogel, Fortepian Polski: Budownictwo fortepianów na ziemiach polskich od poł. XVIII w. do II wojny światowej (The Polish Piano: Construction of pianos in the Polish lands from the middle of the Eighteenth Century to the Second World War) (Warsaw, 1995).
49 Vogel, Fortepian Polski, 197–280.
50 See Vogel, Fortepian Polski, 219. Examples of the Gabryelska advertisements can be found in the citations above.
51 These additional four advertisers were: St. Boroń, Floryanska street 38, see Głos Narodu, 1 January 1911, 5 and Nowa Reforma (New Reform), 4 November 1911, 5; M. Telesznicka furniture store, ulica Św. Jana 2, see Nowa Reforma, 6 May 1911, 6, and Czas (Time), 7 June 1914, 2; Wiktor Barabasz, Rynek 39, see Nowa Reforma, 7 October 1911, 10; Helena Smolarska appeared extensively in numerous titles such as Głos Narodu, see 3 March 1918, 4, Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny, see 7 November 1915, 8, and Naprzód (Forward) see 30 August 1916.
52 Vogel, Fortepian Polski, 197–280. The eight were the Bartoszewski, Bazylewicz, Fuchs, Hanak, Harszowski i Szkielski, Kaim i Syn, Marecki (Mikołaj), and Słotwiński workshops/factories. Artur Smutny manufactured pianos from 1912 to 1932.
53 Vogel, Fortepian Polski, 197–280. The shops of R. Bochenski, W. Marecki, J. Szklarski, and Kubessa closed in 1912.
54 Vogel, Fortepian Polski, 229.
55 Franciszek Reichman, Księga Adresowa Stoł. król Miasta Lwowa (Address Book of the Royal Capital of Lviv (Lviv, 1913), 538. The total number of fifteen is determined by combining the list of sellers present in the address book, adding any present in Vogel’s study that were active in 1913, and adding any that were present in newspaper advertising, but not in Vogel’s list, nor in the address book (overlaps were accounted for in all sources).
56 Dilo, 6 July 1912, 7 (Hanak), and Nowa Reforma, 4 November 1911, 5 (Boroń).
57 Reichman, Księga Adresowa, 538.
58 Vogel, Fortepian Polski, 219 (Gabryelska), Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny, 7 November 1915, 8 (Smolarska), and Nowa Reforma, 6 May 1911, 5 (Telesznicka).
59 Pierwszy Powszechny Spis Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej z Dnia 30 Września 1921 Roku (First Census of the Republic of Poland 30 September 1921) (Warsaw, 1927), 202, 239.
60 The Gabryelska factory took out numerous small ads in Naprzód during the prewar years, and during the early stages of the war in 1914. For example, see 23 November 1914, morning edition, 2.
61 Papiery Bolesława Wysłoucha, materiały spółki wydawniczej Kurier Lwowski z lat 1886 do 1918 (Papers of Bolesław Wysłouch, materials of the Lviv Courier publishing company from the year 1886–1918). The Ossolineum National Institute: 7198 II, 179; 465–93.
62 Głos Narodu, 4 March 1917, 6.
63 Wiek Nowy, 2 October 1915, 11.
64 Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny, 7 December 1919, 12.
65 See Nowa Reforma, 7 October 1911, 10; Wiek Nowy, 4 November 1911, 15; Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny, 6 October 1912, 7; Dilo, 5 October 1912, 7; Wiek Nowy, 5 April 1913, 15.
66 See Kurjer Lwowski, 17 April 1915, 4; Wiek Nowy, 2 December 1916, 11; Głos Narodu, 4 March 1917.
67 Wiek Nowy, 5 December 1914, 8.
68 See Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny, 7 December 1919, 12, 4 July 1920, 12, and 7 August 1921; Wiek Nowy, 4 January 1919, 7–9, 3 April 1920, 15–16, and 3 December 1921, 13–14.
69 Buying and selling advertisements on the same page can be seen in Wiek Nowy, 2 June 1917, 10. A private classified looking to rent can be found in Wiek Nowy, 5 October 1918, 14.
70 Wiek Nowy, 5 August 1919, 13.
71 Wiek Nowy, 3 April 1920, 16.
72 Wiek Nowy, June 1913, March 1915, August 1916, and August 1919.
73 von Mises, Ludwig, Monetary and Economic Policy Problems Before, During, and After the Great War. The Selected Writings of Ludwig von Mises , ed. Ebeling, Richard M., vol. 1 (Indianapolis, 2012), 213–14Google Scholar.
74 von Mises, Monetary and Economic Policy Problems, 213–14.
75 Kučera, Rationed Life, 79–80.
76 Rutkowska, Pamiętnik Lwowianki, 91.
77 Rutkowska, Pamiętnik Lwowianki, 143–44, 147.
78 Eisenmenger, Anna, The Diary of an Austrian Middle-Class Woman 1914–1924 (New York, 1932), 70 Google Scholar.
79 Rutkowska, Pamiętnik Lwowianki, 144.
80 Advertisements for furniture moving companies active in Lwów just before the war appear in the 1913 business address guide, Reichman, Księga Adresowa, 733. Examples of those in other service professions with wage flexibility appear in abundance in the same address book.
81 Wood, Becoming Metropolitan, 121–23.
82 Pierwszy Powszechny Spis Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, 239.
83 Klemens Bąkowski, Diariusz życia krakowskiego (Diary of Cracovian Life), Manuscript Collection of the Jagiellonian Library, 27 March 1916, Zeszyt 9, 48.
84 Cost per individual edition (non-subscription) from August 1914 and November 1918 daily editions of Ilustrowany Kurier Codzienny and Wiek Nowy.