As the first of what is intended to be a regular column devoted to recently published exhibition catalogues, the present list includes catalogues of exhibitions which closed some months ago. Future editions will aim at greater currency (in as far as a deadline two months prior to publication will allow), and will at least give priority to catalogues appearing in the three months between issues.
The primary aim of the column is to draw attention to catalogues which might otherwise escape notice, and to provide a brief description of those catalogues which are less accessible, and difficult to assess before purchasing. Consequently many important catalogues from major exhibiting organisations will be omitted, and the bias inevitably will be towards catalogues from foreign sources.
If, however, you the reader feel that there is a need for evaluative reviewing of certain more readily accessible catalogues as an aid to selection, please make your views known. In addition, the compiler would be very pleased to be notified of catalogues for inclusion in this column, particularly those of provincial exhibitions which sometimes escape national notice, and of which the art librarian on the spot is likely to be aware.