A Special Issue of APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing
Brief description:
Affect, emotion and behavior processing is a budding research area with a major focus on a more natural interaction between humans and machines. The advancements in affective computing from multimodal cues can be expected to lead to a major breakthrough in human-machine interaction in the near future. There are a wide range of issues and challenges in this area, particularly in modelling, recognition and synthesis of affective, mental and social behaviors and phenomena, as represented by speech, text, facial expressions, gaze, image, video, and physiological signals (e.g., heart rate, brain waves, skin conductance and respiration).
Currently, the capacity of model-based affective and emotional communication from multimodal cues is still too limited to provide a completely natural human-machine interaction. Although it is possible for multimodal systems to be able to communicate meaning concretely through language and facial expression, their ability to recognize and synthesize affect, emotion and behavior information is quite primitive. A significant aspect of natural interaction includes the ability to understand the affect and emotion information, to adapt audio-visual generation to the characteristic of particular users, and to fulfil the goal of communication.
Thus, affect, emotion and behavior processing raises new issues for computational science. It involves,
This special issue aims to collect together a global and comprehensive overview of the current state of this field. It will present updated results in research frontiers, algorithm development and its applications in automatic affect, emotion and behavior representation, recognition, and synthesis in human-machine interaction.
Potential Topics interests but are not limited to:
Editor in Chief APSIPA T-SIP
Tatsuya Kawahara, Professor, School of Informatics, Kyoto University, JAPAN
Guest Editor(s) of the special issue:
Schedule of submission and publication:
Submission Deadline: Saturday, 30 June 2018
Publication Date: December 2018
Papers are published upon acceptance, regardless of the Special Issue publication date.