Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 January 2015
1 Barker, H., ‘Radio Carbon Dating: Its Scope and Limitations’, ANTIQUITY, 1958, 253-63.
2 Tauber, H., Acta Archaeologica Austriaca, 1958, 24, 59-69.
3 Waterbolk, H. T., ANTIQUITY, 1960, 14-18.
4 Ó Ríordáin, S. P. ‘Lough Gur Excavations: Neolithic and Bronze Age Houses on Knockadoon’, Proc. R. Irish Acad, 1954, 56, C 5.
5 Evans, E. E., ‘Lyles Hill. A Late Neolithic Site in Co. Antrim’. H.M. Stationery Office, Belfast, 1953.
6 Mitchell, G. F., ‘An Early Kitchen-midden at Sutton, Co. Dublin , J.R.S.A.I., 1956, 86, 1-26.
7 Mitchell, G. F., ‘An Early Kitchen-midden in Co. Louth’. J. Co. Louth Archaeological Soc., 1947, 11, 169-74.
8 Collins, A. E. P., and Stephens, N., Proc. R. Irish Acad, 1960, (in press.)
9 Jessen, K., ‘Studies in Late Quaternary Deposits and Flora-history of Ireland’, Proc. R. Irish Acad., 1949, 52 B, 85-290.
10 Movius, H. L., The Irish Stone Age, Cambridge, 1942.
11 Collins, A. E. P., ‘Trial Excavations in a Round Cairn on Knockiveagh, Co. Down.’ U.J.A., 1957, 20, 8-28.
12 Giot, P. R., ‘Une station du Néolithique Primaire Armoricain: Le Curnic en Guissény, Finistère,’ Bull. Soc. Préhist. Franc., 1959, 56, 292-3.
13 Unpublished excavation of the late Professor Ó Ríordáin. To be published by Dr M. de Paor.
14 Liversage, G. D., ‘An Island Site at Lough Gur’, J.R.S.A.I., 1958, 88, 67-81.
15 ANTIQUITY, 1959, 289.
16 de Valera, R., ‘The Court Cairns of Ireland’, Proc. R. Irish Acad., 1960, 60, C 2.
17 Herring, I. J., ‘The Forecourt, Hanging Thorn Cairn, Ballyutoag, Ligoniel’, Proc. Belfast Nat. Hist. and Phil. Soc., 1936-7 (1938), 43-9.
18 DAVIES, O., ‘Excavation of a Horned Cairn at Aghanaglack, Co. Fermanagh,’ J.R.S.A.I., 1939, 68, 21-38.
19 Hencken, H. O’N., ‘A Long Cairn at Creevykeel, Co. Sligo’, J.R.S.A.I., 1939, 69, 53-98.
20 Case, H., Paper to Prehistoric Society, 1960 (in press).
21 van der Waals, J. D. and Glasbergen, W., ‘Beaker Types and their Distribution in the Netherlands’, Palaeohistoria, 1955, 4, 5-46.
22 Hartnett, P. J., ‘Excavation of a Passage-grave at Four-Knocks, Co. Meath’, Proc. R. Irish Acad., 1957, 58 C 5.
23 Piggott, S., Neolithic Cultures of the British Isles, Cambridge, 1954.
24 de Paor, M., Discussion in paper to Hamburg Conference (in press).
25 Unpublished, Wrist-bracer in National Museum, Dublin.
26 Davies, O., Excavations at Island McHugh, Belfast (Nat. Hist, and Phil. Soc.), 1950.
27 O’Kelly, M. J., ‘A Wedge-shaped Gallery-grave at Island, Co. Cork’, J.R.S.A.I., 1958, 88, 1-24.
28 Unpublished.
29 Dates in this paper from Ireland are based on the oxalic acid standard, except D 46, which is based on a closely comparable standard. In comparing Dutch and Irish dates I have added 200 years to the Dutch. (See n. 3.)