We here conclude the series of reports on our journeys in the Dodecanese Islands. The work on Rhodes, begun by Mr. and Mrs. Lazenby and Hope Simpson in August 1968, was continued by Mr. and Mrs. Hope Simpson during the end of August and early September 1970. Hope Simpson also made a short visit to Chalki in September, and a longer visit to Astypalaia in October. As previously, our main objective has been to gauge the extent of prehistoric, and especially of Mycenaean, habitation in the Dodecanese. We have now visited all the main islands, for varying periods of time and with varying degrees of success. Much still remains to be done, and the results are subject to the usual limitations inherent in surface exploration. There was, for instance, no time to complete a full survey of the island of Rhodes, and our work there was more in the nature of a ‘reconnaissance in force’. It should be explained, however, that in addition to the usual obstacles of the terrain, the widespread Hellenistic and Roman settlements on Rhodes have evidently covered or obliterated most of the signs of earlier habitation on the same sites. On Astypalaia, for instance, conditions were much more favourable for eclectic surface search, and the measure of success was accordingly greater.