Since the first account of Thermi was written for Vol. XXX, a large area has been excavated, completing, more or less, the Early Bronze Age settlement, and defining, as far as is possible, a settlement belonging to the Late Bronze Age.
As space is not unlimited, I have here omitted questions dealt with in Vol. XXX, and, when discussing new aspects of the site, have published less detailed evidence than I could wish. In short, this report must be supplemented, not only by the earlier one, but by a separate and complete publication. In the meantime, I have done my best to give a general outline of the new developments.
The staff consisted of Miss Six, Mr. Hutchinson, Mr. Brock, Miss Mitchell (who was responsible for the maps during one season), myself and, for a shorter period, Mr. Cuttle of Downing College and Miss Horner of Newnham College.