The following abbreviations have been used, in addition to those already used in the Annual.
Arias. P. E. Arias, Il teatro greco fuori di Atene, Firenze, 1934.
Bieber, Denkmäler. Margarete Bieber, Denkmäler zum Theaterwesen, Berlin and Leipzig, 1920.
Bieber, H. T. Id., History of the Greek and Roman Theater, Princeton, 1939.
Bulle. H. Bulle, Untersuchungen an griechischen Theatern, München, 1928.
D-R. W. Dörpfeld and E. Reisch, Das griechische Theater, Athens, 1896.
Defrasse. A. Defrasse and H. Lechat, Epidaure, Paris, 1895.
Fiechter, A I, A III. E. Fiechter, Das Dionysostheater in Athen, I, III (Antike griech. Theatergebäude, Stuttgart, 1930–37).
Fiechter, Eretria. Id., Das Theater in Eretria (same series; similarly Fiechter, Megalopolis, Oropos, Sikyon).
Guide Bleu. Guide Bleu, La Grèce, 1935 ed.
Thera. F. Hiller von Gärtringen, Thera, 1899–1902.
Thanks are due to the editors, and to Mr. A. M. Woodward (on the subject of the theatre at Sparta), for their kind help and criticism.
This article is intended to form a supplement to The Greek Theatre Cavea in BSA XLIII, 125 ff. In the case of the theatre of Dionysus at Athens a detailed description is not necessary, as the works of Fiechter and Pickard-Cambridge cover nearly all the ground; comment is therefore confined to measurements of seats, etc. Theatres visited in Greece and the Aegean only are included.