Editorial Note
This book review arrived here at the beginning
of this year with a very apologetic note from the
author, Bill Hamilton, about the long delay in
producing the review and its ‘rambling essay
format’. Sadly, Hamilton died just a few weeks
later from complications following malarial infection. Several tributes have been published,
such as Science (2000), 287, 2438, and we continue
the tributes with a final unedited manuscript
from the hand of this unique, colourful and
idiosyncratic evolutionary theorist.
Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern
Populations. Human Evolution, Behaviour,
and Intelligence Series. By R. LYNN
(Series Editor: S. ITZKOFF). Westport,
Connecticut and London: Praeger. 1996.
Pp. 237. £47.50 (hardback).
In a sense a dominance hierarchy has only one
satisfied individual – she or he at the top. If the
hierarchy is bottom-numerous rather than linear,
as is the case with most human hierarchies, it is
all the more true that the vast majority of people
are dissatisfied, wishing they were higher up, a
thought which provides a basic reason why
democracies (and especially, within democracies,
such institutions as their state school systems)
have to be unstable. We see a wobbly pyramid,
and particularly within that pyramid we see
certain side stairs all human examples have by
which demagogues skip up a level or two so as to
shout down to the restless base that the whole
structure is somehow ‘wrong’. Under a different
system, the demagogue shouts, ‘You could be
higher too’.