Abe-Ouchi, A 331
Sensitivity of Greenland ice sheet simulation to the numerical procedure employed for ice-sheet dynamics
Abe-Ouchi, A 433
Re-evaluation of paleo-accumulation parameterization over Northern Hemisphere ice sheets during the ice age examined with a high-resolution AGCM and a 3-D icesheet model
Aðalgeirsdóttir, G 23
Analyses of a surging outlet glacier of Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland
Adam, WG 67
Basal ice motion and deformation at the ice-sheet margin, West Greenland
Ananicheva, MD 163
High-resolution reconstruction of Polar Ural glacier mass balance for the last millennium
Andreassen, LM 317
Glacier mass-balance and length variation in Norway
Arendt, A 409
Volume change of McCall Glacier, Arctic Alaska, USA, 1956–2003
Arkhipov, SM 249
Geochemical properties of the water–snow–ice complexes in the area of Shokalsky glacier, Novaya Zemlya, in relation to tabular ground-ice formation
Arnold, N 445
Seasonal patterns of velocity and strain across the tongue of the polythermal glacier midre Lovénbreen, Svalbard
Baker, I 441
Microstructural characterization of ice cores
Balut, A 125
Temporal changes in the radiophysical properties of a polythermal glacier in Spitsbergen
Bamber, J 373
Interpretation of the anomalous growth of Austfonna, Svalbard, a large Arctic ice cap
Bamber, JL 202
Elevation changes measured on Svalbard glaciers and ice caps from airborne laser data
Bassford, RP 230
Estimating the contribution of Arctic glaciers to sea-level change in the next 100 years
Björnsson, H 23
Analyses of a surging outlet glacier of Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland
Björnsson, H 118
Estimating the mass balance of Vatnajökull, Iceland, from NOAA AVHRR imagery
Björnsson, H 284
Mass-balance rates derived by mapping internal tephra layers in Mýrdalsjökull and Vatnajökull ice caps, Iceland
Björnsson, H 291
Glacier winds on Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland, and their relation to temperatures of its lowland environs
Bostick, B 441
Microstructural characterization of ice cores
Box, JE 90
Greenland ice sheet surface mass-balance variability: 1991–2003
Bradwell, T 171
A revised chronology of key Vatnajökull (Iceland) outlet glaciers during the Little Ice Age
Braithwaite, RJ 225
Mass-balance characteristics of arctic glaciers
Brandt, O 284
Mass-balance rates derived by mapping internal tephra layers in Mýrdalsjökull and Vatnajökull ice caps, Iceland
Braun, M 395
Distributed mass-balance and climate sensitivity modelling of Engabreen, Norway
Brinkhaus, M 42
Multi-year water and surface energy budget of a high-latitude polythermal glacier: evidence for overwinter water storage in a dynamic subglacial reservoir
Brisbourne, A 151
Seismic emissions from a surging glacier: Bakaninbreen, Svalbard
Brown, I 395
Distributed mass-balance and climate sensitivity modelling of Engabreen, Norway
Brown, IA 29
Velocity measurements on Engabreen, Norway
Brown, IA 209
Problems with the retrieval of glacier net surface balance from AR imagery
Brugger, KA 180
Variation in glacier length and ice volume of Rabots Glaciär, Sweden, in response to climate change, 1910–2003
Calluy, GHK 118
Estimating the mass balance of Vatnajökull, Iceland, from NOAA AVHRR imagery
Chandler, DM 67
Basal ice motion and deformation at the ice-sheet margin, West Greenland
Chang, H 441
Microstructural characterization of ice cores
Chapman, W 230
Estimating the contribution of Arctic glaciers to sea-level change in the next 100 years
Clausen, HB 47
Ice fabric evolution process understood from anisotropic distribution of a-axis orientation on the GRIP (Greenland) ice core
Clausen, HB 101
An empirical firn-densification model comprising ice lenses
Clausen, HB 326
Regional and temporal variation of accumulation around NorthGRIP derived from ground-penetrating radar
Conway, H 402
Influence of upper-air conditions on glaciers in Scandinavia
Cooper, R 243
Interannual variability in the spatial distribution of winter accumulation at a high-Arctic glacier (Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard), and its relationship with topography
Corcuera, MI 158
Ice-volume changes (1936–1990) and structure of Aldegondabreen, Spitsbergen
Cuadrado, ML 158
Ice-volume changes (1936–1990) and structure of Aldegondabreen, Spitsbergen
Daghlian, CP 441
Microstructural characterization of ice cores
De Angelis, H 135
Palaeo-ice streams in the northern Keewatin sector of the Laurentide ice sheet
De Ruyter De Wildt, M 230
Estimating the contribution of Arctic glaciers to sea-level change in the next 100 years
De Woul, M 217
Static mass-balance sensitivity of Arctic glaciers and ice caps using a degree-day approach
Dean, A 209
Problems with the retrieval of glacier net surface balance from AR imagery
Dowdeswell, JA 202
Elevation changes measured on Svalbard glaciers and ice caps from airborne laser data
Dowdeswell, JA 230
Estimating the contribution of Arctic glaciers to sea-level change in the next 100 years
Eiken, T 255
Geometry changes on Svalbard glaciers: mass-balance or dynamic response?
Eisen, O 326
Regional and temporal variation of accumulation around NorthGRIP derived from ground-penetrating radar
Elvehøy, H 29
Velocity measurements on Engabreen, Norway
Elvehøy, H 195
Investigations on intra-annual elevation changes using multi-temporal airborne laser scanning data: case study Engabreen, Norway
Elvehøy, H 317
Glacier mass-balance and length variation in Norway
Elvehøy, H 395
Distributed mass-balance and climate sensitivity modelling of Engabreen, Norway
Engeset, RV 35
Analysis of the first jökulhlaup at Blåmannsisen, northern Norway, and implications for future events
Engeset, RV 317
Glacier mass-balance and length variation in Norway
Fisher, DA 101
An empirical firn-densification model comprising ice lenses
Frederick, E 77
Elevation changes on the Greenland ice sheet from comparison of aircraft and ICESat laser-altimeter data
Fritzsche, D 361
A 275 year ice-core record from Akademii Nauk ice cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic
Gauer, P 237
The influence of drifting snow on the location of glaciers on western Spitsbergen, Svalbard
Geist, T 195
Investigations on intra-annual elevation changes using multi-temporal airborne laser scanning data: case study Engabreen, Norway
Gjessing, Y 284
Mass-balance rates derived by mapping internal tephra layers in Mýrdalsjökull and Vatnajökull ice caps, Iceland
Glazovsky, AF 125
Temporal changes in the radiophysical properties of a polythermal glacier in Spitsbergen
Glazovsky, AF 158
Ice-volume changes (1936–1990) and structure of Aldegondabreen, Spitsbergen
Glazovsky, AF 230
Estimating the contribution of Arctic glaciers to sea-level change in the next 100 years
Glowacki, P 125
Temporal changes in the radiophysical properties of a polythermal glacier in Spitsbergen
Grabiec 269
An estimation of snow accumulation on Svalbard glaciers on the basis of standard weather-station observations
Greuell, JW 118
Estimating the mass balance of Vatnajökull, Iceland, from NOAA AVHRR imagery
Greuell, W 107
Assessment of the surface mass balance along the K-transect (Greenland ice sheet) from satellite-derived albedos
Greuell, W 311
Surface mass-balance observations and automatic weather station data along a transect near Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland
Greve, R 424
Relation of measured basal temperatures and the spatial distribution of the geothermal heat flux for the Greenland ice sheet
Gudmundsson, S 291
Glacier winds on Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland, and their relation to temperatures of its lowland environs
Haakensen, N 317
Glacier mass-balance and length variation in Norway
Hagen, JO 255
Geometry changes on Svalbard glaciers: mass-balance or dynamic response?
Hagen, JO 262
Assessing the future evolution of meltwater intrusions into a mine below Gruvefonna, Svalbard
Hagen, JO 230
Estimating the contribution of Arctic glaciers to sea-level change in the next 100 years
Hagen, JO 395
Distributed mass-balance and climate sensitivity modelling of Engabreen, Norway
Hamilton, GS 53
Multi-decadal record of ice dynamics on Daugaard Jensen Gletscher, East Greenland, from satellite imagery and terrestrial measurements
Heinemeier, J 145
The presence of thrust-block naled after a major surge event: Kuannersuit Glacier, West Greenland
Hinzman, L 409
Volume change of McCall Glacier, Arctic Alaska, USA, 1956–2003
Hock, R 217
Static mass-balance sensitivity of Arctic glaciers and ice caps using a degree-day approach
Hock, R 262
Assessing the future evolution of meltwater intrusions into a mine below Gruvefonna, Svalbard
Hock, R 395
Distributed mass-balance and climate sensitivity modelling of Engabreen, Norway
Hodgkins, R 71
Temporal variations in flow velocity at Finsterwalderbreen, a Svalbard surge-type glacier
Hodgkins, R 243
Interannual variability in the spatial distribution of winter accumulation at a high-Arctic glacier (Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard), and its relationship with topography
Hodson, A 42
Multi-year water and surface energy budget of a high-latitude polythermal glacier: evidence for overwinter water storage in a dynamic subglacial reservoir
Holmlund, P 389
A re-analysis of the 58 year mass-balance record of Storglaciären, Sweden
Hondoh, T 47
Ice fabric evolution process understood from anisotropic distribution of a-axis orientation on the GRIP (Greenland) ice core
Hori, A 47
Ice fabric evolution process understood from anisotropic distribution of a-axis orientation on the GRIP (Greenland) ice core
Hubberten, H-W 249
Geochemical properties of the water–snow–ice complexes in the area of Shokalsky glacier, Novaya Zemlya, in relation to tabular ground-ice formation
Iliescu, D 441
Microstructural characterization of ice cores
Isaksson, E 345
The methanesulfonic acid (MSA) record in a Svalbard ice core
Jackson, M 29
Velocity measurements on Engabreen, Norway
Jackson, M 35
Analysis of the first jökulhlaup at Blåmannsisen, northern Norway, and implications for future events
Jackson, M 195
Investigations on intra-annual elevation changes using multi-temporal airborne laser scanning data: case study Engabreen, Norway
Jackson, M 395
Distributed mass-balance and climate sensitivity modelling of Engabreen, Norway
Jaedicke, C 237
The influence of drifting snow on the location of glaciers on western Spitsbergen, Svalbard
Jania, J 125
Temporal changes in the radiophysical properties of a polythermal glacier in Spitsbergen
Jansson, P 303
Assessment of combined glacier and tree-ring studies to constrain latitudinal climate forcing of Scandinavian glacier mass balances
Jansson, P 389
A re-analysis of the 58 year mass-balance record of Storglaciären, Sweden
Johnsen, SJ 337
The duration of the Bølling–Allerød period (Greenland Interstadial 1) in the GRIP ice core
Kää b, A 7
Flow field of Kronebreen, Svalbard, using repeated Landsat 7 and ASTER data
Kää b, A 59
Perspectives on the production of a glacier inventory from multispectral satellite data in Arctic Canada: Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island
Katagiri, Y 352
The role of atmospheric circulation in the growth of sea-ice extent in marginal seas around the Arctic Ocean
Kekonen, T 345
The methanesulfonic acid (MSA) record in a Svalbard ice core
Kjøllmoen, B 317
Glacier mass-balance and length variation in Norway
Kleman, J 135
Palaeo-ice streams in the northern Keewatin sector of the Laurentide ice sheet
Klingbjer, P 209
Problems with the retrieval of glacier net surface balance from AR imagery
Knudsen, NT 145
The presence of thrust-block naled after a major surge event: Kuannersuit Glacier, West Greenland
Koerner, RM 101
An empirical firn-densification model comprising ice lenses
Koerner, RM 417
Mass balance of glaciers in the Queen Elizabeth Islands, Nunavut, Canada
Kohler, J 42
Multi-year water and surface energy budget of a high-latitude polythermal glacier: evidence for overwinter water storage in a dynamic subglacial reservoir
Kohler, J 255
Geometry changes on Svalbard glaciers: mass-balance or dynamic response?
Kohler, J 277
Modelling the impact of superimposed ice on the mass balance of an Arctic glacier under scenarios of future climate change
Kononov, YM 163
High-resolution reconstruction of Polar Ural glacier mass balance for the last millennium
Krabill, W 77
Elevation changes on the Greenland ice sheet from comparison of aircraft and ICESat laser-altimeter data
Krabill, W 202
Elevation changes measured on Svalbard glaciers and ice caps from airborne laser data
Krabill, W 373
Interpretation of the anomalous growth of Austfonna, Svalbard, a large Arctic ice cap
Kronborg, C 145
The presence of thrust-block naled after a major surge event: Kuannersuit Glacier, West Greenland
Lapazaran, J 125
Temporal changes in the radiophysical properties of a polythermal glacier in Spitsbergen
Larsen, NK 145
The presence of thrust-block naled after a major surge event: Kuannersuit Glacier, West Greenland
Lefauconnier, B 7
Flow field of Kronebreen, Svalbard, using repeated Landsat 7 and ASTER data
Leibman, MO 249
Geochemical properties of the water–snow–ice complexes in the area of Shokalsky glacier, Novaya Zemlya, in relation to tabular ground-ice formation
Linderholm, H 303
Assessment of combined glacier and tree-ring studies to constrain latitudinal climate forcing of Scandinavian glacier mass balances
Luckman, A 277
Modelling the impact of superimposed ice on the mass balance of an Arctic glacier under scenarios of future climate change
Macheret, YuYa 125
Temporal changes in the radiophysical properties of a polythermal glacier in Spitsbergen
Macheret, YuYa 158
Ice-volume changes (1936–1990) and structure of Aldegondabreen, Spitsbergen
Magnú sson, E 23
Analyses of a surging outlet glacier of Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland
Manizade, S 77
Elevation changes on the Greenland ice sheet from comparison of aircraft and ICESat laser-altimeter data
Martin, C 77
Elevation changes on the Greenland ice sheet from comparison of aircraft and ICESat laser-altimeter data
Mason, A 77
Elevation changes on the Greenland ice sheet from comparison of aircraft and ICESat laser-altimeter data
Mayer, C 297
Breaching of an icedamat Qorlortossup tasia, south Greenland
Mckinzey, K 171
A revised chronology of key Vatnajökull (Iceland) outlet glaciers during the Little Ice Age
Melvold, K 230
Estimating the contribution of Arctic glaciers to sea-level change in the next 100 years
Melvold, K 255
Geometry changes on Svalbard glaciers: mass-balance or dynamic response?
Melvold, K 262
Assessing the future evolution of meltwater intrusions into a mine below Gruvefonna, Svalbard
Melvold, K. 7
Flow field of Kronebreen, Svalbard, using repeated Landsat 7 and ASTER data
Meyer, H 361
A 275 year ice-core record from Akademii Nauk ice cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic
Migala, K 125
Temporal changes in the radiophysical properties of a polythermal glacier in Spitsbergen
Miller, H 361
A 275 year ice-core record from Akademii Nauk ice cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic
Miyamoto, A 47
Ice fabric evolution process understood from anisotropic distribution of a-axis orientation on the GRIP (Greenland) ice core
Moore, J 345
The methanesulfonic acid (MSA) record in a Svalbard ice core
Mulvaney, R 345
The methanesulfonic acid (MSA) record in a Svalbard ice core
Murray, T 151
Seismic emissions from a surging glacier: Bakaninbreen, Svalbard
Navarro, FJ 125
Temporal changes in the radiophysical properties of a polythermal glacier in Spitsbergen
Navarro, FJ 158
Ice-volume changes (1936–1990) and structure of Aldegondabreen, Spitsbergen
Nelson, AE 14
Till genesis and glacier motion inferred from sedimentological evidence associated with the surge-type glacier, Brúarjökull, Iceland
Nick, FM 1
A minimal model of a tidewater glacier
Nielsen, OB 145
The presence of thrust-block naled after a major surge event: Kuannersuit Glacier, West Greenland
Nishimura, T 433
Re-evaluation of paleo-accumulation parameterization over Northern Hemisphere ice sheets during the ice age examined with a high-resolution AGCM and a 3-D ice-sheet model
Nolan, M 409
Volume change of McCall Glacier, Arctic Alaska, USA, 1956–2003
Nuttall, A-M 71
Temporal variations in flow velocity at Finsterwalderbreen, a Svalbard surge-type glacier
Obbard, R 441
Microstructural characterization of ice cores
ócofaigh, C 14
Till genesis and glacier motion inferred from sedimentological evidence associated with the surge-type glacier, Brúarjökull, Iceland
Oerlemans, J 1
A minimal model of a tidewater glacier
Oerlemans, J 107
Assessment of the surface mass balance along the K-transect (Greenland ice sheet) from satellite-derived albedos
Oerlemans, J 118
Estimating the mass balance of Vatnajökull, Iceland, from NOAA AVHRR imagery
Oerlemans, J 202
Elevation changes measured on Svalbard glaciers and ice caps from airborne laser data
Oerlemans, J 230
Estimating the contribution of Arctic glaciers to sea-level change in the next 100 years
Oerlemans, J 311
Surface mass-balance observations and automatic weather station data along a transect near Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland
Oerlemans, J 367
The residual method for determination of the turbulent exchange coefficient applied to automatic weather station data from Iceland, Switzerland and West Greenland
Ohtake, H 352
The role of atmospheric circulation in the growth of sea-ice extent in marginal seas around the Arctic Ocean
Olsen, J 145
The presence of thrust-block naled after a major surge event: Kuannersuit Glacier, West Greenland
Olsen, J 337
The duration of the Bølling–Allerød period (Greenland Interstadial 1) in the GRIP ice core OPEL, T 361 A 275 year ice-core record from Akademii Nauk ice cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic
Orwin, JF 171
A revised chronology of key Vatnajökull (Iceland) outlet glaciers during the Little Ice Age
Pa´ lsson, F 23
Analyses of a surging outlet glacier of Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland
Pa´ lsson, F 291
Glacier winds on Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland, and their relation to temperatures of its lowland environs
Paul, F 59
Perspectives on the production of a glacier inventory from multispectral satellite data in Arctic Canada: Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island
Perednya, DD 249
Geochemical properties of the water–snow–ice complexes in the area of Shokalsky glacier, Novaya Zemlya, in relation to tabular ground-ice formation
Pettersson, R 389
A re-analysis of the 58 year mass-balance record of Storglaciären, Sweden
Piwowar, BA 125
Temporal changes in the radiophysical properties of a polythermal glacier in Spitsbergen
Rabus, B 409
Volume change of McCall Glacier, Arctic Alaska, USA, 1956–2003
Raper, V 202
Elevation changes measured on Svalbard glaciers and ice caps from airborne laser data
Raper, V 373
Interpretation of the anomalous growth of Austfonna, Svalbard, a large Arctic ice cap
Rasmussen, LA 402
Influence of upper-air conditions on glaciers in Scandinavia
Reeh, N 53
Multi-decadal record of ice dynamics on Daugaard Jensen Gletscher, East Greenland, from satellite imagery and terrestrial measurements
Reeh, N 101
An empirical firn-densification model comprising ice lenses
Refsnider, KA 180
Variation in glacier length and ice volume of Rabots Glaciär, Sweden, in response to climate change, 1910–2003
Reijmer, CH 311
Surface mass-balance observations and automatic weather station data along a transect near Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland
Rikiishi, K 352
The role of atmospheric circulation in the growth of sea-ice extent in marginal seas around the Arctic Ocean
Rikiishi, K 380
On the growth of ice cover in the Sea of Okhotsk with special reference to its negative correlation with that in the Bering Sea
Rippin, D 445
Seasonal patterns of velocity and strain across the tongue of the polythermal glacier midre Lovénbreen, Svalbard
Rolstad, C 367
The residual method for determination of the turbulent exchange coefficient applied to automatic weather station data from Iceland, Switzerland and West Greenland
Saito, F 331
Sensitivity of Greenland ice sheet simulation to the numerical procedure employed for ice-sheet dynamics
Saito, F 433
Re-evaluation of paleo-accumulation parameterization over Northern Hemisphere ice sheets during the ice age examined with a high-resolution AGCM and a 3-D icesheet model
Savatyugin, LM 361
A 275 year ice-core record from Akademii Nauk ice cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic
Savvichev, AS 249
Geochemical properties of the water–snow–ice complexes in the area of Shokalsky glacier, Novaya Zemlya, in relation to tabular ground-ice formation
Schütt, R 361
A 275 year ice-core record from Akademii Nauk ice cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic
Schuler, TV 35
Analysis of the first jökulhlaup at Blåmannsisen, northern Norway, and implications for future events
Schuler, TV 262
Assessing the future evolution of meltwater intrusions into a mine below Gruvefonna, Svalbard
Schuler, TV 297
Breaching of an ice dam at Qorlortossup tasia, south Greenland
Schuler, TV 395
Distributed mass-balance and climate sensitivity modelling of Engabreen, Norway
Segawa, T 433
Re-evaluation of paleo-accumulation parameterization over Northern Hemisphere ice sheets during the ice age examined with a high-resolution AGCM and a 3-D ice-sheet model
Seierstad, IK 337
The duration of the Bølling–Allerød period (Greenland Interstadial 1) in the GRIP ice core
Shoji, H 47
Ice fabric evolution process understood from anisotropic distribution of a-axis orientation on the GRIP (Greenland) ice core
Siegert, M 277
Modelling the impact of superimposed ice on the mass balance of an Arctic glacier under scenarios of future climate change
Sood, A 95
Fresh-water discharge from Greenland using regional climate simulations
Stötter, J 195
Investigations on intra-annual elevation changes using multitemporal airborne laser scanning data: case study Engabreen, Norway
Stearns, LA 53
Multi-decadal record of ice dynamics on Daugaard Jensen Gletscher, East Greenland, from satellite imagery and terrestrial measurements
Steinhage, D 326
Regional and temporal variation of accumulation around NorthGRIP derived from ground-penetrating radar
Stuart, G 151
Seismic emissions from a surging glacier: Bakaninbreen, Svalbard
Styles, P 151
Seismic emissions from a surging glacier: Bakaninbreen, Svalbard
Sun, X 83
ICESat measurement of Greenland ice sheet surface slope and roughness
Takatsuji, S 380
On the growth of ice cover in the Sea of Okhotsk with special reference to its negative correlation with that in the Bering Sea
Thomas, R 77
Elevation changes on the Greenland ice sheet from comparison of aircraft and ICESat laser-altimeter data
Toon, S 151
Seismic emissions from a surging glacier: Bakaninbreen, Svalbard
Tranter, M 243
Interannual variability in the spatial distribution of winter accumulation at a high-Arctic glacier (Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard), and its relationship with topography
Van De Wal, RSW 230
Estimating the contribution of Arctic glaciers to sea-level change in the next 100 years
Van De Wal, RSW 311
Surface mass-balance observations and automatic weather station data along a transect near Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland
Van Den Broeke, MR 311
Surface mass-balance observations and automatic weather station data along a transect near Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland
Vanshtein, BG 249
Geochemical properties of the water–snow–ice complexes in the area of Shokalsky glacier, Novaya Zemlya, in relation to tabular ground-ice formation
Vasilenko, EV 125
Temporal changes in the radiophysical properties of a polythermal glacier in Spitsbergen
Vasilenko, EV 158
Ice-volume changes (1936–1990) and structure of Aldegondabreen, Spitsbergen
Vinther, BM 337
The duration of the Bølling–Allerød period (Greenland Interstadial 1) in the GRIP ice core
Wadham, J 243
Interannual variability in the spatial distribution of winter accumulation at a high-Arctic glacier (Finsterwalderbreen, Svalbard), and its relationship with topography
Wadham, J 277
Modelling the impact of superimposed ice on the mass balance of an Arctic glacier under scenarios of future climate change
Waller, RI 67
Basal ice motion and deformation at the ice-sheet margin, West Greenland
Watanabe, O 47
Ice fabric evolution process understood from anisotropic distribution of a-axis orientation on the GRIP (Greenland) ice core
Whitehill, MF 180
Variation in glacier length and ice volume of Rabots Glaciär, Sweden, in response to climate change, 1910–2003
Wilhelms, F 361
A 275 year ice-core record from Akademii Nauk ice cap, Severnaya Zemlya, Russian Arctic
Willis, IC 445
Seasonal patterns of velocity and strain across the tongue of the polythermal glacier midre Lovénbreen, Svalbard
Willis, IC 14
Till genesis and glacier motion inferred from sedimentological evidence associated with the surge-type glacier, Brúarjökull, Iceland
Willis, IC 163
High-resolution reconstruction of Polar Ural glacier mass balance for the last millennium
Wright, A 277
Modelling the impact of superimposed ice on the mass balance of an Arctic glacier under scenarios of future climate change
Yamagishi, T 433
Re-evaluation of paleo-accumulation parameterization over Northern Hemisphere ice sheets during the ice age examined with a high-resolution AGCM and a 3-D ice-sheet model
Yde, JC 145
The presence of thrust-block naled after a major surge event: Kuannersuit Glacier, West Greenland
Yi, D 83
ICESat measurement of Greenland ice sheet surface slope and roughness
Ziaja, W 189
Response of the Nordenskiöld Land (Spitsbergen) glaciers Grumantbreen, Håbergbreen and Dryadbreen to the climate warming after the Little Ice Age
Zwally, HJ 83
ICESat measurement of Greenland ice sheet surface slope and roughness