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Please note that book reviews can be submitted in French, English, Italian, German, or Spanish, but do not form part of the English edition and will only be published in French.

  • Each book review should be approximately 10,000 characters long, including spaces. It can be shorter if the author wishes, or, if the book is of sufficient interest, as long as 15,000 characters. Long reviews should be agreed in advance with the editor.
  • Since the text will be presented in columns, paragraphs should be limited to around 1,000 characters (approximately ten lines in a Word document) 
  • Book reviews should contain no more than two bibliographical references, to be included at the end of the text (and not as footnotes).
  • Citations from the book being reviewed should be included in the body text and followed by the page number in parentheses.
  • When referring to individuals or authors, make sure to provide the full name in the first instance. In subsequent mentions the surname will suffice.  

In addition, please supply the following details in the order listed here:

  • The author’s complete first and last name
  • The full title of the book (refer to the title page)
  • Place of publication, editor, year of publication, and the number of pages.

Please save your review under your surname and send it as a .doc or .rtf file to [email protected].

The editors encourage authors of book reviews to privilege methodological and critical analysis over summarizing content. Reviewers of multi-author works or edited collections should present the most notable contributions or the major themes traversing the volume rather than briefly reviewing each chapter.

Once a potential reviewer has read the volume in question, he or she is free to decide whether it merits a review and whether that review should be positive or negative. If you do not consider that a volume warrants a review, please inform us as soon as possible, briefly outlining your reasons.

The editorial staff are happy to help with any other questions concerning these guidelines or book reviews in general. 

Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales - English Edition
  • ISSN: 2398-5682 (Print), 2268-3763 (Online)
  • Frequency: 4 issues per year

Les Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, une référence internationale depuis 1929

Founded in 1929 by Marc Bloch and Lucien Febvre, the Annales has always sought to transcend its prestigious heritage by continually presenting the most innovative research in the field of history. The journal provides a unique platform for dialogue between the various social sciences, remaining open to new fields of research, comparative history, cultural analysis, and epistemological reflection. Renowned experts and emerging historians alike contribute to keeping the spirit of the Annales alive. The journal also accords an important place to the examination of recent scientific developments in the form of book reviews (200 per year) and in-depth analysis of the most important works being published today. The Annales is the most widely distributed Francophone journal in the world.