Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 September 2010
Lambs from Perendale, Merino × Perendale, Romney, Merino × Romney and Coopworth ewes, and Southdown and Suffolk sires were assigned to three groups. Groups received no treatment, nine weekly doses of 175 mg iron (Fe) per kg body weight or nine weekly doses of 175 mg zinc (Zn) per kg body weight. They were slaughtered 1 week after the last dose. Samples of m. longissimus were analysed for Fe and Zn concentration.
Muscle Zn concentration was greater for Southdown-sired lambs (85·5 mg/kg dried muscle) than for Suffolk-sired lambs (77·6 mg/kg; P < 0·01). Dam genotypes and the interaction of sire breed and dam genotype were not significant for Zn concentration. Heritability of muscle Zn concentration was estimated to be 0·92 (s.e. 0·48). Muscle Fe concentration showed a significant interaction between sire breed and dam genotype (P < 0·05). Heritability of muscle Fe was estimated to be 0·21 (s.e. 0·38). No significant interactions of either sire breed or dam breed × treatment were found.