Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 September 1960
1. Eight Ayrshire milk cows were grazed for four 3-week periods from July to October 1957 in a balanced sequence on two strip-grazed and two free-grazed paddocks, each of two acres. Feed intake and digestibility were estimated by the chromic-oxide faecal-nitrogen method.
2. There was no significant difference in average feed digestibility between the treatments. Free grazing cows ate 30·4 lb. dry matter per day and strip grazing cows 28·9 lb. The difference was just significant (p<0·05). There was no significant difference in milk yield, live-weight or live-weight gain per cow.
3. Total feed output per acre was 11% greater on strip grazing when measured by utilised starch equivalent but only 1 % greater when measured by estimated feed consumption. The data suggest that strip-grazed cattle needed less energy for grazing.
4. The results are discussed with reference to their accuracy, their implications on grazing management and their correspondence with estimates of food requirements based on indoor feeding standards.