Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 September 2010
A study was made of the effect of fibre level in forages on eating and rumination behaviour. Eight forage diets were prepared from the leaf and stem fractions of two grasses and two legumes and were given at hourly intervals to four steers under steady-state conditions. Eating and rumination behaviour were measured automatically by recording changes in intra-oesophageal pressure.
Mean voluntary intake of leaf was higher than that of the stem fractions (9·9 v. 5·6 kg/day; P < 0·001). This was associated with a shorter mean retention time in the rumen of the leaf than that of the stem fractions (21·4 v. 30·6 h; P < 0·001) and a lower concentration (g/100 g dry matter (DM)) of fibre (52-0 neutral-detergent fibre (NDF) and 30·5 acid-detergent fibre (ADF) v. 68·2 NDF and 45·3 ADF). Similar values (P > 0·05) between diets were found for both the water and DM contents of the rumen (60·1 kg, 7·8 kg). Voluntary intake was not related to either.
No difference was found between forage diets in the mean time (132 min) and number (18·7) of periods spent eating each day (P > 0·05). Legume leaf fractions were eaten at a faster rate (g/min) than either the grass leaf or the stem fractions. Voluntary intake was related to the rate at which food was eaten (r = 0·89; P < 0·01) but no relationship was found with the time taken to eat food (r = –0·14; P>0·05). Eating rate was related to the level of both NDF (r = –0·91; P < 0·01) and ADF (r = –0·96; P < 0·001).
Differences between diets were found in rumination times (mean 425 min; P < 001), the number of boluses regurgitated during each period (27·6; P < 0·05) and during each day (485; P < 0·001), and in the weight of boluses (455 g; P < 0·05). No differences (P > 0·05) were found between diets in the mean number of rumination periods each day (17·6), the mean time spent ruminating during each period (24·3 min), the mean rate at which boluses were regurgitated (53·2 s per bolus), the interval between boluses (5·1 s), and the DM in a bolus (27·5 g). Rumination time and the number of boluses regurgitated either per period or per day were not related to the fibre content of the diet (P > 0·05).
The regurgitated boluses from leaf fractions were chewed less than the stem fractions (43·7 v. 54·7 chews per bolus). The regurgitated boluses of lucerne leaf were chewed at a faster rate (1·13 chews per s; P > 0·05) than regurgitated digesta of the other diets which were chewed at similar rates (0·97 chews per s; P > 0·05). The total number of rumination chews made each day by animals given lucerne leaf (12 300) was much lower (P < 0·001) than that by animals given the other fractions (25 300). The number of chews made on each bolus was related to fibre levels in the diets (NDF, r = 0·78, P < 0·05; ADF, r = 0·91, P < 0·01).
It is concluded that the voluntary intake of high-fibre diets is not always restricted by rumen fill or rumination. The ease with which forage is eaten should be investigated as a factor influencing intake of fibrous forages.