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Apostolic Colleges of the Propagation of the Faith-Old And New World Background
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 11 December 2015
In the history of Spain's spiritual conquest of the New World, a definite cycle of enthusiasm may be observed. In the seventeenth century, for example, there was a noticeable falling off of Spanish missionary effort in the direction of the tribes yet to be converted. It is interesting to speculate on the causes of this phenomenon. An obvious cause, and certainly a contributing one, lies in the very nature of man. Human endeavor in the temporal order tends now to wax, now to wane in enthusiasm, and since the mission effort in question was human as well as divine, this cycle would tend to appear here as well. Around midcentury this problem of lessening enthusiasm became acute.
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- Copyright © Academy of American Franciscan History 1962
1 See de Aspurz, Lázaro O. F. M., Cap., La aportación extranjera a las misiones españoles del patronado regio [Publicaciones del Consejo de la Hispanidad] (Madrid, 1946), pp. 170, 171.Google Scholar
2 Ibid.
3 Holzapfel, Herbert, The History of the Franciscan Order, translated from the German by Tibesar, Antonine and Brinkmann, Gervase (Teutopolis, Illinois, 1948), p. 402.Google Scholar
4 Felder, Hilarin, The Ideals of Saint Francis of Assisi, translated from the German by Bittle, Berchmans (New York, 1925), pp. 314–316,Google Scholar passim.
5 Ibid., pp. 312–314.
6 See Golubovich, Girolano, Bibliotheca bio-bibliographica delle Terra Santa e dell’-Oriente Francescano (Quaracchi, 1913), 2, 410.Google Scholar Golubovich makes reference to page 120 of the third volume of the Bridges, John Henry edition of the Opus Majus (Clarendon Press, 1897),Google Scholar and quotes as follows:
7 For a modern treatment of this subject, see de Franch, Ramon Sugranyes, Raymond Lulle: Docteur des Missions (Freiburg, 1954).Google Scholar
8 Espasa-Calpe, , Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada (Madrid, 1907–1930), 35, 795.Google Scholar
9 See Girolano Golubovich, op. cit., I, 361–390.
10 Wadding, Annales minorimi (Quaracchi, 1934), XXIV, 581–582.
11 Kleinhans, Arduinus, Historia Studii Linguae Arabicae et Collegii Missionum Ordinis Fratrum Minorum in Conventu ad Sanctum Petrum in Monte Aureo Romae Erecti (Quaracchi, 1930), pp. 10–11.Google Scholar
12 Wadding, Annales minorimi, XXVIII, 35–36.
…statuimus, ut praeter studia generalia, vel ordinaria, quae sunt in provinciis, curet Reverendissimus Pater Minister Generalis, quanto citius fieri poterit, erigenda quatuor Collegia, unum in natione Hispanica, alterum in Italica, tertium in Gallica, quartum vero in Germanica et Belgica; in quibus Collegiis doceri debeant, inter alia illae linguae et fidei controversiae, quae ad ipsius fidei propagationem, haereticorum aliorumque infidelium conversionem, magis utiles et necessariae fuerint.
Cf. also Chronologia historico-legalis Seraphici Ordinis Fratrum Minorum Sancti Patris Francisci (Naples, 1650), I, 696–697.
13 de Vetancurt, Agustín, Menologio franciscano (México, 1871), p. 466.Google Scholar
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15 Ocaranza, Fidel, El imperial colegio de Indios de la Santa Cruz de Santiago Tlaltelolco (México, 1934), pp. 50–54.Google Scholar
16 Fidel Chauvet, op. cit., p. 32.
17 Ibid., p. 32.
18 Ibid., p. 33.
19 Ibid., pp. 32–33.
20 Ibid., pp. 33–35.
21 McCloskey, Michael B., The Formative Years of the Missionary College of Santa Cruz of Querétaro, 1683–1773 (Washington, D. C, 1955), p. 36.Google Scholar
22 Ibid., p. 48.
23 Asencio, José, Origen de los colegios apostólicos (Guadalajara, 1947), pp. 82–85.Google Scholar
24 Ibid., p. 91.
25 Ibid., Caps. I–IX.
26 McCloskey, op. cit., p. 15.
27 Parrondo, Domingo, Historia de los colegios-seminarios de misiones (Madrid, 1818), pp. 20, 311.Google Scholar
28 McCloskey, op. cit., pp. 44–45.
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