The “Economic and Social History of the World War,” sponsored by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and edited by Professor J. T. Shotwell, of Columbia University, is planned to contain several volumes which will be of interest to students of foreign and comparative government. A. B. Keith's War Government of the British Dominions has already appeared and was reviewed in this journal last November. Among other volumes having a direct political bearing may be mentioned: W. G. S. Adams, The War Government of Great Britain; E. M. H. Lloyd, The Mechanism of Certain State Controls [in Great Britain]; G. D. H. Cole, The British Labor Unions; A. Shadwell, Liquor Control in War Time; R. Picard, Syndicalism in France during the War; M. Hauser, Problems of Regionalism [in France]; A. Bernard, Economic and Social History of French Northern Africa; M. Delahache, Alsace-Lorraine; A. Girault, Economic and Social History of the French Colonies; J. Redlich, War Government in Austria-Hungary; Count A. Apponyi, The Effects of the War upon Government Administration and Public Opinion in Hungary; and H. Pirenne, Belgium and the World War. Numerous monographs remain to be arranged for, notably on Germany, Russia, and the Balkan states.