Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 March 2017
This is a composite text, drawn from a number of U.N. documents, as noted in the footnotes. The text, including the numbered footnotes, was appended to a note (file no. SO 221/9 (1-3-3)) from the TT.N. Secretary General to the Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations, dated Feb. 11, 1964.
1 Mention may also be made of the fact that the General Assembly, at its Fifth Session in 1950, adopted the following article for inclusion in the draft Covenant (General Assembly Eesolution 422 (V) ) : “Article … “The provisions of the present Covenant shall extend to or be applicable equally to a signatory metropolitan State and to all the territories, be they Non-Self-Governing, Trust, or Colonial Territories, which are being administered or governed by such metropolitan State.” The above text was included by the Commission on Human Rights as Article 28 of the draft Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Article 53 of the draft Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
2 Cf. A/3077, par. 26 (Official Eecords of the General Assembly, Tenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 28 (Part I ) ).
3 Identical in both draft Covenants: A/3077, par. 77.
4 A/5365, Annex (Official Becords of the General Assembly, Seventeenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 43).
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid.
7 Ibid.
8 A/3525, par. 30 (Official Becords of the General Assembly, Eleventh Session, Annexes, agenda item 31).
9 A/3525, par. 53
10 A/3525, par. 75.
11 A/3525, par. 85.
12 A/3525, par. 119.
13 A/3525, par. 144; A/5655, Annex.
14 A/3525, par. 157.
15 A/3764 and Add. 1, par. 50 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Twelfth Session, Annexes, agenda item 33).
16 A/3764 and Add.l, par. 67.
17 A/3764 and Add.l, par. 84.
18 Cf. A/3077, par. 26 (Official Eeeords of the General Assembly, Tenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 28 (Part I ) ).
19 Identical in both draft Covenants: A/3077, par. 77.
20 A/5655, Annex.
21 A/5365, Annex (Official Eecords of the General Assembly, Seventeenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 43).
22 A/5655, Annex.
23 A/5365.
24 A/3764 and Add. 1, par. 121 (Official Eecords of the General Assembly, Twelfth Session, Annexes, agenda item 33).
25 A/4045, par. 22 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Thirteenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 32).
26 A/4045, par. 31.
27 A/4045, par. 67.
28 A/4045, par. 86.
29 A/4045, par. 91.
30 A/4299, par. 19 (Official Records of the General Assembly, Fourteenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 34).
31 A/4299, par. 29.
32 A/4299, par. 64.
33 A/4625, par. 21 and Annex (Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifteenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 34).
34 A/4625, par. 29 and Annex.
35 A/4625, par. 41 and Annex.
36 A/4625, par. 58 and Annex.
37 A/5000, par. 35 and Annex (Official Eecords of the General Assembly, Sixteenth Session, Annexes, agenda item 35).
38 A/5000, par. 50 and Annex.
39 A/5000, par. 55 and Annex.
40 A/5000, par. 73 and Annex.
41 A/5000, par. 88 and Annex
42 A/5655, Annex.
43 A/5000, par. 98 and Annex.
44 A/5000, par. 115 and Annex.
45 A/5000, par. 126 and Annex.