Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 March 2017
1 The visits of Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd to Paris (Nov. 9) and of Chancellor Adenauer to London (Nov. 17) formed part of this program.
2 See European Organisations, prepared under the auspices of Political and Economic Planning (Allen and Unwin, 1959).
3 Colliers Encyclopedia, Yearbook 1959.
4 A recent volume, Ethics in a World of Power, by Richard W. Sterling, reviewed below, p. 463, is actually a study of Friederich Meinecke, as the subtitle indicates. For serious studies of this fundamental problem we have to go back to Herbert Kraus’ lectures at The Hague, “La Morale Internationale,” 16 Hague Academy Recueil des Cours 389 (1927), or even to Max Huber's Ethos im Internationalen Verkehr.
5 Notably the activities of the International Law Commission and the Law of the Sea conferences.
6 Illustrated in Lyman C. White, International Non-Governmental Organizations (Rutgers, 1951).
7 Yearbook of International Organizations, 1959 (Union of International Associations, 1959).
8 Compare Wellington Koo, Voting Procedures in International Political Organizations (Columbia, 1947), with Cromwell A. Riches, Majority Rule in International Organization (Johns Hopkins, 1940).