Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 May 2017
1 This agreement was published September 11, 1919, as Senate Document No. 90, 66th Congress, 1st session. This document also includes a subsidiary agreement between the two governments relating to a loan of £2,000,000 at 7%; Article 5 of a contract between the Persian Government and the Imperial Bank of Persia, relating to the Persian Government 5% loan of £1,250,000 of May 8, 1911; and two notes by Sir P. Cox, the British Minister at Teheran, to His Highness Vossug-ed-Dowleh, the Persian Prime Minister.
2 For these securities, see No. 3 of the Senate Document, included in it for the purpose of reference.
3 See London Times, September 19, 1919.
4 In any comparison between the cases of Egypt and Persia, it should not be forgotten that Great Britain has never promised or recognized the “independence” of Egypt.
5 Op. tit.
6 For a discussion and analysis of this convention, see editorial in this Journal for 1907, Vol. 1, Pt. 2, pp. 979 ff. For the text of the convention, see Supplement to this Journal for 1907. For subsequent events, see editorial on “England and Russia in Central Asia” in this Journal for 1909, Vol. III , pp. 170 ff.
7 Op. cit.