Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017
1 Resolution 461 (1979), adopted by the Security Council at its 2184th meeting, Dec. 31,1979, reprinted in 19 ILM 250 (1980).
2 UN Doc. S/13735 (Jan. 10, 1980). See also UN Doc. S/PV.2191, at 2 (Jan. 11, 1980).
3 UN Doc. S/PV.2191/Add.1, at 54-55 (Jan. 13, 1980).
4 Id. at 61.
5 Id. at 61-62.
6 UN Doc. S/PV.2184, at 11 (1979).
7 UN Doc. S/PV.2191/Add.1, at 56 (1980).
8 Sanctions Against Iran: Remarks Announcing U.S. Actions, April 7, 1980, 16 Weekly Comp. of Pres. Doc. 611 (Apr. 14, 1980).
9 Ibid.
10 New York Times, April 23, 1980, at 12, col. 1.
11 GA Res. 377A (V), Nov. 3, 1950, 5 GAOR, Supp. (No. 20) 10-12.