Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 March 2017
1 42 U.N. Treaty Series 303, No. 656 (1949) (with Jordan); ibid., 327, No. 657 (1949) (with Syria); ibid., 251, No. 654 (1949) (with Egypt); ibid., 287, No. 655 (1949) (with Lebanon).
2 Security Council Res. 233, 234, 235, 236 (1967); 62 A.J.I.L. 303-304 (1968).
3 Security Council Res. 242 (1967); 62 A.J.I.L. 482 ( 1968).
4 22 Dept. of State Bulletin 886 (1950).
5 71 Stat. 5, P.L. 87-5, Maren 9, 1957; 75 Stat. 463, P.L. 87-195, Sept. 4, 1961.
6 15 U. S. Treaties 1606, T.I.A.S., No. 5639; 516 U.N. Treaty Series 205; 52 A.J.I.L. 834 (1958).
7 See, e.g., U.N. Doc. S/PV.1351, pp. 21-27, June 8, 1967.
8 Stone, No Peace—No War in the Middle East 7-20 (1969); E. Lauterpacht, Jerusalem and the Holy Places 50-51 (1968); McNair and Watts, The Legal Effects of War, Ch. 17 (1966); Gutteridge, , “The Protection of Civilians in Occupied Territory,” The Yearbook of World Affairs 290 (1951)Google Scholar; Stone, The Middle-East under Cease Fire 10-13 (1967); Gazit, Israel’s Policy in the Administered Territories (1969); Government of Israel, Two Years of Military Government, 1967-1969, (1969).
9 56 Dept. of State Bulletin 949-953 (1967).
10 President Johnson, , “Principles for Peace in the Middle East,” 57 Dept. of State Bulletin 31 (1967)Google Scholar.
11 Many of the critical documents appear in Department of State, United States Policy in the Middle East, September, 1956-June, 1957 (1957, esp. pp. 332-342; United States Congress, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, “A Select Chronology and Background Documents Relating to the Middle East,” prepared by the Library of Congress, Legislative Reference Service (1967, rev. ed., 1969). See also H. Finer, Dulles over Suez (1964), Chs. 17 and 18.
12 42 U.N. Treaty Series, 256, Art. V, par. 2 (1949).
13 Ibid., Preamble, p. 252; Art. I, p. 252; Art. IV, par. 3, p. 256; Art. XI and Art. XII, p. 268.
14 “The Security Council. . .
“(1) Affirms that the fulfilment of Charter principles requires the establishment of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East which should include the application of both the following principles:
(i) Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict;
(ii) Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force;
“(2) Affirms further the necessity
(a) For guaranteeing freedom of navigation through international waterways in the area;
(b) For achieving a just settlement of the refugee problem;
(c) For guaranteeing the territorial inviolability and political independence of every State in the area, through measures including the establishment of demilitarized zones.”
Speech by President Johnson, Sept. 10, 1968, 59 Dept. of State Bulletin 348 (1968); Speech by Secretary Rogers, Dec. 9, 1969, 62 Dept. of State Bulletin 7 (1970).
16 See note 14 above.
17 Security Council Res. 242 (1967), Preamble.
18 See Schwebel, S. M., “What Weight to Conquest?”, 64 A.J.I.L. 344 (1970)10.2307/2198669Google Scholar.
19 U.N. General Assembly, 230th Plenary Session, p. 1686.
20 62 Dept. of State Bulletin 218-219 (1970).