Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 March 2017
1 Grotius Internationaal Jaarboek voor 1913, pp. 19–53 (The Hague, Nijhoff).
2 Cf. his De Bibliotheek van het Vredespaleis Doel, omvang, inrichting en gebruik(Leiden, Sijthoff, 1935), anonymous, and his surveys: “La Biblioth’que du Palais de laPaix,” in Grotius Annuaire international pour l’année 1925, 1926, 1927, 1930, 1933.In the Annuaire, 1936, pp. 54–74, a description is given of the exhibition in the PeacePalace in November–December, 1935, on the occasion of the commemoration of Carnegie'sbirthday in 1835; in Grotius Annuaire, 1940–1946, pp. 303-305 (La Haye, 1948), asurvey about the period of the war (the collection had risen then to about 200,000volumes) and immediately after. Cf. also A. Lysen, “History of the Carnegie Foundationand of the Peace Palace at The Hague” (Lugduni Batavorum Brill, 1934)(Bibliotheca Visseriana, Vol. V), pp. 119-131.