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Entry into Force of the International Covenants on Human Rights and the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights*
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017

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- Copyright © 1976 by The American Society of International Law
This Note is based on the facts (ratifications etc.) as of February 25, 1976.
1 Doc. 1209 P/19, 1 UNCIO Docs. 683 (1945).
2 Report of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, Chap. Ill, §4, para. 16. Doc. PC/20 (Dec. 1945).
3 Report of the Executive Committee to the Preparatory Commission, Pt. Ill, Chap. Ill, §4, para. 17. Doc. PC/EX/113/Rev. 1 (Nov. 1945).
4 G.A. Res. 7(1), Jan. 29, 1946, UN Doc. A/64, at 4 (1946); Report of the Third Comm. UN Doc. A/17 (1946).
5 ECOSOC Res. 5(1), Feb. 16, 1946.
6 Com. on Human Rights, Report on its 2d. Sess., Dec. 1947; 6 ECOSOC Supp. 1, para. 18, UN Doc. E/600 (1948).
7 G.A. Res. 217F(III), Dec. 10, 1948, UN Doc. 810, at 64 (1948).
8 G.A. Res. 543(VI) and 547(VI), Feb. 5, 1952, 6 GAOR Supp. 20, at 36 and 37, UN Doc. A/2119 (1952).
9 G.A. Res. 2200A(XXI), Dec. 16, 1966, 21 GAOR Supp. 16, at 49, UN Doc. A/6316 (1966).
10 G.A. Res. 217A(III), Dec. 10, 1948, UN Doc. 810, at 56 (1948).
11 G.A. Res. 220A(XXI), Dec. 16, 1966, supra note 9. See oho UN Doc. A/PV.1496, Dec. 16, 1966. The two Covenants and the Optional Protocol are reprinted in Human Rights: A Compilation of International Instruments of the United Nations, ST/HR/1 (1973), UN Pub. Sales No. 73.XIV.2. They also appear in 61 AJIL 861 et seq. (1967).
12 Com. on Human Rights, Report on its 10th Sess., 18 ECOSOC Supp. 7, Annex 1, draft articles 26 and 51 respectively, UN Doc. E/2573 (1954).
13 18 GAOR, Third Comm., UN Doc. A/C.3/SR.1274, para. 21 (1963).
14 See the proceedings at the 1409th to 1412th meetings of the Third Committee, Nov. 1–3, 1966, id. See also Report of the Third Comm. UN Doc. A/6546, paras. 117,123–26(1963).
15 UN Doc. A/C.3/SR.2171, Nov. 25, 1975.
16 See Report of the Secretary-General on the status of the Covenants and the Optional Protocol, Annex I, UN. Doc. A/10196, Sept. 9, 1975.
17 Com. on Human Rights, Report on its 7th Sess., 13 ECOSOC Supp. 9, Annex V, UN Doc. E/1992 (1951).
18 GAOR Third Comm., UN Doc. A/C.3/SR.1441, para 51 (1966).
19 Reprinted at 64 AJIL 1023 (1970).
20 Decisions adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its Organizational Session for 1976. UN Doc. E/DEC/137–142(ORG-76), Jan. 28, 1976.
21 See the summary records of the meetings of the Commission on Human Rights held on February 4 and 5, 1976. UN Docs. E/CN.4/SR. 1338, 1339, and 1340 (1976).
22 See ECOSOC. Res. 624B(XXII), Aug. 1, 1956; 888B(XXXIV), July 24, 1962; 1074C(XXXIX), July 28, 1965; 1230(XLII), June 6, 1967; and 1596(L), May 21, 1971.
23 UN Doc. E/CN.4/SR.1339, para. 38, Feb. 4, 1976.