Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017
1 ICRC, Weapons that May Cause Unnecessary Suffering or Have Indiscriminate Effects: Report on the Work of Experts (Geneva, 1973). See also UN Docs. A/8370 and Add.1 (1971) and A/8781 (1972).
2 See UN Docs. A/9726 (1974), A/10227 (1975), A/31/146 (1976), and A/32/124 (1977).
3 ICRC, Conference of Government Experts on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons, Lucerne, September 24 to October 18, 1974 (Geneva, 1975); and id. 2d Sess., Lugano, January 28 to February 26, 1976 (Geneva, 1976).
4 Resolution 22(IV) of the Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts (1977).
5 The above background material is summarized from Chapter 9 and Appendix 9A of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s excellent study on Antipersonnel Weapons (Taylor and Francis Ltd., London 1978).
6 GA Res. 32/152 (December 19, 1977) and 33/70 (December 14, 1978).
7 The reports of which appear respectively in UN Docs. A/33/44 (1978) and A/ CONF.95/3 (1979).
8 UN Doc. A/CONF.95/2 (1979); see also UN Doc. A/CONF.95/3 (1979), para. 39.
9 UN Doc. A/CONF.95/8 (1979), para. 22. The General Assembly accepted this recommendation in its Resolution 34/82 of December 11, 1979.
10 UN Doc. A/CONF.95/3 (1979), Ann. II, App. A.
11 UN Doc. A/CONF.95/8 (1979), Ann. I, App. B.
12 Id., Ann. I, App. A.
13 See id., Ann. I, App. B, paras. 10–12 and Attachment 1, para. 1, as well as App. A, Art. 3(3)(a).
14 See id., Ann. I, App. A, n. to Art. 4, and App. B, para. 15.
15 Id., Ann. I, App. C, Attachment 1.
16 Id., Ann. I, App. D.
17 Hague Declaration (IV.3) of July 29, 1899, 26 Martens Nouveau Recueil 1002 (2d ser.) reproduced in UN Doc. A/9215, vol. I, ch. I, pt. II, sec. 3 (1973).
18 Id., Ann. III.
19 Id., Ann. I, para. 14; UN Doc. A/CONF.95/CW/SR.5 (1979).
20 UN Doc. A/CONF.95/8, Ann. II, App. A (1979).
21 Id., Ann. II, paras. 7–12 and 14, and Apps. B and C.