Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 April 2017
The comprehensive revision of the nationality laws of the United States, now being formulated in pursuance of an Executive Order issued by President Roosevelt on April 25,1933, lends special interest and value at the present time to a comparative study of the laws of foreign states relating to nationality at birth and to the loss of nationality.
The writer desires to acknowledge his indebtedness to Mr. Richard W. Flournoy, Jr., at whose suggestion this study was undertaken, and who has been kind enough to make a number of valuable suggestions with respect to the text of this article.
1 For an extensive and thorough tabular analysis of the nationality laws of the various states see Appendix No. 1 to the draft code on The Law of Nationality, Research in International Law, Harvard Law School, this journal, Vol. 23, Spl. Supp. (April, 1929).
2 Argentine Republic, Law No. 346, Oct. 8, 1869, Art. 1 (1), (3), (5), Richard W.Flournoy, Jr. and Manley O. Hudson, Editors, A Collection of Nationality Laws (1929), p. 10.(Page references given hereafter in italic following each provision of law refer to Flournoyand Hudson, unless otherwise indicated); BOLIVIA, Constitution of Oct. 17,1880, Art. 31(1), p. 45; Brazil, Constitution of 1934, Art. 106 (a), Ernest Hambloch, Brazilian Constitution of 1934, together with new and revised version in English of the text of the BrazilianConstitution of 1891 as amended in 1926, p. 43; Chile, Constitution of Sept. 18,1925, Art. 5,p. 170; Cuba, Constitution of Feb. 3,1934, Art. 4 (1), Gaceta Oficial de la Reptihlica de Cuba,edición extraordinaria, No. 10, Feb. 8, 1934, p. 3; Dominican Republic, Constitution ofJune 20, 1929, Art. 8 (2),p. 217; Ecuador, Constitution of Mar. 26, 1929, Art. 7, p. 221; Guatemala, Constitution of 1879 as revised in 1887,1897,1927, Art. 5 (1), p. 821; Mexico,Constitution of 1917 as amended Jan. 18, 1934, Art. 30, A, I, III, Roman R. Millan, Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, con todas sus reformats ediciónes hasta Febrero de 1984, P- 24; Law of Nationality and Naturalization, Jan. 20, 1934, Art. 1 (I), (III), enclosure with Despatch No. 156, Jan. 26, 1934, from American Consul General, Mexico City, to Secretary of State; Paraguay, Constitution of Nov. 25,1870, Art. 35 (1),p. 471; Peru, Constitution of April 9,1933, Art. 4, Constitución PolUica del Peru sancionada por el Congreso Constituyente de 1931, Lima (1933), p. 3; URUGUAY, Constitution of May 18 1934, Art. 65, Proyecto de Constitución sancionada por la Convención Nacional Constituyente el 24 de Marzo de 1984, Publicación Oficial (Official text of constitution which went into effecton May 18, 1934); Venezuela, Constitution of May 29,1929, Art. 28 (1), p. 640.
3 Great Britain And Northern Ireland, Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, 1914, as amended by Acts of 1918 and 1922, Sees. 1 (1) (a), (c), (2), p. 62; Australia, Nationality Act, 1920-1925, Sees. 6 (1), (a), (c), (2), p. 89; CANADA, Naturalization Act of 1914, Sec. 3 (1) (a), (c), (2), p. 76; NEWFOUNDLAND, Consolidated Statutes, Third Series (1916), Art. 1(1) (a), (c), (2), p. 187; NEW ZEALAND, British Nationality and Status of Aliens (in New Zealand) Act, 1928, Second Schedule, Sees. 1 (1) (a), (c), (2), p. 112; Bbitish india, see Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
4 SIAM, Nationality Law, April 10, 1913, Sec. 3 (3), p. 524; VENEZUELA, Const., Art. 28 (1), p. 640i.
5 Saudi Arabia. Law of Sept. 4, 1926, Sees. 3, 9, p. 331.
6 Law of April 9, 1866, as reenacted in Revised Statutes, 1878, Sec. 1992; Constitution of 1789, Amendments, Art. XIV, Sec. 1, pp. 576, 577. See U. S. v. Wong Kim Ark (169 U. S. 674), holding that the rule embodied in Sec. 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment is merely declaratory of the common law rule of jus soli.
7 Albania, Civil Code, April 1, 1929, Art. 6 (3), p. 5; Bulgaria, Law of Dec. 31, 1903, as amended on Jan. 12, 1908, Dec. 8, 1911, and July 24, 1924, Art. 5 (3), p. 163; Cuba, Const., Art. 4 (1), Gaceta Oficial, id., p . 3 ; Denmark, Law of April 18,1925, Sec. I I , p. 214; France, Law of Aug. 10, 1927, Arts. III , IV, p. 246; Morocco, Decree of Nov. 8, 1921, Art. 1, p. 291; TUNIS, Law of Dec. 20,1923, Arts. 1, 2,10, p. 293; Greece, Law No. 391 of Oct. 29, 1856, as amended by the Decree Law of Sept. 13, 1926, confirmed by t he Decree of Aug. 12, 1927, Art. 14 (e), (f), p. 315; Iceland, Law of June 15, 1926, Art. 2, p. 346; Italy, Law of June 13, 1912, Art. 3 (3), p. 363; Luxemburg, Law of Jan. 27, 1878, Art. 2, p. 423; Law of Feb. 5, 1890, sole art., pp. 423, 424; NORWAY, Law of Oct. 3, 1924, Sees. 2, 11, pp. 454, 455; PERSIA, Law of Sept. 7, 1929, Arts. I (5), I I , p. 473; Supplementary Nationality Act of Oct. 21, 1930, Arts. I, I I , enclosure with despatch No. 199, Nov. 4,1930, from American Minister, Teheran, Persia, to the Secretary of State; Portugal, Civil Code of 1867, Art. 18 (2), p. 490; E L Salvador, Constitution of Aug. 13, 1886, Art. 42 (2), p. 517; sweden, Law No. 130 of May 23,1924, Art. 2, p. 546; Turkey, Law of May 28,1928, as amended by Law of April 6, 1929, Art. 4, p. 572.
8 Argentine Republic, Law No. 346, Art. I (3), p. 10; Costa Rica, Constitution of Dec. 7, 1871, Art. 5 (2), p. 184; Ecuador, Const., Art. 8 (2), p. 221; Guatemala, Const., Art. 5 (2), p. 321.
9 Brazil, Const., Art. 106 (a), Hambloch, op. tit., p. 43; Bolivia, Const., Art. 31 (2), p. 45; CHILE, Const., Art. 5 (2), p. 170; Ecuador, Const., Art. 8 (1), p. 221; Paraguay, Const., Art. 35 (2), p. 471.
10 Bolivia, Const., Art. 32 (1), p. 45; Chile, Const., Art. 5 (2), p. 170; Colombia, Const, of 1886, Art. 8 (1), (2), p. 179; Ecuador, Const., Art. 8 (2), p. 221; Guatemala, Const., Art. 5 (2), p. 321; PARAGUAY, Const., Art. 35 (2), p. 471; Uruguay, Const., Art. 65, Proyecto de Const., op. tit.
11 Dominican Republic, Const., Art. 8 (3), p. 217; Guatemala, Const., Art. 5 (2), p. 321.
12 CHILE, Const., Art. 5, p. 170; CUBA, Const., Art. 4, Gaceta Ofitial, id., p. 3; MEXICO, Const., Art. 30 (A) (II), Millan, op. tit., p. 24; Paraguay, Const., Art. 35, p. 471; Peru, Const., Art. 4, Const. Político., id., p. 3; Uruguay, Const., Art. 65, Proyecto de Const., id.
13 Recently a comprehensive citizenship bill was introduced by the government in the Irish legislature. See enclosure with despatch No. 147, Dec. 3, 1934, from Legation at Dublin to Secretary of State. The only law at present in force concerning Irish citizenship is Art. 3 of the Constitution of Dec. 6, 1922.
14 Honduras, Const., Sept. 10, 1924, Art. 7 (1), (2), p. 332; Nicaragua, Const., Nov. 10, 1911, Art. 8 (1), (2), p. 448.
15 Albania, Civil Code, Art. 6 (1), p. 5; Irish free State, Const., Art. 3, p. 130; Colombia, Const., Art. 8 (1), p . 179; Danzig, Law of May 30,1922, Sec. 2, p. 209; Egypt, Decree Law No. 19 of Feb. 27, 1929, Art. 6 (4), p. 228; Fbance, Law of Aug. 10, 1927, Arts. I (2), II (1), pp. 245, 246; Morocco, Dahir of Nov. 8, 1921, sole art., Decree of Nov. 8, 1921, Art. 1, p. 291; Tunis, Decree of Nov. 8,1921, Art. 1, p. 298; Honduras, Const., Art. 7 (2), (3), p. S82; IRAQ, Law of Oct. 9, 1924, Art. 8 (b), p. 349; Netherland Colonies, Law of Feb. 10, 1910, as amended by Act of June 10, 1927, Art. 1 (1), p . 440; Nicaragua, Const., Art. 8 (1), p. 448; Persia, Law of Sept. 7, 1929, Art. 1 (4), p. 478; E L Salvador, Const., Art. 42 (4), p. 517; Transjordan, Nationality Law of June 1,1928, Sec. 6, Br. Pari. Papers, Misc. No. 14 (1931), Cmd. 3907, p. 36.
16 Afghanistan, Code of Aug. 1921, Sec. 85, p . 3; Albania, Civil Code, Art. 6 (2), p . 6; Belgium, Law of Dec. 17, 1932, Arts. 6, 7, 8, 9, Moniteur Beige, Vol. 102, No. 352, Dec. 17, 1932, p. 6783; Belgian Congo, Civil Code of 1892, Sec. 5, p . 42; Palestine, Order of July 14,1925, Sec. 4 (1) (a), p . 152; Bulgaria, Law of Dec. 31,1903, Art. 6, p. 163; Costa Rica, Const., Art. 5 (3), p. 184; Law of May 13,1889, Art. (6), p. 186; Egypt, Decree Law No. 19, Art. 7, p. 228; Haiti, Law of Aug. 22,1907, Art. 4, p. 328; IRAQ, Law of Oct. 9,1924, Art. 9, p. 349; Italy, Law of June 13,1912, Art. 3 (1), (2), p . 368; Luxemburg, Civil Code of 1807, as revised by Law of Mar. 14, 1905, Sec. 9, p. 424; Mexico, Law of Nationality, transitory provisions, Art. 3, loc. cit.; Panama, Constitution of Feb. 13, 1904, as revised by Act of Oct. 19, 1928, Art. 6, p . 458; Spain, Const, of Dec. 9, 1931, Art. 23 (2), Gaceta de Madrid,Numéro Extraordinario, Dec. 9, 1931, p. 3 ; Civil Laws of 1889, Art. 19, p. 538; Turkey, Const, of May 24, 1924, Art. 88, p . 568.
17 Albania, Civil Code, Art. 4 (3), p . 5; Austria, Federal Law No. 285 of July 30, 1925, Sec. 14, p. 20; Palestine, Order of July 24,1925, Sec. 3 (c), p . 152; China, Revised Law of Nationality, Feb. 5,1929, Art. 1 (4), p. 175; Czechoslovak Republic, Constitutional Law No. 236 of April 9,1920, Sec. 2, p . 201; ESTONIA, Law No. 87 of Oct. 27,1922, as amended by Decree of Oct. 26, 1934, Sec. 2 (10), enclosure with despatch No. 231, Nov. 8,1934, from American Legation at Tallinn to Secretary of State; Greater Lebanon, Order No. 15/S of Jan. 19,1925, Art. 1 (2), p. 298; Syria, Order No. 16/S of Jan. 19,1925, Art. 1 (2), p. 301; Greece, Law No. 391, Art. 14 (2), p. 815; Hungary, Law of Dec. 20, 1879, Art. 19 (1),p. 339; Italy, Law of June 13, 1912, Art. 1 (3), p. 363; Japan, Law No. 66 of March 1899, as revised by Law No. 27, of Mar. 1916, and Law No. 19 of July, 1924, effective from Dec. 1, 1924, Art. 4, p. 382; Turkey, Law of May 28, 1928, Art. 2 (b), p. 570.
18 Albania, Civil Code, Art. 4 (3), p. 5; Belgium, Law of Dec. 17, 1932, Art. 1 (2),Moniteur Beige, id., p . 6783; Belgian Congo, Civil Code of 1892, Sec. 4 (1), p. 42; Palestine, Order of July 24, 1925, Sec. 3 (c), p. 162; BULGARIA, Law of Dec. 3,1903, Art. 5 (2), p. 163; China, Rev. Law, Feb. 5,1929, Art. I (4), p. 175; Costa Rica, Law of May 13,1889, Art. 1 (4), p. 184; Egypt, Decree Law No. 19, Art. 6 (3), p. 228; France, Law of Aug. 10, 1927, Art. I (7), p. 245; Greater Lebanon, Order No. 15/S, Art. 1 (3), p. 298; Syria, Order No. 16/S, Art. 1 (3), p. 801; Greece, Law No. 391, Art. 14 (c), p. 815; Italy, Law of June 13, 1912, Art. 1 (3), p. 863; JAPAN, Law No. 66, Art. 4, p. 382; Monaco, Civil Code of Nov. 6, 1913, Art. 8 (2), p. 437; Netherland Colonies, Law of Feb. 10, 1910, Art. 1 (2), p. 446; Persia, Law of Sept. 7,1929, Art. 1 (3), p. 473; Poland, Law of Jan. 20,1920, Art. 5, p. 480; Portugal, Civil Code of 1867, Art. 18 (4), p. 490 (Art. 7 of the new Portuguese Constitution of Mar. 19, 1933, provides, “The Civil Law determines how the quality of Portuguese citizens is acquired and lost.” Constitution Politique de la Republique Portugaise, Lisbonne, 1934); SPAIN, Const., Art. 23 (3), Gaceta de Madrid, id., p. 3 ; Turkey, Law of May 28, 1928, Art. 2 (a), p. 570; Yugoslavia, Law of Nationality, Sept. 21, 1928, Art. 9, p. 891.
19 Albania, Civil Code, Art. 4 (3), p. 5; Belgium, Law of Dec. 17, 1932, Art. 1 (2), Moniteur Beige, id., p. 6783; Belgian Congo, Civil Code of 1892, Sec. 4 (2), p. 42; Egypt, Decree Law No. 19, Art. 6 (3), p. 228; Italy, Law of June 13, 1912, Art. 1 (3), p. 868; Lybia, Law No. 1013 of June 26, 1927, Art. 29, p. 879; Mexico, Law of Nationality, Jan. 20, 1934, Art. 55, loc. eit.; Peru, Const., Art. 4, Const. Político, id., p . 3.
20 Finland, Constitution of July 17, 1919, Art. 4, p. 287; Law of June 17, 1927, Sec. 2, p. 239; Germany, Law of Nationality of July 22, 1913, Sees. 4, 5, p. 306; Latvia, Law of June 2, 1927, Art. 7, p. 409; Lithuania, Provisional Law of Jan. 9, 1919, Sec. 1 (d), (f), p. 417; Rumania, Law of Feb. 23,1924, Art. 2 (a), (b), p. 497; Russia, Regulation concerning citizenship of U. S. S. R. of April 22,1931, Sec. 7, enclosure with Despatch No. 7704, May 8, 1931, from American Minister, Riga, Latvia, to Secretary of State; Switzerland, Civil Code of Dec. 10, 1907, Arts. 270, 324 (1), 325 (1), p. 560; Federal Constitution of May 29, 1874, as amended May 20, 1928, Art. 24, p. 556.
21 Austria, Fed. Law No. 285, Sees. 5 (1), 13, 14, pp. 19, 20; China, Rev. Law, Feb. 5, 1929, Arts. 1 (1), (2), (3), (4), 2 (2), (3), p. 175; DANZIG, Law of May 30,1922, Sees. 1, 2, 3, p. 209; Estonia, Law No. 87, Sec. 2 (10), he. tit.; Law No. 87, Sec. 2 (3), (4), (6), p. 232; HUNGARY, Law of Dec. 20,1879, Arts. 19 (1), 3, pp. 837, 339; JAPAN, Law No. 66, Arts. 1, 3, 4, 5 (3), 6, p. 38$; Monaco, Civil Code, Art. 8 (2), (1), pp. 436, 437; Netherlands, Law of Dec. 12, 1892, as amended by acts of July 8, 1907, Feb. 10, 1910, July 15, 1910, and Dec. 31, 1920, Art. 1 (d), (a), (b), (c), p. 44U Poland, Law of Jan. 20, 1920, Arts. 5, 6,p. 480; Yugoslavia, Law of Nationality of Sept. 21, 1928, Arts. 9, 7 (a), 8, pp. 390, 391.
22 Afghanistan, Albania, Belgium, Belgian Congo, Bulgaria, Denmark, Dodecanese Islands, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Greece, Haiti, Iceland, Iraq, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Lybia, Norway, Palestine, Persia, Portugal, El Salvador, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Syria, Tunis, Greater Lebanon, Transjordan, Turkey.
23 Afghanistan, Code, Sec. 84, p. 3; Albania, Civil Code, Art. 4 (1), p. 5; AUSTRIA, Fed. Law No. 285, Sees. 5 (1), 13, pp. 19, 20; Belgium, Law of Dec. 17, 1932, Art. 1 (1), Moniteur Beige, id., p . 6783; China, Rev. Law, Feb. 5, 1929, Art. 1 (1), (2), p. 175; Costa Rica, Law of May 13,1889, Art. 1 (1), p. 185; Danzig, Law of May 30,1922, Sec. 1, p. 209; Denmark, Law of April 18, 1925, Sec. 1, p. 214; Egypt, Decree Law No. 19, Art. 6 (1), p. 227; Estonia, Law No. 87, Sec. 2 (3), p. 232; France, Law of Aug. 10, 1927, Art. 1 (1), p. 245; Tunis, Decree of June 19, 1914, sole art. (2), p. 293; Greater Lebanon, Order No. 15/S, Art. 1, p. 298; SYRIA, Order No. 16/S, Art. 1(1),p. 301; Germany, Law of Nationality, July 22, 1913, Sec. 4, p. 306; Greece, Law No. 391, Art. 14, p. 315; Haiti, Law of Aug. 22, 1907, Art. 2 (1), p. 328; Iceland, Law of June 15, 1926, Art. 1, p. 346; Italy, Law of June 13, 1912, Art. 1 (1), p. 363; Lybia, Law No. 1013, Art. 29, p. 379; Japan, Law No. 66, Art. 1, p . 382; MONACO, Civil Code, Art. 8 (1), p. 436; Netherlands, Law of Dec. 12,1892,Art. 1 (a), (b), p. 441; Norway, Law of Aug. 8,1924, Sec. 1, p . 453; Persia, Law of Sept. 7, 1929, Art. 1 (2), p. 473; Poland, Law of Jan. 20, 1920, Art. 5, p. 480; Rumania, Law of Feb. 23, 1924, Art. 2 (a), p. 497; SIAM, Nationality Law, April 10, 1913, Sec. 3 (1), p. 524; sweden, Law No. 130, Art. 1, p. 546; Switzerland, Civil Code, p. 560; transjordan, Nationality Law of June 1, 1928, Sec. 6, loc. tit, p. 36; Turkey, Const., Art. 88, p . 568; Venezuela, Const., Art. 28 (2), p. 640.
24 Palestine, Order of July 24, 1925, Sec. 3 (a), (b), p. 152; IRAQ, Law of Oct. 9, 1924, as amended by Iraq Nationality Law Amendment of 1928, Arts. 2, 8, pp. 849, 360; PANAMA, Const., Art. 6, p. 458; Great Britain And Northern Ireland, Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, Sec. 1 (1) (b), p. 62; AUSTRALIA, Nationality Act, 1920-1925, Sec. 6 (1) (b), p. 89; Canada, Naturalization Act of 1914, Sec. 3 (1) (b), p. 76; Newfoundland, British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, 1929, Sec. 1, p. 144; Newzealand, British Nationality and Status of Aliens (in New Zealand) Act, 1928, Second Schedule, Sec. 1 (1) (b), p. 112; Union of South Africa, Act No. 40, Sec. 1, p. 128; Guatemala, Const., Art. 5 (2), p. 821; Liberia, Law of Feb. 8, 1922, Sees. 67, 74, pp. 413, 414; Mexico, Const, of 1917, Art. 30, Millan, op. cit., p. 24; Paraguay, Const., Art. 35 (3), p. 471; E L Salvador, Const., Art.42 (3), p. 516.
25 Bulgaria, Law of Dec. 31, 1903, Arts. 5 (1), 6, 7, pp. 162-163; Ethiopia, Law of July 22, 1930, Sec. 1, enclosure with Despatch No. 503, Aug. 12, 1930, from Minister and Consul General at Addis Ababa to Secretary of State; Finland, Const., Art. 4, p. 237; Kingdom of SaudI Arabia, Law of Sept. 24, 1926, Sec. 2, p. 331; Hungary, Law of Dec. 20, 1879, Art. 3, p. 337; Latvia, Law of June 2, 1927, Art. 7, p. 409; Liechtenstein, Law of May 14, 1864, Art. 1 (1), Liechtensteinisches Landes-Gesetzblatt, No. 3, May 14, 1864; Lithuania, Provisional Law of Jan. 9, 1919, Sec. 1 (d), p. 417; Luxemburg, Civil Code, Art. 10, p. 420; Russia, Regulation, April 22, 1931, Sec. 7, loc. cit.; Spain, Const., Art. 23 (1), Gaceta de Madrid, id., p. 3; Turkey, Law of May 28, 1928, Art. 1, p. 570; Yugoslavia, Law of Nationality, Sept. 21, 1928, Art. 7 (a), p. 390.
26 Resolution No. 428, Oct. 14, 1933, enclosure with Despatch No. 10, Oct. 17, 1933, from American Minister, Panama, to Secretary of State.
27 (.1) Wherever born: Belgium, Law of Dec. 17, 1932, Arts. 6 (2), 8 (2), Moniteur Beige, id., p. 6784; Paraguay, Const., Art. 35, p. 471; Peru, Const., Art. 4, Const. Politico,, id., p. 3; Uruguay, Const., Art. 65, Proyecto de Const., id. (2) Born abroad: Argentine Republic, Law No. 346, Art. 1 (2), p. 10, Bolivia, Constitution, Arts. 31 (2), 32 (1), p. 45; BraziL, Const., Art. 106, Hambloch, op. cit., p. 43; Chile, Const., Art. 5, p. 170; Colombia, Const., Art. 8 (1), (2), p. 179; COSTA Rica, Const., Art. 5 (2), p. 184; Cuba, Const., Gaceta Oficial, id., p. 3; Dominican Republic, Const., Art. 8 (3), p. 216; Ecuador, Constitution, Art. 8, p. 220; Mexico, Const., Art. 30 (A) (II), Millan, op. cit., p. 24; Law of Nationality, Jan. 20,1934, Art. 1 (II), loc. cit.; Netherland Colonies, Law of Feb. 10, 1910, Art. 1 (4), (5), p. 446; Nicaragua, Const., Art. 8 (2), p. 448. (3) Born within the state: Belgian Congo, Civil Code of 1892, Sec. 1, p. 4®; Colombia, Const., Art. 8 (1), p. 179; Danzig, Law of May 30, 1922, Sec. 1, p. 209; Honduras, Const., Art. 8, p. 332; Nicaragua, Const., Art. 8, p. 448; Portugal, Civil Code of 1867, Art. 18, p. 490.
28 Law of Feb. 10, 1855, as reenacted in Rev. Stats. 1878, Sec. 1993, p. 577.
29 Stat. 797.
30 Ibid. A question having arisen as to the proper construction of this provision, the Attorney-General ruled in an opinion of July 21,1934 “that a child born abroad subsequent to May 24,1934, one of whose parents is a citizen of the United States and the other an alien, acquires American citizenship at birth. Such citizenship is subject to being divested if such child thereafter fails to comply with the two conditions described in the Act, which must be regarded as conditions subsequent and not as conditions precedent.“
31 (1) Wherever born: Albania, Civil Code, Art. 4 (2), p. 6; CHINA, Rev. Law, Feb. 5,1929, Art. 1 (3), p. 175; Italy, Law of June 13, 1912, Art. 1 (2), p. 383; JAPAN, Law No. 66, Art. 3, p. 382; Latvia, Law of June 2, 1927, Art. 7, p. 409. (2) Born abroad: Mexico, Law of Nationality, Jan. 20, 1934, Art. 21 (III), he. tit.; Spain, Royal Decree of Nov. 17, 1852, Art. 1, p. 530. (3) Born within the state: France, Law of Aug. 10,1927, Art. I (3), p. 24-5; Switzerland, Const., Art. 44, p. 556.
32 See note 25.
33 See notes 8, 9, 10 and 11.
34 These figures represent the latest official estimate taken from the Statistical Year-Book of the League of Nations, 1933-1934, pp. 18-23. It may be noted that this year book gives a total world population (estimated) of 2,041,600,000. The difference between that figure and the total population of the countries included in this study is made up chiefly by colonies for which separate nationality laws were not available.
35 Ibid., pp. 194r-195. The year 1930 has been used here as representing a more normal condition of foreign trade than more recent years.
36 See notes 20 and 21.
37 See notes 8, 9, 10 and 11
38 Albania, Civil Code, Art. 4 (2), p. 5; Austria, Federal Law No. 285, Sec. 5 (1), p. 19; Belgium, Law of Dec. 17, 1932, Art. 2, Moniteur Beige, id., p . 6783; Belgian Congo, Civil Code of 1892, Sec. 4 (3), p. 42; Bulgaria, Law of Dec. 31,1903, Art. 5 (1), p. 162; China, Rev. Law, Feb. 5, 1929, Art. 2 (3), p. 175; Costa Rica, Law of May 13, 1889, Art. 1 (2), p. 186; Danzig, Law of May 30, 1922, Sec. 1, p. 209; Denmark, Law of April 18, 1925, Sec. 1, p. 214; Egypt, Decree Law No. 19, Art. 6 (2), p. 226; Estonia, Law No. 87, Sec. 2 (4), p. 282; Ethiopia, Law of July 22,1930, Sec. 8, loc. at.; Finland, Law of June 17, 1927, Sec. 2, p. 240; France, Law of Aug. 10, 1927, Arts. I (4), (5), (6), II (2), p. 246; Tunis, Decree of June 19, 1914, sole art. C2), p. 29S; Greater Lebanon, Order No. 15/S, Art. 2, p. 299; Syria, Order No. 16/S, Art. 2, p. SOI; Germany, Law of Nationality, July 22,1913, Sec. 5, p..806; Greece, Law No. 391, Art. 14 fb), p. 815; Haiti, Law of Aug. 22,1907, Art. 2 (2), p. 828; Hungary, Law of Dec. 20,1879, Art. 3, p. 887; Iceland, Law of June 15,1926, Art. 1, p. 846; Italy, Law of June 13, 1912, Art. 2, p. 868; LYBIA, Law No. 1013, p. 379; Japan, Law No. 66, Arts. 5 (3), 6, p. 882; Lithuania, Provisional Law, Jan. 9,1919, Sec. 1 (f), p. 417; Monaco, Civil Code, Art. 8 (1), p. 437; Netherlands, Law of Dec. 12, 1892, Art. 1 (c), p. 441; Norway, Law of Aug. 8, 1924, Sec. 1, p. 458; Poland, Law of Jan. 20, 1920, Art. 5, p. 479; Portugal, Civil Code of 1867, Art. 18 (1), (3), p. 491; Rumania, Law of Feb. 23, 1924, Art. 2 (b), p. 497; E L SalvadoR, Const., Art. 42 (2), (3), p. 516; SIAM, Nationality Law of April 10,1913, Sec. 3 (2), p. 524; Sweden, Law No. 320, Art. 1, p. 044; Switzerland, Civil Code, Art. 324 (1), p. 560; TURKEY, Law of May 28, 1928, Art. 2 (c), p. 670; Yugoslavia, Law of Nationality, Sept. 21, 1928, Art. 7, p. 390.
39 See note 38 (Turkey).
40 Albania, Civil Code, Art. 5, p. 6; Austria, Fed. Law No. 285, Sec. 5 (1), p. 19; China, Rev. Law, Feb. 5, 1929, Art. 2 (2), p. 175; Costa Rica, Law of May 13, 1889, Art. 1 (3), p. 186; Danzig, Law of May 30,1922, Sec. 3, p. 209; Egypt, Decree Law No. 19, Art. 6 (2), p. 226; Estonia, Law No. 87, Sec. 2 (6), p. 232; Ethiopia, Law of July 22,1930, Sees. 8, 9, loc. cit.; Gebmant, Law of Nationality of July 22, 1913, Sec. 5, p. $06; Greece, Law No. 391, Art. 14 (d), p. SIB; Haiti, Law of Aug. 22, 1907, Art. 2 (2), p. 328; hungabt, Law of Dec. 20, 1879, Art. 4, p. 337; Italy, Law of June 13, 1912, Art. 2, p. 363; Netherlands, Law of Dec. 12, 1892, Art. 1 (a), p. 441; Switzerland, Civil Code, Art. 325 (1), p. 560; Yugoslavia, Law of Nationality, Sept. 21, 1928, Art. 8, p. 390.
41 Belgium, Law of Dec. 17, 1932, Art. 2, Moniteur Beige, id., p. 6784; Belgian Congo, Civil Code of 1892, Sec. 4 (3), p. 42; Bulgaria, Law of Dec. 31, 1903, Art. 5 (1), p. 162; France, Law of Aug. 10, 1927, Art. I (4), (5), (6), Art. I I (2), p. 246; Greater Lebanon, Order No. 15/S, Art. 2, p. 299; Syria, Order No. 16/S, Art. 2, p. 301; JAPAN, Law No. 66, Arts. 5 (3), 6, p. S82; Monaco, Civil Code, Art. 8 (1), p. 437; Rumania, Law of Feb. 23, 1924, Art. 2 (b), p. 497 (legitimation may be effected equally by fathers or mothers).
42 Albania, Civil Code, Art. 10, p. 6; PALESTINE, Order of July 24, 1925, Sec. 16, p. 156; Bulgaria, Law of Dec. 31, 1903, Art. 5, p. 162; Denmark, Law of Mar. 25, 1871, Sec. 1, Law of April 18,1925, Art. VI, p. 214; Finland, Law of June 17,1927, Sec. 2, p. 240; France, Law of Aug. 10, 1927, Art. II (1), (2), pp. 245, 247; Morocco, Decree of Nov. 8, 1921, Art. 1, p. 291; Tunis, Law of Dec. 20, 1923, Art. 2, p. 293; Greece, Law No. 391, Art. 14 (e), p. 315; Iceland, Law of June 15, 1926, Arts. 2, 6, p. 346; IRAQ, Law of Oct. 9, 1924, Art. 14, pp. 350, 360; Italy, Law of June 13,1912, Art. 7, p. 364; Japan, Law No. 66, Art. 20, p. 384; Luxemburg, Law of Jan. 27, 1878, pp. 423-424; Norway, Law of Aug. 8, 1924, Sees. 2, 9, p. 454; Persia, Law of Sept. 7,1929, Art. Ill , p. 473; EL Salvador, Const., Art. 42, p. 516; Sweden, Law No. 130, Sees. 2, 9, pp. 546, 548; Switzerland, Fed. Decree, June 25,1903, Art. 6, p. 558; Transjordan, Nationality Law of June 1, 1928, Sec. 16, loc. cit., p. 38; Turkey, Law of May 28, 1928, Arts. 4, 8, pp. 570, 572; Yugoslavia, Law of Nationality, Sept. 21, 1928, Art. 31, p. 395.
43 Great Britain And Northern Ireland, Nationality Act, id., Sec. 1 (1), p. 62; Australia, Nationality Act, 1920-1925, Sec. 22, p. 96; Canada, Naturalization Act of 1914, Sec. 3 (5), Sec. 17, pp. 76, 82; Newfoundland, Consolidated Stats., Sec. 14, British Nationality Act, 1929, Sec. 1 (2), pp. 140,144; NewZealand, British Nationality Act, 1928, Sees. 1,15, pp. 112,114; Union op South Africa, British Nationality Act, id., Sees. 1, 16, Act. No. 40, Sec. 5, pp. 116,123,129; Cuba, Const., Art. 4, Gacela Oficial, id., p. 4; Guatemala, Law of Feb. 21,1894, Art. 6, pp. 321-322; Honduras, Law No. 31, Art. 1 (2), p. 334; MEXICO, Law of Nationality, Jan. 20, 1934, Art. 53, transitory provisions, Art. 2, loc. cit.
44 See note 5.
45 “That all children born outside the limits of the United States who are citizens thereof in accordance with the provision of section nineteen hundred and ninety three of the Revised Statutes of the United States and who continue to reside outside the United States shall, in order to receive the protection of this Government, be required upon reaching the age of eighteen years to record at an American consulate their intention to become residents and remain citizens of the United States and shall be further required to take the oath of allegiance to the United States upon attaining their majority.” 34 Stat. 1228.
46 Costa Rica, Law of May 13, 1889, Art. 11, p. 188; Cuba, Const., Art. 5 (4), Gaceta Oficial, id., p. 3; Nicaragua, Law of Oct. 3, 1894, Art. 31, p. JfiZ; EL Salvador, Law of April 3, 1900, Art. 10, p. 520.
47 Liberia, Law of Feb. 8, 1922, Sec. 73, p. 414.
48 Great Britain And Northern Ireland, Nationality Act., id., Sec. 7 (2), (d), p. 65; Australia, Nationality Act, 1920-1925, Sec. 12 (2) (d), p. 92; Canada, Naturalization Act of 1914, Sec. 7 (2) (d), p. 79; British India, Indian Naturalization Act, 1926, Sec. 8 (2) (d), p. 184; New Zealand, British Nationality Act, 1928, First Schedule, Sec. 7 (2) (d), p. 109; Newfoundland, British Nationality Act, Art. IV, p. 145.
49 Greece, Law of Sept. 13, 1926, confirmed by the Decree of Aug. 12, 1927, Art. 4, p. 319.
50 34 Stat. 1228. Paragraph 2 of regulations issued by the Department of State on Jan. 6, 1934, entitled “Presumption of Expatriation Arising against Americans Residing Abroad and Rules Prescribed by the Department of State whereunder the Presumption May Be Overcome,” lists the evidence which must be presented to overcome this presumption.
51 Opinion of Attorney-General Wickersham of Dec. 1, 1910 (28 Ops. Atty. Gen. 504); Camardo v. Tillinghast, 29 P. (2d), 527.
52 Argentine Republic, Decree of Dec. 19, 1931, Art. 14, enclosure with Despatch No. 551, Dec. 25, 1931, from American Vice Consul, Buenos Aires, to Secretary of State; Great Britain And Northern Ireland, Nationality Act, id., Sec. 7, p. 65; Australia, Nationality Act, 1920-1925, Sec. 12, p. 94; Canada, Naturalization Act of 1914, Sec. 9, p. 76; Newfoundland, British Nationality Act, 1929, Sec. IV, p. 141; New zealand, British Nationality Act, 1928, First Schedule, Sec. 7, p. 109; British India, Indian Naturalization Act, 1926, Sec. 8, p. 134; Palestine, Order of July 24, 1925, as amended by Order of Sept. 15, 1931, Sec. 10 (1), (2), enclosure with Despatch No. 343, Oct. 2, 1931, from American Vice Consul, Jerusalem, to Secretary of State; Union of South Africa, British Nationality Act, id., Sec. 7, p. 119; Chile, Decree Law No. 747, Art. 8, p. 172; Colombia, Law of Feb. 2, 1931, Arts. 1, 3, 6, enclosure with Despatch No. 2320G, Mar. 9, 1931, from American Minister to Colombia to Secretary of State; Costa Rica, Law of May 13, 1889, Art. 9, p. 187; Decree of Feb. 18, 1931, Art. 8, La Gaceta, Diario Oficial, No. 42, Feb. 21, 1931; Ecuador, Law of Oct. 18, 1921, as amended Sept. 17, 1925, Art. 67, p. 223; Egypt, Decree Law No. 19, Art. 10, p. 227; Honduras, Law No. 31, Art. 15, p. 335; Latvia, Law of June 2, 1927, Supp., Feb. 5, 1930, Art. VIII, enclosure with Despatch No. 7729, May 19, 1931, from American Minister at Riga, to Secretary of State; Liberia, Law of Jan. 6,1908, Sec. 2, p. 411; Mexico, Law of Nationality, Jan. 20,1934, Art. 47, loc. cit.; POLAND, Order of June 7,1920, Art. 16, p. 486; E L Salvador, Law of April 3,1900, Art. 14, p. 520; Switzerland, Fed. Decree of June 25,1903, Sec. 1, p. 657; Uruguay, Law of Feb. 1,1928, Arts. 25, 26, pp. 633, 634.
53 Law of Jan. 6, 1908, Sec. 7, p. 412.
54 Law of June 29, 1906, Sec. 15, pp. 593-594; 34 Stat. 596.
55 ArgentinE Republic, Decree of Dec. 19, 1931, Art. 8, loc. cit., Law No. 8129, July 4, 1911, Art. 16, enclosure with Despatch No. 1454, Dec. 16, 1931, from American Charge d'Affaires ad interim at Buenos Aires to Secretary of State; BRAZIL, Const., Art. 107 (c), Hambloch, op. cit., p. 44; Great Britain And Northern Ireland, Nationality Act, id., Sec. 7 (2), p. 65; Australia, Nationality Act, 1920-1925, Sec. 12 (2), p. 92; British India, Indian Naturalization Act, 1926, Sec. 8 (2), p. 133; CANADA, Naturalization Act, 1914, Sec. 9 (2), p. 78; Newfoundland, British Nationality Act, Art. 4, p. 145; New zealand, British Nationality Act, 1928, First Schedule, Sec. 7 (2), p. 109; UNION OF South africa, British Nationality Act, id., Sec. 7 (1), p. 119; FRANCE, Law of Aug. 10,1927, Arts. IX (5), X (1), p. 248; PERSIA, Law of Sept. 7, 1929, Art. VI, p. 474; RUMANIA, Law of Feb. 23, 1924, Art. 41, p. 506.
56 Chile, Decree Law No. 747, of Dec. 15,1925, Art. 8, p. 172; Colombia, Law of Feb. 2, 1931, Art. 1 (c), loc. cit.; Costa Rica, Decree of Feb. 18,1931, Art. 8, La Gaceta, id.; Egypt, Decree Law No. 19, Art. 10, p. 227; Germany, Law Concerning the Revocation of Naturalization and the Cancellation of German Citizenship, July 14, 1933, Reichsgesetzblatt, No. 81, July 15, 1933, Pt. I ; Decree for execution of law of July 14, 1933, Reichsgesetzblatt, No. 87, July 28, 1933, Pt. I; for Great Britain And Northern Ireland, Australia, British India, Canada, Newfoundland, new Zeeland, Union of South Afeica, and Persia see preceding note
57 See preceding note.
58 See note 56.
59 The laws of a large majority of states provide that minor children acquire nationality upon naturalization of the parents. See this journal, Vol. 23, Spl. Supp. (April, 1929), pp. 95-98.
60 Albania, Civil Code, Art. 17, p. 7; British India, Indian Naturalization Act, 1926, Sec. 10, p. 135; Ecuador, Const., Sec. 2, Art. 9, p. 222; Law of Oct. 18,1921, Art. 71, p. 224; Greece, Law No. 391, Art. 17 (1), p. 316; Netherlands, Law of Dec. 12, 1892, Art. 6, p. 442; Persia, Law of Sept. 7, 1929, Art. IX, p. 474; Rumania, Law of Feb. 23, 1924, Art. 35, p. 501; Siam, Naturalization Law, May 18, 1911, Sec. 13, p. 523.
61 Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Nationality Act, id., Art. 5 (1), p. 64; Australia, Nationality Act, 1920-1925, Sec. 10 (1), p. 90; CANADA, Naturalization Act, 1914, Sec. 7 (1), p. 78; Newfoundland, Consolidated Stats., id., Sec. 5 (1) p. 139; New zealand, British Nationality Act, 1928, First Schedule, Pt. II , Sec. 5 (1), p. 109; Union of South Africa, British Nationality Act, id., Sec. 5 (1), p. 117.
62 bulgaria, Law of Dec. 31, 1903, Arts. 11, 18, pp. 162, 166; Syria, Order No. 16/S, Art. 4, p. 301; Greater Lebanon, Order No. 15/S, Art. 4, p. 298; Monaco, Civil Code, Arts. 10, 18, pp. 437, 438; Venezuela, Law of July 13, 1928, Art. 4 (1), p. 642.
63 Great Britain, Nationality Act, id., Sec. 7 (a), p. 66; Auatralia, Nationality Act, 1920-1925, Sec. 13, p. 90; Canada, Naturalization Act, 1914, Sec. 10, p. 80; British India, Indian Naturalization Act, 1926, Sec. 9, p. 185; Newfoundland, Brit. Nationality Act, 1929, Sec. IV (6), p. 146; New zealand, British Nationality Act, 1928, First Schedule,Sec. 7 (a), p. 109; Palestine, Order of July 14, 1925, Sec. 11, p. 154; Union of South Africa, Brit. Nationality Act, id., Sec. 8, p. 121.
64 48 Stat. 797. With respect to the acquisition of citizenship by minor children upon naturalization of the parent, see also Sec. 2172 of the Revised Statutes (1878), which is still in force, though amended in part by Sec. 2 of the Act of May 24,1934.
65 Afghanistan, Code, Sec. 89, p. 8; Belgium, Law of Oct. 15, 1932, Art. 1, Moniteur Beige, id., p. 6784; BULGARIA, Law of Dec. 31,1903, Art. 15, p. 165; Ecuador, Const., Art. 9 (4), p. 222; IRAQ, Law of Oct. 9, 1924, Art. 17, p. S50; Liberia, Law of Feb. 8, 1922, Sec. 70, p. 4H; Netherlands, Law of Dec. 12,1892, Art. 9, p. 444; Persia, Law of Sept. 7, 1929, Art. XI, p. 475; Rumania, Law of Feb. 23,1924, Art. 40, p. 602; Transjordan, Nationality Law, June 1,1928, Sec. 10 (a), loc. cit., p. 37; Turkey, Law of May 28, 1928, Art. 13, p. 571.
66 Albania, Civil Code, Art. 14, p. 6; Egypt, Decree Law No. 19, Art. 14, p. 228; Italy, Law of June 13, 1912, Art. 10, p. 364; Japan, Law No. 66, Art. 19, p. 884.
67 See note 99.
68 Great Britain, Nationality Act, id., Sec. 11, p. 68; Australia, Nationality Act, 1920-1925, Sec. 19, p. 95; Canada, Naturalization Act, 1914, Sec. 14, p. 82; Newfoundland, Consolidated Stats., Sec. 11, p. 140; New zealand, British Nationality Act, 1928, Sec. 11, p. 113; Union of south Africa, British Nationality Act, id., Sec. 13, p. 122; PALESTINE, Order of July 24, 1925, Sec. 13, p. 164; Costa Rica, Law of May 13, 1889, Art. 3 (3), p. 186; Hungary, Law of Dec. 20,1879, Art. 35, p. 841; Lithuania, Prov. Law, Art. 1 (e), p. 417; Mexico, Law of Nationality, Art. 2 (II), loc. (At.; Peru, Civil Code of 1852,Art. 41, p. 478.
69 Law of Nationality, Sept. 21, 1928, Art. 44, p. 398.
70 Const., Art. 29 (4), p. 640.
71 Law of March 2, 1907, Sec. 4, p. 601; 34 Stat. 1228.
72 Law of Sept. 22,1922, as amended by laws of July 3, 1930, March 3,1931, and May 24, 1934, Sec. 2, 42 Stat. 1021, 46 Stat. 849, 46 Stat. 1511, 48 Stat. 797.
73 Bolivia, Civil Code of 1830, Art. 11, p. 46; Czechoslovak REPUBLIC, Const. Law No. 236, Sec. 16, p. 204; Germany, Law of Nationality, July 22, 1913, Sec. 17 (6), p. 308; Haiti, Law of Aug. 22,1907, Art. 9, p. 328; Hungary, Law of Dec. 20,1879, Art. 34, p. 341; IRAQ, Law of Oct. 29, 1924, Art. 17, p. 351; LIBERIA, Law of Feb. 8, 1922, Sec. 71, p. 4U; Liechtenstein, Law of May 14,1864, Art. I I (12), loc. cit.; Luxemburg, Civil Code of 1807, Art. 19, p. 420; Netherlands, Law of Dec. 12, 1892, Art. 7 (2), p. 444; Netherland ColonieS, Law of Feb. 10, 1910, Art. 2 (2), p. 447; SPAIN, Royal Decree of Nov. 17, 1852, Art. 1 (5), p. 530; Civil Law of 1889, Art. 22, p. 538; Switzerland, Civil Code, Art. 161 (1), p. 660; Transjordan, Nationality Law, June 1, 1928, Sec. 10, loc. cit., p. 37.
74 Albania, Civil Code, Art. 15, p. 6; Austkia, Fed. Law No. 285, Sec. 9 (1), p. 19; Belgium, Law of Dec. 17, 1932, Art. 18 (2), Moniteur Beige, id., p. 6790; Great Britain, Nationality Act, id., Sec. 10, p. 68; Canada, Naturalization Act of 1914, as amended by act of Aug. 3,1931, Sec. 13 (2), Stats, of Canada, 21-22 Geo. V, Ch. 39, p . 193; Newfoundland, Consolidated Stats., Sec. 10, p. 140; N ewzealand, British Nationality Act, Second Schedule, Section 10, p. 118; Palestine, Order of July 24, 1925, as amended by Order of Sept. 15, 1931, Sec. 12 (1), loc. cit.; UNION OF SOUTH Africa, Act No. 40, Sec. 2, p. 128; BULGARIA, Law of Dec. 31,1903, Art. 16, p. 165; Costa Rica, Law of May 13,1889, Art. 4 (5), p. 186; Danzig, Law of May 30, 1922, Sec. 14, p. 211; Dominican Republic, Const., Art. 8, p. 218; Ecuador, Law of Oct. 18,1921, Arts. 73, 74, p. 224; Egypt, Decree Law No. 19, Art. 14, p. 228; Ethiopia, Law of July 22, 1930, Sec. 4, loc. cit.; Greater Lebanon, Order No. 15/S, Art. 6, p. 299; Syria, Order No. 16/S, Art. 6, p. 302; Greece, Law No. 391, Art. 26, p. 818; Italy, Law of June 12, 1913, Art. 10, p. 865; Japan, Law No. 66, Art. 18, p. 884; Latvia, Law of June 2,1927, Art. VII, p. 409; Monaco, Civil Code, Art. 19, p. 438;Nicaragua, Const., Art. 10 (2), p. 449; Portugal, Civil Code of 1867, Art. 22 (4), p. 492; EL Salvador, Law of April 3,1900, Art. 2, p. 618; SIAM, Nationality Law, April 10,1913, Sec.4, p. 624; Sweden, Law No. 130, Art. 8, p. 648; Venezuela, Civil Code, Art. XXII, p. 641.
75 Albania, Civil Code, Art. 5, p. 6; Belgium, Law of Dec. 17,1932, Art. 18 (2), MoniteurBeige, id., p. 6790; Australia, Nationality Act, 1920-1925, Sec. 18, p. 95; Estonia, LawNo. 87, Sec. 19, p. 234; Peru, Const., Art. 6, Const. Politico,, id.; Rumania, Law of Feb. 23,1924, Art. 38, p. 502; Yugoslavia, Law of Nationality, Sept. 21, 1928, Art. 29, p. 395
76 Argentine RepubliC, Decree of Oct. 8,1920, p. 12; Cuba, Law of July 1, 1929, Art. I, p. 199; Mexico, Law of Nationality, Jan. 20, 1934, Art. 4, loc. cit; Russia, Regulation, April 22, 1931, Sec. 8, loc. cit; Turkey, Law of May 28, 1928, Art. 13, p. 571; Uruguay, Decree of Jan. 21, 1921, p. 628.
77 Law of Sept. 22, 1922, Sec. 3 (a), p. 608. The renunciation provision of this section has been amended by implication by Sec. 3 of the Law of May 24, 1934, which reads as follows: “A citizen of the United States may upon marriage to a foreigner make a formal renunciation of his or her United States citizenship before a court having jurisdiction over naturalization of aliens, but no citizen may make such renunciation in time of war, and if war should be declared within one year after such renunciation then such renunciation shall be void.” 48 Stat. 797.
78 Cuba, Civil Code of 1888-1889, Art. 22, p . 194; Latvia, Law of Nationality, June 2, 1927, Art. 7, p. 409; Netherlands, Law of Dec. 12, 1892, Art. 5, p. 442.
79 Austria, Fed. Law No. 285, Sees. 9 (2), 10 (2), p. 19; Germany, Law of Nationality, July 22, 1913, Sec. 29, p. 811.
80 Hungary, Law of Dec. 20, 1879, Arts. 26, 32, pp. 340, 841.
81 Law of Jan. 20, 1920, Art. 13, p. 481.
82 Greece, Law No. 391, Art. 24, p. 317; Mexico, Law of Nationality, Jan. 20, 1934, Art. 44, loc. cit.; Persia, Law of Sept. 7, 1929, Art. X I I I , p. 475 (unless decision of Council of Ministers includes her).
83 Albania, Civil Code, Art. 16, p. 7; Costa Rica, Law of May 13, 1889, Art. 6, p. 187; Haiti, Law of Aug. 22,1907, Art. 15, p . 829; Italy, Law of June 12, 1913, Art. 11, p. 365; Japan, Law No. 66, Art. 21, p. 384; E L Salvador, Law of April 3, 1900, Art. 2, p. 518; Siam, Nationality Law, April 10,1913, Sec. 10, p. 524; Switzerland, Fed. Decree, June 25, 1903, Art. 9, p . 558; Civil Code, Dec. 10, 1907, Art. 161 (1), p . 660; Yugoslavia, Law of Nationality, Sept. 21, 1928, Art. 37, p . 397.
84 Bulgaria, Law of Dec. 31,1903, Art. 22, p . 166 (not affected by husband's acquisition of new nationality); Danzig, Law of May 30, 1922, Sees. 16, 17,19, p. 211; Estonia, Law No. 87, Sec. 22, p. 235; Portugal, Civil Code of 1867, Art. 22, p. 491; Nicaragua, Law of Oct. 3, 1894, Art. 2, p . 452 (changes nationality only if she lives in husband's new country).
85 Belgium, Law of Dec. 17, 1932, Art. 18 (3); Law of May 15, 1922, Art. 18 (3) asamended by Law of Aug. 4, 1926, Art. 17, and Law of Oct. 15,1932, Art. 9, Moniteur Beige, id., p. 6790; Great Britain And Northern Ireland, Nationality Act, id., as amended by Act of Nov. 17, 1933, Sec. 10 (3), enclosure with despatch No. 308, Nov. 11,1933, from American Ambassador, London, to Secretary of State; Australia, Nationality Act, 1920-1925, Sec. 18, p. 95; Canada, Naturalization Act of 1914, as amended by Act of Aug. 3, 1931, Sec. 13 (4), Stats. Canada, 21-22 Geo. V, Ch. 39, p . 193; Newfoundland, Consolidated Statutes, Sec. 10, p. 140; Palestine, Order of July 24,1925, Sec. 12, p. 155; Egypt, Decree Law No. 19, Art. 15, p. 228.
86 See especially Sec. 3 (a) of the Act as amended by the Act of March 3, 1931, 46 Stat. 1511.
87 “Sec. 3. That any American woman who marries a foreigner shall take the nationality of her husband.” 34 Stat. 1228.
88 Great Britain And Northern Ireland, Nationality Act, id., Sec. 7a, p. 66; Australia, Nationality Act, 1920-1925, Sec. 13, p. 94; Newfoundland, British Nationality Act, 1929,Sec. IV (6), p. 146; New zealand, British Nationality Act, 1928, First Schedule, Section7a, p. 110; Palestine, Order of July 24,1925, Sec. 11, he. cit.; Canada, Naturalization Act of 1914, Sec. 10, p. 80; British india, Indian Naturalization Act, 1926, Sees. 9, 10,p. 135; Union of South africa, British Nationality Act, id., Sec. 8, p. 121.
89 Denmark, Law of April 18, 1925, Art. VI, p. 215; Iceland, Law of June 15, 1926, , Law of Oct. 3, 1924, Sec. 9, p. 456; Sweden, Law No. 130, Art. 9, p. 648.
90 Argentine Republic, Law No. 346, Art. 4, p. 11; Cuba, Civil Code, Art. 18, p. 193; GermanY, Law of Nationality, July 22, 1913, Sec. 29, p. 311; IRAQ, Law of Oct. 9, 1924, Art. 18, p. 857; Liechtenstein, Law of May 14, 1864, Art. II, Par. 11, loc. cil.; Netherlands, Law of Dec. 12, 1892, Art. 10, p. 444; SPAIN, Civil Laws of 1889, Art. 18, p. 587; Transjordan, Nationality Law, June 1, 1928, Sec. 12, loc. cit., p . 37.
91 Albania, Civil Code, Art. 17, p. 7; Austria, Fed. Law No. 285, Sec. 10 (2), p. 20;Belgium, Law of Dec. 17, 1932, Art. 18 (4), Moniteur Beige, id., p. 6789; Great Britian, Nationality Act, id., Sec. 12, p. 68; Australia, Nationality Act, 1920-1925, Sec. 20, p. 95; Canada, Naturalization Act of 1914, Sec. 15, p. 82; Newfoundland, Consolidated Stats., Sec. 12, p. llfi; New zealand, British Nationality Act, 1928, Second Schedule, Sec. 12, (1), p. 113; Palestine, Order of July 24, 1925, Sec. 14, p. 155; Union Of South Africa, Act No. 40, Sec. 4, p. 128; DANZIG, Law of May 30, 1922, Sees. 14, 17, p. 211; Egypt, Decree Law No. 19, Art. 16, p. 228; Italy, Law of June 12, 1913, Art. 12, p. 366; Japan, Law No. 66, Art. 21, p. 385; Nicaragua, Law of Oct. 3,1894, Art. 2, p. 452; E L Salvador, Law of April 3, 1900, Art. 2 (3), p. 518; Siam, Nationality Law, April 10, 1913, Sec. 10,p. 524; Yugoslavia, Law of Nationality, Sept. 21, 1928, Art. 37, p. 397.
92 See note 64. Sec. 2172 of the Kevised Statutes, 1878, mentioned in note 64, is a re-enactment of the law of April 14, 1802, p. 676. For a recent Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision upholding this view see U. S. v. Reid, 73 F . (2d) 153.
93 Afghanistan, Code, Sec. 92, p. 4; Estonia, Law No. 87, Sec. 22, p. 235; Portugal, Civil Code of 1867, Art. 22, p. 421.
94 Fed. Law No. 285, Sec. 8 (1), (2), p. 19.
95 6 See note 89.
96 Law of Sept. 13, 1926, Art. 4, p. 319.
97 Regulation, April 22, 1931, Sees. 9, 10, he. cit.
98 Afghanistan, Code, Sec. 91, p. 8; Albania, Civil Code, Article 11, p. 6; Belgiam Congo, Decree of June 21,1904, p. 44; BULGARIA, Law of Dec. 31,1903, Art. 17 (1), p. 166; China, Rev. Law, Feb. 5,1929, Art. 11, p. 178; Danzig, Law of May 30, 1922, Sees. 16,18,p. 211; Estonia, Law No. 87, Sec. 20, p. 234; Egypt, Decree Law, No. 19,Art. 12, p. 228; Finland, Law of June 17,1927, Sees. 1, 4, pp. 239, 240; FRANCE, Law of Aug. 10,1927, Art. IX, p. 249; Greater Lebanon, Order No. 15/S, Art. 8 (1), p. 299; SYRIA, Order No. 16/S,Art. 8 (1), p. 302; Greece, Law No. 391, Art. 23 (a), p. 317; Saudi Arabia, Law of Sept. 24, 1926, Sec. 6, p. 880; Hungary, Law of Dec. 20, 1879, Arts. 20-22, 25, 28, 29, pp. 339-340; Lybia, Law No. 1013, Art. 32, p. 379; LATVIA, Law of June 2,1927, Art. IX, p. 409; Liechtenstein, Law of May 14, 1864, Art. II , pars. 8 (a), (b), (c), 13, he. cit.; Norway, Law of Aug. 8, 1924, Sees. 8, 10, p. 455; Persia, Law of Sept. 7, 1929, Art. XIII , p. 475; Poland, Law of Jan. 20, 1920, Art. XI (1), p. 481; Siam, Naturalization Law 130, Sec. 15, p. 528; Nationality Law, April 10, 1913, Sees. 4, 5, 10, p. 524; Sweden, Law No. 130, Art. 8, p. 548; Switzerland, Fed. Decree of June 25,1903, Art. 7, p. 558; TURKEY, Law of May 28, 1928, Art. 7, p. 570; Yugoslavia, Law of Nationality, Sept. 21, 1928, Arts. 22-26, pp. 393-394.
99 Austria, Fed. Law No. 285, Sec. 10 (1), p. 19; Belgium, Law of Dec. 17,1932, Art. 18, Moniteur Beige, id., p. 6789; Bolivia, Const., Art. 35 (1), p. 46; Brazil, Const., Art. 107 (a), Hambloch, op. cit., p. 43; Great Britain, Nationality Act, id., Sec. 13, p. 68; Australia, Nationality Act, 1920-1925, Sec. 21, p. 96; Canada, Naturalization Act of 1914, Sec. 16, p. 82; Newfoundland, Consolidated Stats., Sec. 13, p. HI; New zealand, British Nationality Act, 1928, Second Schedule, Sec. 13, p. 114; Palestine, Order of July 24, 1925, Sec. 15, p. 156; Union of South Africa, British Nationality Act, id., Sec. 15, p. 123; Chile, Const., Art. 6, p. 171; Colombia, Const., Art. 9, p. 180; Costa Rica, Law of May 13,1889, Art. 4 (1), p. 186; Cuba, Const., Art. 6 (1), Gaceta, Oficial, id., p. 3; Denmark, Law of April 18, 1925, Art. V, p. 215; Dominican Republic, Const., Art. 11, p. 218; Ecuador, Const., Art. 10 (1), p. 222; Ethiopia, Law of July 22,1930, Sec. 11 (A), foe. cit.; Germany, Law of Nationality, July 22, 1913, Sec. 25, p. 310; Guatemala, Law of Foreigners of 1894, Arts. 1, 4, 8, p. 322; Haiti, Law of Aug. 22,1907, Art. 17 (1), p. 330; Honduras, Law No. 331, Art. 1 (6), p. 834; Iceland, Law of June 15, 1926, Arts. 5, 7, p. 346; IRAQ, Law of Oct. 9,1924, Art. 13, p. 350; Italy, Law of June 13,1912, Art. 8 (1), p. 364; Japan, Law No. 66, Art. 20, p. 384; Liberia, Law of Feb. 8,1922, Sec. 73, p. 414; Luxemburg, Civil Code of 1807, Sec. 17, p. 420; Mexico, Const., Art. 37 (A), I, Millan, op. cit., p. 24; Monaco, Civil Code, Art. 17 (1), p. 438; Netherlands, Law of Dec. 12,1892, Art. 7 (1), p. 443; Netherland Colonies, Law of Feb. 10, 1910, Art. 2 (1), p. 447; Nicaragua, Const., Art. 10 (1), p. 449; Panama, Const., Art. 7 (1), p. 458; Paraguay, Law No. 559, Art. 1, p. 472; Peru, Const., Art. 7 (2), Const. Politico,, id., p. 3; Portugal, Civil Code of 1867, Art. 22 (1), p. 491; Rumania, Law of Feb. 23, 1924, Art. 36 (a), p. 601; E L Salvador, Const., Art. 53 (3), p. 518; Law of April 3, 1900, Art. 2 (4), p. 618; Spain, Const., Art. 24 (2), Gaceta de Madrid, id., p. 3; Tbansjordan, Nationality Law, June 1, 1928, Sec. 14, loc. cit., p. 37; Venezuela, Law of July 13, 1928, Art. 7, p. 642.
100 See the declaration by Congress of the right of expatriation in the Law of July 27,1868, as reenacted in Rev. Stats., 1878, Sec. 1999, p. 578.
101 Law of March 2, 1907, Sec. 2, p. 600; 34 Stat. 1228.
102 Bulgaria, Const., Art. 56, p. 162; China, Rev. Law, Feb. 5, 1929, Art. 12, p. 177; Estonia, Law No. 87, Sec. 20, p. 234; Finland, Law of June 17, 1927, Sec. 1, p. 289; France, Law of Aug. 10, 1927, Art. IX (1), p. 249; Greece, Law No. 391, Art. 23 (a), p. 817; Hungary, Law of Dec. 20,1879, Art. 22, p. 889; Italy, Law of June 13,1912, Art. 8, p. 364; Japan, Law No. 66, Art. 24, p. 885; Liechtenstein, Law of May 14,1864, Art. II, par. 8 (d), loc. tit.; Poland, Law of Jan. 20,1920, Art. 11, p. 481; Turkey, Law of May 28, 1928, Art. 7, p. 570; Yugoslavia, Law of Nationality, Sept. 21, 1928, Art. 23 (1), p. 894.
103 See note 102. Also see similar provision in Japanese law, note 102.
104 Austria, Fed. Law No. 285, Sec. 10 (2), p. 20; BULGARIA, Law of Deo. 31, 1903, Art. 17 (3), (4), p. 166; Costa Rica, Law of May 13, 1889, Art. 4 (2), (3), p. 186; CUBA, Const., Art. 6 (2), (3), Gaeeta Oficicd, id., p. 3; Guatemala, Law of Feb. 21, 1894, Art. 7, p. 823; SaudI Arabia, Law of Sept. 24,1926, Sec. 7, p. 881; Netherlands, Law of Dec. 12, 1892, Art. 7 (4), p. 448; Netherland Colonies, Law of Feb. 10,1910, Art. 2 (3), p. 447; PERU, Const., Art. 7 (1), Const. Politico, id., p. 3; Poland, Law of Jan. 20, 1920, Art. 11 (2), p. 481; Rumania, Law of Feb. 23,1924, Arts. 36 (d), 37, p. 602; Spain, Const., Art. 24 (1), Gaeeta de Madrid, id.
105 Albania, Civil Code, Art. 12, p. 6; Danzig, Law of May 30, 1922, Sec. 15, p. 211; Egypt, Decree Law No. 19, Art. 13, p. 228; Estonia, Law No. 87, Sec. 22, p. 234; Finland, Law of June 17,1927, Sec. 3, p. 240; Geemant, Law of Nationality, July 22, 1913, Sec. 28, p. 810; Greece, Law No. 391, Art. 23 (b), p. 317; Hungary, Law of Dec. 20,1879, Art. 30, p. 340; IRAQ, Nationality Law, Oct. 9, 1924, Art. 15, p. 350; Italy, Law of June 13, 1912, Art. 8 (3), p. 364; Monaco, Civil Code, Sec. 17 (3), p. 438; Transjordan, Nationality Law, June 1, 1928, Sec. 15, he. tit., p . 37; Turkey, Law of May 28, 1928, Arts. 9, 10, p. 571; Yugoslavia, Law of Nationality, Sept. 21, 1928, Art. 32, p. 396.
106 Albania, Civil Code, Art. 12, p. 6; Argentine Republic, Law No. 346, Art. 8, p. 12; Austria, Fed. Law No. 285, Sec. 10 (2), p. 20; Fed. Law, June 8,1927, Art. 1, p. 24; Bolivia, Const., Art. 35 (4), p. 46; BraziL, Const., Art. 107b, Hambloch, p. 43; Costa Rica, Law of May 13,1889, Art. 4 (2), p. 186; Cuba, Const., Art. 6 (2), (3), Gacela Oficial, id., p. 3; Guatemala, Law of Feb. 21, 1894, Art. 7, p. 323; Haiti, Law of Aug. 22, 1907, Art. 17 (3), p. 330; Netherlands, Law of Dec. 12, 1892, Art. 7 (4), p. 443; Netherland Colonies, Law of Feb. 10, 1910, Art. 2 (3), p. 447; Panama, Const., Art. 7 (2), p. 458; Paraguay, Const., Art. 40 (2), J. I . Rodriguez, American Constitutions (1905), Vol. I I , p . 390; Peru, Const., Art. 7 (1), Const. Politico,, id., p . 3; Poland, Law of Jan. 20,1920, Art. 11 (2), p. 481; Portugal, Civil Code of 1867, Art. 22 (2), p. 491; Rumania, Law of Feb. 23, 1924, Arts. 36 (d), 37, p. 502; E L Salvador, Const., Art. 53 (4), p. 518; Spain, Const., Art. 24 (1), Gaceta de Madrid, id.
107 Bulgaria, Law of Dec. 31, 1903, Art. 17 (3), (4), p. 166; Danzig, Law of May 30, 1922, Sec. 15, p. 211; Egypt, Decree Law No. 19, Art. 13, p. 228; Finland, Law of June 17, 1927, Sec. 3, p. 240; France, Law of Aug. 10,1927, Art. IX (4), p. 249; Greater lebanon, Order No. 15/S, Art. 8 (2), p. 299; Syria, Order No. 16/S, Art. 8 (2), p. 801; Germany, Law of Nationality, July 22,1913, Sec. 28, p. 311; Greece, Law No. 391, Art. 23 (b), p. 317; Hungary, Law of Dec. 20, 1879, Art. 30, p. 340; iraq, Nationality Law, Oct. 9, 1924, Art. 15, p. 350; Italy, Law of June 13, 1912, Art. 8 (3), p. 364; MONACO, Civil Code, Sec. 17 (3), p. 438; Transjordan, Nationality Law, June 1, 1928, Sec. 15, he. cit., p . 37; Turkey, Law of May 28, 1928, Arts. 9, 10, p. 571; Yugoslavia, Law of Nationality, Sept. 21, 1928, Art. 32, p. 396.
108 Argentine Republic, Law No. 346, Art. 8, p. 12; Bolivia, Const., Art. 35 (4), p. 46; Costa Rica, Law of May 13, 1889, Art. 4 (2), (3), p. 186; Cuba, Const., Art. 6 (2), (3), Gaceta Oficial, id., p. 3 ; Honduras, Const., Art. 22, p. 333; Mexico, Const., Art. 37 (A), Millan, op. cit., p. 24; Panama, Const., Art. 7 (2), p. 458; Paraguay, Const., Art. 40 (2), Rodriguez, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 390; Portugal, Civil Code of 1867, Art. 22 (2), p. 491.
109 Law of March 2, 1907, Sec. 2, p. 600; 34 Stat. 1228.
110 Bulgaria, Law of Dec. 31, 1903, Art. 20. p. 166; Chile, Const., Art. 6 (3), p. 171; Ecuador, Const., Art. 10 (2), p. 222; Germany, Law of Nationality, July 22,1913, Sec. 27, p. 811; Haiti, Law of Aug. 22, 1907, Arts. 17, 20, p. S30; Latvia, Law of June 2, 1927, Art. VIII, p. 409; Panama, Const., Art. 7 (3), (4), p. 468; Poland, Order No. 540, Aug. 11, 1920, Art. 1, p. 489; Turkey, Law of May 28, 1928, Art. 10, p. 571.
111 Law of March 3,1865, as reenacted in Rev. Stats. 1878, Sec. 1996; law of Aug. 22, 1912, Sec. 1, amending Rev. Stats. 1878, Sec. 1998, pp. 677, 604.
112 Law No. 7029, June 28, 1920, Art. 28, he. cit.
113 Decree Law No. 19, Feb. 27, 1929, as amended by Decree Law No. 92, June 18, 1931, enclosure with Despatch No. 208, June 26, 1931, from American Consul Bulkeley, Rameleh, Egypt, to Secretary of State.
114 Law No. 108, Jan. 31, 1926, modifying Law of June 13, 1912, p. 874.
115 Sec. 2 (1), Reichsgesetzblatt, No. 81, id.
116 Ee Sec. 2,1, Reichsgesetzblatt, No. 87, id.
117 Law of July 13, 1928, Art. 9, p. 642
118 Law of Feb. 10, 1910, Art. 2 (4), p. 447.
119 Civil Code of 1807, Sec. 17 (3), p. 4%0.
120 Hungary, Law of Dee. 20,1879, Art. 31, p. 340; Netherlands, Law of Dec. 12,1892, Art. 7 (5), p. 443; Turkey, Law of May 28, 1928, Art. 10, p. 571.
121 “The Department holds that for a native American to put off his national character he should put on another. Continued residence of a native American abroad is not expatriation, unless he performs acts inconsistent with his American nationality and consistent only with the formal acquirement of another nationality… . Existing statutes confirm the principle by providing that citizenship shall flow to the children of American citizens born abroad, the birthright ceasing only with the grandchildren whose fathers have never resided in the United States. Foreign residence, even for two generations, is, therefore, not necessarily expatriation, in the sense of renouncing original allegiance, nor is it necessarily repatriation unless through the conflict of laws of the respective countries and the conclusion of conventional agreements between them.” Mr. Evarts, Sec. of State to Mr. Fish, charge“ d'affaires to Switzerland, Oct. 19, 1880, For. Rel. 1880, 960. John Bassett Moore, A Digest of International Law, Vol. III , p. 717.
122 Dean John H. Wigmore has made the interesting, but extreme, suggestion that citizenship be based on domicile and that two years’ residence in a country shall automatically result in an election of the citizenship of that country. See his article, “Domicile, Double Allegiance, and World Citizenship,” 21 III. Law Rev. (1927), 761.