Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017
Dated May 24, 1980. Judge Lachs appended a separate opinion, and Judges Morozov and Tarazi appended dissenting opinions to the Judgment of the Court. The text reprinted here is taken from the Court’s mimeographed version; it has since been printed as [1980] ICJ Rep. 3.
1 President Sir Humphrey Waldock; Vice-President Elias; Judges Forster, Gros, Lachs, Nagendra Singh, Ruda, osler, Oda, Ago, El-Erian, Sette-Camara and Baxter.
2 Judges Morozov and Tarazi.
3 President Sir Humphrey Waldock; Vice-President Elias; Judges Forster, Gros, Nagendra Singh, Ruda, Mosler, Oda, Ago, El-Erian, Sette-Camara and Baxter.
4 Judges Lachs, Morozov and Tarazi.
5 President Sir Humphrey Waldock; Vice-President Elias; Judges Forster, Gros, Lachs, Nagendra Singh, Ruda, Mosler, Tarazi, Oda, Ago, El-Erian, Sette-Camara and Baxter.
6 Judge Morozov.