Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2017
Based on geological and stylistic evidence, we argue that stone palettes found at Etowah were made locally from nearby raw materials. We also show that they were wrapped in textiles and kept in bundles, i.e., that they were objects used in ritual. Etowah palettes were used as portable altars, perhaps in ceremonies that involved anointing other objects with colorful (and spiritually powerful) substances. The realization that palettes were bundled ritual gear should cause us to rethink common assumptions that such objects moved from site to site by means of "trade," or that they functioned as "prestige goods" in the sense of Frankenstein and Rowlands (1978).
De acuerdo con pruebas geológicas y estilísticas, sostenemos que las paletas de piedra encontradas en Etowah fueron hechas localmente a partir de materias primas del área. También demostramos que estas eran envueltas en materias textiles y mantenida en bultos, es decir, que eran objetos utilizados en rituales. Las paletas de Etowah se utilizaban como altares portátiles, quizás en ceremonias que implicaban ungir otros objetos con sustancias coloridas (espiritualmente poderosas). Considerando que Ias paletas constituían envoltórios rituales, debe hacernos repensar suposiciones comunes de que tales objetos se movían de un sitio a otro por medio del "comercio," o que funcionaban como "bienes de prestigio" en el sentido de Frankenstein y Rowlands (1978).