Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 January 2017
Howey and O'Shea (2006) misrepresent one of my statements twice, attributing a position to me that I have argued against for two decades: they misrepresent the way that ethnography is used in the archaeology of religion and the manner in which rock art research is conducted; and, despite their claims to the contrary, their study illustrates the importance of the identification of meaning in the archaeology of religion.
Howey y O'Shea representan falsamente dos veces una de mis declaraciones, atribuyendo a mí una posición que he discutido contra por dos décadas; representan falsamente la manera en que la ethnografia está utilizado en la archaeologia de la religión y de la manera en cual se conduce la investigación del arte rupestre; y, contra sus declaraciones, sus estudia demonstran otra vece la importancia de "meaning" in estudios de religiones prehistoricas.