Published online by Cambridge University Press: 25 January 2017
During the field season of 1941–42, joint excavations were undertaken in the Huasteca territory by the American Museum of Natural History and the Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia. The American Museum had appointed Dr. Gordon Ekholm to investigate this area as a part of the program sponsored by the Institute of Andean Research. The Instituto Nacional appointed Wilfrido Du Solier to collaborate with Ekholm because of his (Du Solier's) long interest in and knowledge of the area.
It was decided to undertake work in the following sites: Las Flores in Tampico; Tancol, a little to the north of Tampico; Panuco, on the river of the same name; and Buena Vista, Huaxcama, San Luis Potosi, to the northwest of the Huasteca territory. The explorations in Buena Vista and Las Flores were made by both Ekholm and Du Solier, while those of Panuco and Tancol, due to the illness of Du Solier, were made only by Ekholm.