This double number of Issue grows out of several long-standing concerns of the Committee on Current Issues and, more immediately, out of panels at the Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association in Baltimore in November 1978. The articles by MM. Moose, Stockwell, Chetile, Raiford, Klare and Prokosch, and Shepherd and by Ms. Seidman were presented in modified form in Baltimore. Mr. Robinson, another panelist, made his Congressional testimony available, while Mr. Nzongola submitted an overview of Western involvement in Southern Africa. We developed the information presented in Baltimore by three members of the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace into an article, and solicited the contribution from Mr. Bratton as a companion and background piece. Station WGBH of Boston made the transcript of their November 9 broadcast available to us; the transcript became the basis for an article linked to the themes of Klare, Prokosch and Shepherd. The “Directory of Current Research on Southern Africa” is a project coordinated by Mr. Crossey and which we have encouraged as a resource for members of the association. Finally, we wanted to publish Mr. Anise’s analysis of recent events in Nigeria, a subject which has received scant attention in American media.