A numerical procedure, which utilises polynomial power
series expansions for the optimisation of multipanel
wing structures in idealised critical flutter
conditions, is introduced and developed. It arises
from the Rayleigh-Ritz method and employes trial
polynomial describing functions both for the
flexural displacement and for the thickness
variation over the multipanel surface. An idealised
structural plate model, according to the Kirchhoff’s
theory, together with a linearised supersonic
aerodynamic approach, are supposed. The classical
Euler-Lagrange optimality criterion, based on
variational principles, has been utilised for the
optimisation operations, where by imposing the
stationary conditions of the Lagrangian functional
expression, a nonlinear algebraic equations system
is obtained, whose solution is found by an
appropriate algorithm. By utilising an iterative
process it is possible to reach the reference
structure critical conditions, with an optimised
thickness distribution throughout the multipanel
surface. The final part of the work consists in
searching the minimum weight of the multipanel
planform wing structure with optimised thickness
profile vs the flutter frequency,
considered as a variable imput parameter, for fixed
flutter speed and equal to the critical one of the
reference uniform structure.