It is demonstrated how, with increase in speed, the diameter of optimum efficiency and the maximum possible value of efficiency of an airscrew diminish. The efficiency of a system of two counter-revolving airscrews with different angular velocities is then determined, and the variation of efficiency with variation in the relation between the angular velocities of the two airscrews.
With increase in the height and speed of flight, airscrew performance inevitably falls off, frequently in a marked degree; this being mainly due to the decrease in aerodynamic efficiency of the blade sections at high Mach numbers.
The object of the present article is to analyse the influence exerted upon the performance of an airscrew by the various parameters that determine it, wit-h special reference to those connected with the speed and height of flight.
A similar study has also been made of systems constituted of two counter-rotating airscrews, with a view to comparing them with isolated airscrews designed to absorb the same power under identical conditions.
By the methods here described, an approximate numerical evaluation of the performance can be made, utilising the experimental results which are already to hand.