Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 July 2016
page 1051 note * Report of the Commission on Closer Union of the Dependencies in Eastern and Central Africa, 1929. (Comd. 3234).
page 1064 note * The data used in this section has been drawn from the reports published by the Departments of Agriculture of the three territories, Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika and from the following papers, “The Distribution of Rainfall over ‘Uganda,” C. E. P. Brooks, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, October, 1924; “Climatological Studies: German East Africa,” H. G. Lyons, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, April, 1917; and a summary of the climatic conditions for aeronautical purposes produced by Captain F. Entwistle of the Meteorological Office. I have to thank Captain Entwistle for his advice on this section.