Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 July 2016
The purpose of this note is to present some recently acquired data showing the effects of variations in the open area of slotted liners on the pressures on a twodimensional aerofoil at sonic speed in the 36 inch X 14 inch transonic wind tunnel at the NPL. The basic slotted liners for this tunnel have eleven longitudinal slots, giving an open-area ratio (σ) of 0.091. Other slot openings are obtained by closing appropriate slots with “Sellotape.” Nine values of σ ranging from 0 to 0.091, were used in this investigation. A wall static-pressure orifice, sufficiently far upstream of the model to be unaffected by its presence (3-6 chords), was used as a reference pressure for tunnel speed. The relationship between the Mach number given by this reference pressure and the true tunnel Mach number (M0), at the model location, was obtained by careful calibration.