Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Turner, Edward J.
Bogdan, Matthew F.
O’Connell, Tyler M.
Ng, Wing F.
Lowe, Kevin T.
Crook, Loren
Stevenson, Richard
Roberts, James
Measurement Drift in 3-Hole Yaw Pressure Probes From 5µm Sand Fouling at 1050 °C.
Journal of Turbomachinery,
Vol. 143,
Issue. 3,
Jiang, Lei-Yong
Trembath, Patrick
Patnaik, Prakash
Capurro, Michele
Environmental particle rebound/deposition modeling in engine hot sections.
Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering,
Vol. 8,
Issue. ,