Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 July 2016
This paper introduces a method of generating real harmonizable multifractional Lévy motions (RHMLMs). The simulation of these fields is closely related to that of infinitely divisible laws or Lévy processes. In the case where the control measure of the RHMLM is finite, generalized shot-noise series are used. An estimation of the error is also given. Otherwise, the RHMLM Xh is split into two independent RHMLMs, Xε,1 and Xε,2. More precisely, Xε,2 is an RHMLM whose control measure is finite. It can then be rewritten as a generalized shot-noise series. The asymptotic behaviour of Xε,1 as ε → 0+ is further elaborated. Sufficient conditions to approximate Xε,1 by a multifractional Brownian motion are given. The error rate in terms of Berry-Esseen bounds is then discussed. Finally, some examples of simulation are given.