1. Introduction
A brief overview of classical Pólya urn models. For
, a J-dimensional Pólya urn process
is an
-valued stochastic process which represents the evolution of an urn containing balls of J different colors denoted by
$1,2,\ldots, J$
. The initial composition of the urn can be specified by a J-dimensional vector B(0) given by
, the jth coordinate
of B(0) representing the number of balls of color j present in the urn at the beginning of the process, i.e. at time 0. At each subsequent time step
$n\geq 1$
, we pick a ball uniformly at random, inspect its color, and put it back into the urn together with a random collection of additional balls, whose colors are given by
if the selected ball has color j (which happens with probability proportional to the number of balls of color j already present in the urn). This rule for adding balls can be summed up by the so-called replacement matrix L, which in our case is a random matrix L defined as follows. For
, we write
, and we consider a sequence
$(L^{(j)})_{j\in [J]}$
of J independent
-valued random (column) vectors. We denote by L the
$J\times J$
random matrix with column vectors
, so
, and by
the expectation of
, for all
$i,j\in [J]$
; finally, we let
, so that
$\mathbb{E} L=A$
. We then continue the process, each time taking an independent (of everything else) copy of the replacement matrix L. Note that the model described involves replacement, meaning that the selected ball is placed back into the urn after each draw. However, it is also possible to study a model without replacement by considering the replacement matrix
, where I is the
$J\times J$
identity matrix. In this case, it might happen that some diagonal entries of
are equal to
, which means a ball is removed from the urn. The urn process is the sequence
$(B(n))_{n\geq 1}$
of J-dimensional random vectors with nonnegative integer coordinates, and the jth coordinate
of B(n) represents the number of balls of color j in the urn after the nth draw, for
$j\in [J]$
. We also define
to be the number of balls drawn up to time n; that is,
represents the number of balls of color j drawn up to the nth draw (in particular,
). As one expects, the limit behavior of
$(B(n))_{n\geq 1}$
$(B^\circ(n))_{n\ge 1}$
depends on the distribution of the replacement matrix L, and in particular on the spectral properties of its mean value matrix A.
The literature on limit theorems for Pólya urn models is enormous and any attempt to give a complete survey here is hopeless, but we mention some relevant references and results in this direction. For additional results, the reader is referred to the cited articles and the references therein. In 1930, in his original article [Reference Pólya10], Pólya investigates a two-color urn process with replacement matrix L being the identity. If L is a non-random, irreducible matrix with exclusively nonnegative entries, then it is well established that the sequence
converges almost surely to u as n goes to infinity, where u is the left eigenvector associated with
, the spectral radius of
$A=\mathbb{E} L$
. The coordinates of u are all nonnegative and normalized in such a way that they sum up to one; see [Reference Athreya and Karlin2, Reference Janson5, Reference Müller and Neininger9, Reference Smythe12] for more details. The second-order behavior of the sequence
depends on the second eigenvalue
(ordered by real parts) of A. If
, the real part of the second-largest eigenvalue, is less than or equal to
, then the fluctuations around the limit u are Gaussian (with a random variance). The magnitude of the fluctuations is of order
and of order
in the critical case
$\textrm{Re}(\lambda_2) = \rho/2$
. Conversely, if
$\textrm{Re}(\lambda_2) > \rho/2$
, then the fluctuations are non-Gaussian and of higher order. See Janson [Reference Janson5] for this trichotomy and [Reference Pouyanne11] for an approach based on the spectral decomposition of a suitable finite-difference transition operator on polynomial functions.
Apart from these seminal results, the model of Pólya urns has been extended and more precise asymptotics are known. Several generalizations are considered in [Reference Janson5]. Another possible extension is to consider measure-valued Pólya processes; see the recent work [Reference Janson, Mailler and Villemonais6] for second-order asymptotics of such processes for infinitely many colors and the literature cited there for additional results.
The model and our contribution. In the current paper we consider a modification of the Pólya urn model containing two urns marked
. For a fixed
representing the number of colors, we consider the random
$J\times J$
matrix L as above, with independent column vectors
and expectation matrix
$A=\mathbb{E} L$
. With these initial conditions, we define the
-valued stochastic process
$(B(n))_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$
as follows, with
. Suppose that at time 0 we have one ball of type (color)
in urn
. We draw this ball from urn
, and we put into urn
a collection of balls
$L^{(j_0)}=(L^{(j_0,1)},\ldots, L^{(j_0,J)})$
(this notation means that for each
$i\in [J]$
, we put
balls of type i into urn
). Thus we now have
balls in urn
. At the next step, we draw balls from urn
uniformly at random, one after another, and for any ball of type j drawn we add an independent collection of balls with distribution
into urn
. We continue until urn
is empty, and then we exchange the roles of urns
. We emphasize that, unlike in the Pólya urn model, in the two-urn model it is more convenient to consider drawing without replacement; that is, the ball drawn in each step is not returned to either urn, but only determines the future addition of balls. In particular, all coefficients of L are nonnegative. For
$j\in [J]$
, by
we denote the total number of balls of type j that have been added to one of these two urns up to (and including) the nth draw.
Graphically, we can draw a random tree in order to visualize the step-by-step evacuation of one urn and the refilling of the other one, as follows: we color the nodes of the tree in colors
; the content of urn
represents the root of the tree colored with some fixed
$j_0\in \{1,\ldots,J\}$
, i.e. the zero generation; after one draw of the node of type
, the content
represents the first generation. Then, after choosing balls (i.e. nodes of the tree at level one) uniformly at random without replacement and putting their offspring in the other urn
, we create step by step the second generation of the tree, and step by step we fill up
again. Thus what we propose here is a more refined branching process where the transition from generation k to generation
is considered after each member of generation k reproduces. If we visualize the process as a random tree that grows after each node is chosen, the quantity
represents the number of nodes of type j and
represents the total number of nodes in the tree after n steps of the process, that is, after n balls have been drawn from
. For better understanding, we illustrate this process in an example in Appendix A and Figure 1.

Figure 1. The model with two alternating urns and deterministic replacement matrix after
The main focus of the current work is to investigate first- and second-order asymptotics of
$j\in [J]$
. It may happen that with positive probability
vanishes for all
. In such a case we do not add any new balls to the urn; we just remove the selected ball of type j. In particular, it can happen that after a finite number
of steps, both urns are empty; in such a case we define
, for
$n\ge n_0$
. Since we are interested in the long-term behavior of the urn process, we restrict the analysis to a set where this does not happen, i.e. to the survival event
$\mathcal S=\{|B(n)|\to\infty\}$
We can also define the corresponding sequence
$(B^\circ(n))_{n\ge 0}$
that represents the types of the balls drawn up to time n. While it is possible to ask about limit theorems for
, the method developed in this paper for studying B(n) is directly applicable to
. Therefore, we focus our attention exclusively on the sequence
The approach we use to investigate
$(B_j(n))_{n\geq 0}$
$j\in [J]$
, is to embed it into a multitype discrete-time branching process
with offspring distribution matrix L. A similar approach using the Athreya–Karlin embedding allowed Janson [Reference Janson5] to study
$(B^\circ_j(n))_{n\geq 0}$
for the Pólya urn model. One difference between our model and the one in [Reference Janson5] is that, in the latter, the process is embedded into a multitype continuous-time Markov branching process, and an individual reproduces after an exponential clock rings. In our model, in the embedded branching process, an individual reproduces after deterministic time 1. The lattice nature of the model manifests itself in the second-order behavior of
$(B_{j}(n))_{n\geq 0}$
Assumptions. In this work we use the following assumptions:
(GW1) The matrix A has spectral radius
$\rho>1$ .
(GW2) The matrix A is positively regular.
(GW3) We have
$\textbf{0}\neq \sum_{j=1}^J\textrm{Cov}\left[L^{(j)}\right]$ and
$\textrm{Var}[L^{(i,j)}]<\infty$ for all
$i,j\in[J]$ .
(GW4) For every
$i,j\in[J]$ , the expectation
$\mathbb{E}[ L^{(i,j)}\log L^{(i,j)}]$ is finite.
In the third condition above,
is the
$J\times J$
zero matrix, and for
$j\in[J], \textrm{Cov}\left[L^{(j)}\right]$
represents the
$J \times J$
covariance matrix of the vector
. If the matrix A is irreducible, the Perron–Frobenius theorem ensures that the dominant eigenvalue
of A is real, positive, and simple. If
, this means that the multitype branching process with offspring distribution matrix L is supercritical, i.e.
$\mathbb{P}(\mathcal S)>0$
. If
$\textrm u$
is the corresponding eigenvector for
, then clearly all the entries
$\textrm u_j$
are strictly greater than zero for any
, and we assume that
$\textrm u$
is normalized in such a way that
$\sum_{j\in[J]}\textrm u_j=1$
. First-order asymptotics of
, are determined by
and the vector
$\textrm u$
Theorem 1. Assume (GW1), (GW2), and (GW4) hold. Then for any
$j\in [J]$
we have the following strong law of large numbers for the total number of balls of type j after n draws:

Thus, the first-order behavior of
$j\in [J]$
resembles the first-order behavior of
from the model with one urn [Reference Janson5]. In order to understand the second-order asymptotics of
, we need full information on the spectral decomposition of the mean replacement matrix A. We denote by
the spectrum of the matrix A and define
$\sigma_A^1=\{\lambda\in\sigma_A\;:\;\ |\lambda|>\sqrt{\rho}\}$
$\sigma_A^2=\{\lambda\in\sigma_A\;:\;\ |\lambda|=\sqrt{\rho}\}$
, and finally
$\sigma_A^3=\{\lambda\in\sigma_A\;:\;\ |\lambda|<\sqrt{\rho}\}$
. Then we can write

For a simple eigenvalue
, we denote by
$\textrm u^\lambda$
$\textrm v^\lambda$
the corresponding left and right eigenvectors. We set

is the spectral gap of A, and
is the set of eigenvalues of A where the spectral gap is achieved. For a complex number z we set
$\log_\rho z=\frac{\log z}{\log \rho},$
$z\mapsto\log z$
is the principal branch of the natural logarithm. Denote by
$\{\textrm e_j\}_{j\in[J]}$
the standard basis vectors in
. For
$j\in [J]$
, consider the following row vector in
$\mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$

where the ith entry is
, for
$1\leq i\leq J$
. In the above equation, 1 denotes the vector in
$\mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$
with all entries equal to one. Our main result provides the second-order behavior of
$(B_j(n))_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$
Theorem 2. Assume that (GW1)–(GW3) hold, all
are simple, and there exists
such that
for all
. Then for any
the following trichotomy holds:
(i) If
$\gamma>\sqrt \rho$ , then for any
$\lambda\in\Gamma$ there exist a 1-periodic, continuous function
$f_\lambda\;:\;\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{C}$ and random variables
$X,X_\lambda$ such that the following holds:
\begin{align*}B_j(n)=\rho \textrm u_j \cdot n+\sum_{\lambda\in \Gamma}n^{\log_\rho\lambda}f_\lambda(\log_\rho n-X)X_\lambda+o_{\mathbb{P}}\big(n^{\log_\rho\gamma}\big).\end{align*}
(ii) If
$\gamma = \sqrt \rho$ and for some
$\lambda\in\sigma^{2}_A$ and
$i\in[J]$ we have
$\textrm{w}_j\textrm u^\lambda\neq0$ and
$\textrm{Var}[\textrm v^\lambda L\textrm{e}_i]>0$ for
$\textrm{w}_j$ defined as in (1), then there exist a 1-periodic, continuous function
$\psi\;:\;\mathbb{R}\to(0,\infty)$ and a random variable X such that, conditionally on
$\mathcal{S}$ , the following convergence in distribution holds:
\begin{align*}\frac{B_j(n)-\rho \textrm u_j\cdot n}{\sqrt {n\log_{\rho} n}\ \psi(\log_\rho n-X)}\xrightarrow{\scriptscriptstyle{\textrm{d}}} \mathcal{N}(0,1),\qquad \text{as }n\to\infty.\end{align*}
(iii) If
$\gamma < \sqrt \rho$ and for some
$\lambda\in\sigma^{3}_A$ and some
$i\in[J]$ we have
$\textrm{w}_j\textrm u^\lambda\neq0$ and
$\textrm{Var}[\textrm v^\lambda L\textrm{e}_i]>0$ with
$\textrm{w}_j$ defined as in (1), then there exist a 1-periodic, continuous function
$\psi\;:\;\mathbb{R}\to(0,\infty)$ and a random variable X such that, conditionally on
$\mathcal{S}$ , the following convergence in distribution holds:
\begin{align*}\frac{B_j(n)-\rho \textrm u_j\cdot n}{\sqrt n\ \psi(\log_\rho n-X)}\xrightarrow{\scriptscriptstyle{\textrm{d}}} \mathcal{N}(0,1),\qquad \text{as }n\to\infty.\end{align*}
A more general and quantified result where the periodic functions are explicitly defined is provided in Theorem 4.
Note that the result above slightly differs from that of the one-urn model, where the functions
are actually constants. What might be even more surprising is that, in our model, the phase transition occurs at
rather than at
as observed in the Pólya urn model. The heuristic explanation is as follows: the growth in mean of the corresponding continuous-time branching process is driven by the semigroup
. In particular, the leading asymptotic is
and the next order is
$|e^{t \lambda_2}|=e^{t \textrm{Re}\lambda_2}$
. We anticipate observing Gaussian fluctuations in the branching process at the scale
(with possible polynomial corrections), providing a natural threshold for
in relation to
. On the other hand, the two-urn model is embedded into a discrete-time branching process whose growth in the mean is driven by the semigroup
in the model with no replacement). Thus, the leading term is at scale
and the subleading term is at scale
. As before, we expect to observe Gaussian fluctuations at scale
, which induce natural distinctions depending on the relative locations of
Structure of the paper. In Section 2 we introduce multitype branching processes
and Crump–Mode–Jagers processes
counted with a characteristic
$\Phi\;:\;\mathbb{Z}\to \mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$
. Then in Section 3 we show how to relate our model
, with two interacting urns, to a branching process
$(Z^{\Phi^j}_n)_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$
counted with a characteristic
. By applying [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8, Proposition 4.1] to
, we then obtain first-order asymptotics of
for any
(Theorem 1). The main result is proved in Section 4. We conclude with Appendix A, where the model with two interacting urns is illustrated by an example with deterministic replacement matrix, and Appendix B, where higher-moment estimates for
are given for general characteristics
2. Preliminaries
For the rest of the paper,
is a probability space on which all the random variables and processes we consider are defined. We write
for almost sure convergence,
for convergence in probability,
for convergence in distribution, and
for stable convergence (cf. [Reference Aldous and Eagleson1] for the definition and properties). We also use
to denote the conditional probability
, and the corresponding convergences are denoted by
. We use the notation
$\mathbb{N} =\{1,2,\ldots,\}$
$\mathbb{N}_0 =\{0,1,2,\ldots,\}$
Stochastic processes. Our convergence results for stochastic processes use the usual space
of right-continuous functions with left-hand limits, always equipped with the Skorokhod
topology. For a finite-dimensional vector space E and any interval
$J\subseteq [-\infty,\infty]$
, we denote by
the space of all right-continuous functions from J to E with left-hand limits.
For an
$n\times m$
, the Hilbert–Schmidt norm of A, also called the Frobenius norm, is defined as

Since for any vector its Hilbert–Schmidt norm coincides with its Euclidean norm, for the rest of the paper we write only
instead of
Ulam–Harris tree
. An Ulam–Harris tree
is an infinite rooted tree with vertex set
$V_{\infty}= \bigcup_{n \in \mathbb{N}_0} \mathbb{N}^n$
, the set of all finite strings or words
$i_1\cdots i_n$
of positive integers over n letters, including the empty word
(which we take to be the root), and with an edge joining
$i_1\cdots i_n$
$i_1\cdots i_{n+1}$
for any
$n\in \mathbb{N}_0$
and any
$i_1, \cdots, i_{n+1}\in \mathbb{N}$
. Thus every vertex
$v=i_1\cdots i_n$
has outdegree
, and the children of v are the words
. We let them have this order so that
becomes an infinite ordered rooted tree. We will identify
with its vertex set
, when there is no risk of confusion in doing so. For vertices
$v=i_1\cdots i_n$
we also write
, and if
we write uv for the concatenation of the words u and v; that is,
. The parent of
$i_1\cdots i_n$
$i_1\cdots i_{n-1}$
. Finally, for
$u \in \mathcal{U}_{\infty}$
, we use the notation
to mean
$u \in\mathbb{N}^n$
(i.e. u is a word of length (or height) n; in other words, it is at distance n from the root
). For any
$u\in V_{\infty}$
, by
we mean the subtree of
rooted at u, that is, u together with all infinite paths going away from u, and for
$u,v\in \mathcal{U}_{\infty}$
we denote by d(u, v) their graph distance. For trees rooted at
, we omit the root and we write only
. For
$J\in \mathbb{N}$
, a J-type tree is a pair
$(\mathbb{T},\textrm t)$
is a rooted subtree of
$\textrm t\;:\;\mathbb{T}\to\{1,\ldots,J\}$
is a function defined on the vertices of
that returns for each vertex v its type
$\textrm t(v)$
Multitype branching processes. Consider the random
$J\times J$
matrix L with independent column vectors
, for
$1\leq j\leq J$
, as in the introduction. Multitype Galton–Watson trees are random variables taking values in the set of J-type trees
$(\mathbb{T},\textrm t)$
, where the type function
$\textrm t$
is random and defined in terms of the matrix L. Let
$(L(u))_{u\in \mathcal{U}_{\infty}}$
be a family of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) copies of L indexed over the vertices of
. For any
$i\in [J]$
, we define recursively the random labeled tree
rooted at
, with the associated type function
$\textrm t=\textrm t^{i}\;:\;\mathbb{T}^{i}\to \{1,\ldots,J\}$
, as follows:
$\textrm t(\varnothing)=i$
. Now suppose that
$u=j_1\ldots j_m\in\mathbb{T}^{i}$
$\textrm t(u)=j$
, for some
. Then

and we set
$\textrm{t}(u k)=\ell$

The multitype branching process
$Z_n=(Z^1_n, \ldots , Z^J_n)$
associated with the pair
$(\mathbb{T}^{i_0},\textrm t)$
, and starting from a single particle (or individual) of type
$i_0\in [ J]$
at the root
$\textrm t(\varnothing)=i_0$
) is defined as follows:
$Z_0=\textrm{e}_{i_0} $
, and for
$n\geq 1$

represents the number of individuals of type i in the nth generation, or the number of vertices
$u\in \mathbb{T}^{i_0}$
$\textrm t(u)=i$
. The main results of [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8] that we use in the current paper hold under the assumptions (GW1)–(GW3) on
$(Z_n)_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$
, which we suppose to hold here as well. In particular,
is a supercritical branching process.
Spectral decomposition of
. Recall the decomposition of the spectrum
of the matrix A as
. From the Jordan–Chevalley decomposition of A (which is unique up to the order of the Jordan blocks) we infer the existence of projections
$(\pi_\lambda)_{\lambda\in \sigma_A}$
that commute with A and satisfy

is a nilpotent matrix. Moreover, for any
it holds that
. If
is a simple eigenvalue of A and
$\textrm u^\lambda, \textrm v^\lambda$
are the corresponding left and right eigenvectors, normalized in such a way that
$\textrm v^\lambda\textrm u^\lambda=1$
, then
$\pi_\lambda=\textrm u^\lambda\textrm v^\lambda$
. If we write
, then N is also a nilpotent matrix and we have
. Thus A can be decomposed into its semisimple part
and a nilpotent part N, as
For any
, we denote by
$d_{\lambda}\geq 0$
the integer such that
$N_{\lambda}^{d_{\lambda}}\neq 0$
is at most the multiplicity of
). So
if and only if
, and this happens for all
if and only if A is diagonalizable (that is, A has a complete set of J independent eigenvectors). Since
is a simple eigenvalue, we have
, and
$\pi_{\rho}=\textrm u\textrm v$
. We set

and for
, we define

The process
$\big(W_n^{(i)}\big)_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$
defined by

is a
-martingale, where
is the filtration
$\mathcal{A}_n=\sigma(\{L(u)\;:\;|u|\le n\})$
. According to [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8, Lemma 2.2],
converges in
to a random variable
whose expectation is
$\mathbb{E} W^{(1)}=\pi^{(1)}\textrm e_{i_0}$
. In particular, we have the convergence

, and the random variable W is given by
$W= \textrm v \cdot W^{(1)}$
$\mathbb{E} W=\textrm v^{i_0}>0$
. The classical Kesten–Stigum theorem [Reference Kesten and Stigum7] states that under (GW1), (GW2), and (GW4) the convergence above holds almost surely. For the rest of the paper, when we use the random variable W, we always mean the limit random variable from the Kesten–Stigum theorem.
2.1. Branching processes counted with a characteristic
We recall that a characteristic of dimension one is a function
$\Phi\;:\;\mathbb{Z}\to\mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$
, so that for each
$k\in \mathbb{Z}$
is an
$\mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$
-valued random variable defined on the same probability space
where the Galton–Watson process
and its genealogical tree
are defined. A deterministic characteristic is just a fixed function
$\Phi\;:\;\mathbb{Z}\to\mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$
. For a random function
$\Phi\;:\;\mathbb{Z}\to \mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$
and the multitype Galton–Watson tree
, the process
$(Z^\Phi_n)_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$
which for any
is defined as

is called the multitype Crump–Mode–Jagers (CMJ) process counted with characteristic
, or simply the branching process counted with characteristic
, where
is an i.i.d. copy of
. First- and second-order asymptotics for
$(Z^\Phi_n)_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$
, under mild assumptions on
, are considered in [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8, Proposition 4.1] and in [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8, Theorem 3.5], respectively. We use these two results below for a particular choice of the characteristic
, and show how the branching process with this particular choice of characteristic can be related to the two-urn model with alternating urns
The choice of the characteristic. Let
be a uniform random variable taking values in [0,1] and defined on the probability space
. For every threshold
we define the characteristic
$\Phi^{\mathsf{t}}_{x}\;:\;\mathbb{N}_0\to\mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$

or, in a simplified way, for
$1\leq i\leq J$

Similarly, for
, we define
$\Phi_{x}^j\;:\;\mathbb{N}_0\to\mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$

$\Phi_x^j(k)\textrm{e}_i=\Phi^{\mathsf{t}}_x(k)\textrm{e}_i L^{(i,j)}$
. For the uniform random variable U on [0,1], let
be an i.i.d. copy of U. For
$u\in \mathcal{U}_{\infty}$
, let
$ \Phi^{\mathsf{t}}_{x,u}$
$ \Phi^j_{x,u}$
) be defined through (2) (respectively (3)) with U, L being replaced by
$U_u,\ L(u)$
. Then the family
$\big((L(u),\Phi^{\mathsf{t}}_{x,u},\Phi_{x,u}^j)\big)_{u\in \mathcal{U}_{\infty}}$
is an i.i.d. collection of copies of
, for
$j\in [J]$
For the characteristic
from (2), threshold
$x\in [0,1)$
, and multitype Galton–Watson tree
, the process
$\big(Z^{\Phi_x^{\mathsf{t}}}_n\big)_{n\geq 0}$
counts the total number of individuals
$u\in \mathcal{U}_{\infty}$
born before time n (including the root), and those born at time n with
$U_u\le x$
, since we have

represents the size of the nth generation of the Galton–Watson process. On the other hand,
$L\textrm e_i=L^{(i)}$
represents the random collection of individuals born from an individual of type i, while
represents the random number of offspring of type j of an individual of type i for
. Therefore
counts the number of individuals of type j born up to time n, and those of type j born at time
but with threshold
$\le x$
, so
can be written as

$Z_{k+1}^j=\sum_{u\in \mathbb{T};|u|=k}\langle\textrm{e}_j,L(u)\textrm{e}_{\textrm t(u)}\rangle$
represents the number of offspring of type j in the
th generation and
$|\{u\in \mathbb{T};\;|u|=n+1,\textrm t(u)=j\}|=Z_{n+1}^j$
. Summing up over all
$j\in [J]$

and an application of [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8, Proposition 4.1] to
, for
, yields the law of large numbers.
Proposition 1. Under the assumptions (GW1), (GW2), and (GW4), for any threshold
and characteristic
) defined in (2) (respectively (3)) we have the following:

Proof. Since for any fixed
the random variables
$(\textbf{1}_{\{U_u\leq x\}})_{u\in\mathcal{U}_{\infty}}$
are i.i.d. and Bernoulli-distributed as
, in view of the strong law of large numbers we obtain

and similarly

For the deterministic characteristic
$\textbf{1}_{\{k\geq 1\}}$
and the corresponding branching process counted with this characteristic, by applying [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8, Proposition 4.1(i)] we get

and this shows the first part of the claim. For the second one, from the Kesten–Stigum theorem we know that
$\frac{Z_n^j}{\rho^n}\xrightarrow{\scriptscriptstyle{a.s.}} W\textrm{u}_j$
for any
, and for the characteristic
, since we have

we obtain

and the proof is completed.
Following the notation from [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8], for every characteristic
$\Phi\;:\;\mathbb{Z}\to\mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$
we define the two vectors
$\textrm{x}_i(\Phi)=\sum_{k\in \mathbb{N}}\mathbb{E}[\Phi(k)]\pi^{(i)}A_i^{-k}$
, for
. In particular, since
, we have

For any random characteristic
$\Phi\;:\;\mathbb{Z}\to\mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$
that satisfies the assumptions of [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8, Theorem 3.5]—i.e. for which (GW1)–(GW3) hold,
$\sum_{k\in \mathbb{Z}}\big\|\mathbb{E}[\Phi(k)]\big\|(\rho^{-k}+\vartheta^{-k})<\infty$
for some
, and finally
$\sum_{k\in \mathbb{Z}}\|\textrm{Var}[\Phi(k)]\|\rho^{-k}<\infty$
—we set

Recall that the constants
, for
$\ell=0,\ldots, J-1$
, are defined as

be the maximal integer such that
, and set
if there is no such integer. Then Theorem 3.5 of [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8] states that, for a standard normal variable
independent of W, the following stable convergence holds:

$G^\Phi= \sigma_{\ell}(\Phi) \mathcal{N}(0,1)$
if not all
are zero, and
$G^\Phi= \sigma(\Phi)\mathcal{N}(0,1)$
otherwise, while
is defined by

is the centered characteristic given by

Above, the matrices
$\mathsf{P}(k, \ell)$
, for
are defined as

3. The embedding of the urn model into the branching process
Notation. We slightly abuse notation and write
) for the whole family
) of characteristics indexed over the threshold
. We denote by
$\mathcal C$
the set of characteristics
which are linear combinations of
, for
. Again by abuse of notation, by
we actually refer to the whole family of characteristics
; that is,

Extension of
. Instead of working with thresholds
and corresponding characteristics
, we can extend the domain of x to the whole of
as follows. For any
$\Phi\in\mathcal C$
and any
we define

The corresponding CMJ process
for every
, and finally we define

and similarly
$\mathcal{F}^{\Phi}(x)= F_0^{\Phi_{x}}$
. For any
, (7) yields the existence of a Gaussian process
$\{\mathcal{G}^{\Phi}(x);\ x\in\mathbb{R}\}$
such that the following convergence holds:

The Cramér–Wold device implies that, in fact, the convergence holds for finite-dimensional distributions and the limiting process
is jointly Gaussian with
$\mathcal{G}^{\Phi}(x)\overset{\textrm{d}}{=} \rho^{\lfloor{x}\rfloor/2}\sigma_\ell(\Phi_{\{x\}}) \mathcal N(0,1)$
$\mathcal{G}^{\Phi}(x)\overset{\textrm{d}}{=} \rho^{\lfloor{x}\rfloor/2}\sigma(\Phi_{\{x\}}) \mathcal N(0,1)$
depending on the value of the constants
, respectively. Furthermore, we write
$\mathcal{Z}^{\mathsf{t}}, \mathcal{F}^{\mathsf{t}},\mathcal{G}^{\mathsf{t}}$
) for
$\mathcal{Z}^{\Phi}, \mathcal{F}^{\Phi},\mathcal{G}^{\Phi}$
). Since, with probability one, all the random variables
$(U_u)_{u\in \mathcal{U}_{\infty}}$
are different, the process
$(\mathcal{Z}^{\mathsf{t}}(x))_{x\geq 0}$
at its jump point increases by 1. Therefore, the following stopping times are well defined: for
, define

Remark 1. With the stopping times
just introduced, we have

and this is exactly the number of balls of type j added to the two urns after k draws, for which we seek first- and second-order asymptotics. Our strategy is as follows: first we prove functional limit theorems for the processes
$\{\mathcal{Z}^{\mathsf{t}}(x);\ x\in \mathbb{R}\}$
$\{\mathcal{Z}^{j}(x);\ x\in\mathbb{R}\}$
, and then we conclude the corresponding limit theorems for
, for
. We start with the description of the leading term in the asymptotics of
, for any characteristic
$\Phi\in \mathcal{C}$
Periodic functions. For any
$\lambda\in \mathbb{C}$
, we introduce the function

$\lambda^t=e^{t\log \lambda}$
$z\mapsto \log z$
is the principal branch of the logarithm. The function
is continuous and 1-periodic, and it satisfies

Moreover, the mapping
$x\mapsto \lambda^xl_{\lambda}(x)$
for integer x and is linear in between.
Proposition 2. Assume (GW1), (GW2), and (GW4) hold, and for any
, with
. Then it holds that

Proof. Because of the linearity of CMJ processes, for
$x\in \mathbb{R}$
it holds that

so it suffices to prove the
-almost sure convergence for
separately, as
Case 1:
. For
, since
, in view of Proposition 2.1 we get

Case 2:
. This case can be reduced to the previous one, where
, as follows. In view of Equation (13), for any
$x\in [0,\infty)$
, with
$m=n+\lfloor x \rfloor$
we obtain

In the last equation above, we used the fact that

We still have to prove that the above
-almost sure convergence holds for
, that is, that

Indeed, from any sequence tending to infinity we may choose a subsequence
such that
converges to some
. Then for any
and large n, in view of

we have

Taking the limit first as n goes to infinity and then as
goes to 0, we get the desired convergence, since
$x\mapsto l_{\rho}(x)$
is uniformly continuous. The same argument can be used to show that for any
we have

and this proves the claim.
An immediate consequence of Proposition 2 is the following corollary.
Corollary 1. Under the assumptions of Proposition 2, for
$\Phi={\rho}\textrm u_j\Phi^{\mathsf{t}}-\Phi^j$
, we have

Also, the strong law of large numbers for
follows immediately from Proposition 2.
Proof of Theorem
1. Since
goes to infinity as k does, we have

and this finishes the proof.
4. Proof of the main result
The proof is completed in several steps:
• In Lemma 1 we investigate compositions of the fluctuations
$\mathcal{F}^{\mathsf{t}}$ and
$\mathcal{F}^{j}$ .
• In Theorem 3 we prove weak convergence of the processes
$\mathcal{X}^{\mathsf{t}}=\mathcal{Z}^{\mathsf{t}}-\mathcal{F}^{\mathsf{t}}$ and
$\mathcal{X}^j=\mathcal{Z}^{j}-\mathcal{F}^{j}$ (rescaled appropriately) to Gaussian processes
$\mathcal{G}^{\mathsf{t}}$ and
$\mathcal{G}^{j}$ respectively, for any
$j\in[J]$ .
• Continuity and strict positivity of the variances of the limiting processes
$\mathcal{G}^{\mathsf{t}}$ and
$\mathcal{G}^{j}$ are analyzed in Proposition 4 and in Lemma 2.
• Localization of the stopping times
$\tau_n$ is done in Proposition 5.
• Finally, the limit theorems for
$B_j(n)$ are given in Proposition 6 and in Theorem 4.
4.1. Leading asymptotic terms
We start by describing the leading terms in the asymptotics of
and of
for any
. We recall first that for a characteristic
, the leading term in the asymptotics of
is given by
; for simplicity of notation, for
we write

In particular, for
respectively, we write

Lemma 1. Assume (GW1)–(GW3) hold. Then for sufficiently large arguments the inverse function
$\mathcal{F}^{\mathsf{inv}}=(\mathcal{F}^{\mathsf{t}})^{-1} $
is well defined, and for every
we have

Proof. For any
$k\in\mathbb{N}_0, x\in[0,1)$
, the equality

together with Equation (5) gives us

that is, for any
is a linear interpolation between
$\mathcal{F}^{\mathsf{t}}(\lfloor x\rfloor)$
$\mathcal{F}^{\mathsf{t}}(\lfloor x\rfloor+1)$
. On the other hand, as, in view of (4) and (5), for
we have

we conclude that the following holds:

By the same argument, for
we obtain

In particular,
is eventually increasing
-almost surely and thus the inverse function
is well defined for large arguments. Furthermore, if
and t is large enough then we have

diverges to infinity. Finally, since for large t it holds that

we obtain (14).
4.2. Limit theorems for
To prove weak convergence of the processes
$\Big\{\frac{1}{n^{\ell+\frac12}\rho^{n/2}\sqrt W}\mathcal{X}^{j}(n+x); \ x\in \mathbb{R}\Big\}$
, we follow the well-known technique: we first prove weak convergence of the finite-dimensional distributions, then prove tightness. According to [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8, Theorem 3.5], the finite-dimensional distributions of the aforementioned processes converge jointly; see also Equation (9) and the discussion thereafter.
Theorem 3. Suppose that (GW1)–(GW3) hold and L satisfies
for some
$\delta\in (0,1)$
. Then for every
$j\in [J]$
, the family of distributions

with respect to
is tight in the Skorokhod space
$\mathcal D(\mathbb{R})$
endowed with the standard
Proof. First let us observe that for any
$k\in\mathbb{Z},\ m\in\mathbb{N}$
, the concatenation is a continuous mapping from
$\mathcal{D}([k,k+1))\times\cdots\times\mathcal D([k+m-1,k+m))$
$\mathcal D([k,k+m))$
. Consequently, it suffices to prove tightness in the space
$\mathcal D([0,1))$
. For
, and
we set

may be
in Case (i) of [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8, Theorem 3.5], and the characteristic
is defined as in (3). In view of [Reference Billingsley3, Theorem 13.5], it suffices to show that for any
$ 0\leq x\le y\le z<1$
, and n large enough, it holds that

$p:==(2+\delta)/2\in (1,3/2)$
is some constant. A more restrictive condition is the following inequality:

By Hölder’s inequality, we have

so it remains to show the estimate

for some random variables
with bounded
moment. Recalling that for
$0\leq x<1$
we have

we deduce that for
$0\leq x\leq y<1$

We also have

$\Psi\;:\;\mathbb{N}_0\to\mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$
is the characteristic given by
. Hence
counts the number of individuals of type j in the
th generation. We then obtain

-measurable, by applying Lemma 5 to the intervals
, with
, and
, we finally obtain

for some absolute constant C. We have
, so Theorem 5(i) implies that
. On the other hand, Corollary 4 yields that
$\mathbb{E}\big[(Z_n^{\Psi}-F_n^{\Psi})^{2p}\big] =O(n^{(2\ell+1)p}\rho^{pn})$
. As a consequence, the random variables
have bounded
moments, and in turn the process
$\Big\{\frac{1}{n^{\ell+\frac12}\rho^{n/2}}\mathcal{X}^{j}(n+x); \ x\in \mathbb{R}\Big\}$
is tight in
$\mathcal D(\mathbb{R})$
As a consequence of the previous result we obtain the following.
Corollary 2. Suppose that the assumptions (GW1)–(GW3) hold and that the matrix L satisfies
for some
$\delta\in (0,1)$
. Then the family of distributions

is tight in the Skorokhod space
$\mathcal D(\mathbb{R})$
endowed with the standard
Proof. In view of the two equalities
$\mathcal{Z}^{\mathsf{t}}(n+x)-1=\sum_{j=1}^J \mathcal{Z}^{j}(n-1+x)$
$\mathcal{F}^{\mathsf{t}}(n+x)=\sum_{j=1}^J \mathcal{F}^{j}(n-1+x)$
, together with

we see that
can be written as a finite sum of tight processes, so it is tight as well.
The convergence of the finite-dimensional distributions together with the tightness gives the weak convergence.
Proposition 3. Suppose that the assumptions (GW1)–(GW3) hold and that the matrix L satisfies
for some
$\delta\in (0,1)$
. Then we have the following weak convergence of sequences of processes in the Skorokhod space
$\mathcal D(\mathbb{R})$
endowed with the standard
topology: for every
it holds that

4.3. Properties of the limiting processes
Notice that for
, we have

$a,b\in \mathbb{R}$
. On the other hand, taking
, we recover

as defined in (1), whose ith entry is given by
Proposition 4. For any
$\Phi\in\mathcal C$
, assume that
$\textrm{w}_j\ne \textrm{0}$
and that

(i) If
$\sum_{\lambda\in\sigma_A^{2}}\sum_{\ell=0}^{J-1}\|\textrm{Var}(\textrm{w}_jN^\ell\pi_{\lambda}L)\|>0$ , then for any
$x\in[0,1)$ it holds that
(16)In particular, the largest\begin{align}\max\{0\leq \ell\leq J-1\;:\;\sigma_\ell^2(\Phi_x)>0\}=\max\Big\{\ell\ge 0\;:\;\sum_{\lambda\in\sigma^{2}_A}\|\textrm{Var}(\textrm{w}_jN^\ell\pi_{\lambda}L)\|>0\Big\}.\end{align}
$\ell$ such that
$\sigma_\ell^2(\Phi_x)>0$ does not depend on x.
(ii) Otherwise, for any
$x\in[0,1)$ and
$0\leq \ell\leq J-1$ , it holds that
\begin{align*}\sigma_\ell^2(\Phi_x)=0 \quad \text{ and } \quad \sigma^2(\Phi_x)>0.\end{align*}
Proof. (i) For any
, the vector
is given by

If k is at least the right-hand side of Equation (16), then for any
we have
$\textrm{w}_jN_\lambda^k(L-A)= 0$
almost surely. Since
is invertible, we have

so from the last two matrix equations we get
$\sum_{j\geq 0}A_2^{-j}=A_2\sum_{j\geq 0}A_2^{-j}-A_2$
, which in turn implies
$(A_2-I)\sum_{j\geq 0}A_2^{-j}=A_2$
. Multiplying this equation by
from the right and by
from the left, we obtain
$\sum_{j\geq 1}A_2^{-j}=(A_2-I)^{-1}$
; hence it holds that
$(A_2-I)\sum_{j\geq 1}A_2^{-j}\pi_{\lambda}=\pi_{\lambda}$
, and finally it follows that
$\sum_{j\geq 1}A_2^{-j}\pi_{\lambda}=((\lambda-1)I+N_{\lambda})^{-1}$
. In view of the definition (6) of
, it is enough to understand the term
$\textrm{x} _2(\Phi) \pi_\lambda (A-\lambda I)^{\ell}(L-A)$
. It holds that

almost surely, and hence
. On the other hand, if
$0\leq \ell\leq J-1$
is the maximal number such that
$\mathbb{P}(\textrm{w}_jN_\lambda^\ell(L-A)\neq 0)>0$
for some
, then for such
, similar calculations give

with positive probability, since
. This implies that
, and this proves (i).
(ii) Assume that
almost surely for any
and any
$\ell\ge 0$
. Let
$\textrm{t}_j=\Phi_{0}(1)=a\textrm{1}+b \textrm{e}_j^\top L\in \mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$
be the random row vector whose expectation is
$\mathbb{E}[\mathsf{t}_j]=\textrm{w}_j\neq \textrm{0}$
by assumption, and whose ith entry is denoted by
. Note that for
, in view of (8), we have

since by assumption
. Now we prove that
does not vanish. We have
$\Phi_0(k)=\textrm{w}_j\cdot \textbf{1}_{\{k\geq 1\}}$
, so
$\Phi_0\;:\;\mathbb{N}_0\mapsto \mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$
is completely deterministic. Assume that
. Then for any
$k\in \mathbb{N}_0$
it holds that
, which in turn implies, as
, that for any
$k\in \mathbb{N}_0$
we have
. The latter is equivalent to

We set
$A_\lambda = \pi_\lambda A+\lambda(I-\pi_\lambda)$
and observe that for any
$m\in \mathbb{N}$
we have


where in the second equation we have used
would be in the spectrum of A). Suppose now that for some vector
we have

and for any
it holds that

Note that the left-hand side of the previous equation can be rewritten as

$-n=k-2\ge -2$
, we get

which in view of Lemma 6 implies that

Now we can use the decomposition

for some
, and since
is invertible, we conclude that the matrix
is not nilpotent and hence
. Now, taking
in (19), we infer that
; that is, we have
. Recursively, we see that for
Equation (19) implies
, for any
. Taking this into account and setting
$n=k-2>0 $
, from the condition (18) we get

is some polynomial of degree i and c does not depend on n. Lemma 6 implies that

and also

The same argument as before gives that
for any
. Suppose now that
and also
for all
$0\leq \ell\leq J$
. Then by setting
$\textrm{z}=(L-A)\textrm e_j$
$j\in [J]$
we conclude that for any
$\lambda\in \sigma_A$
$\ell\ge 0$

This contradicts the assumption.
Continuity of the limit processes
We recall once again the notation
$\mathcal{G}^{\Phi}(x)=\rho^{\lfloor x\rfloor/2}G^{\Phi_{\{x\}}}$
, where
, with
denoting a standard normal variable independent of W, and
) denoting
Lemma 2. For
, let
$\mathcal{H}(x)=\rho \textrm{u}_j \mathcal{G}^{\mathsf{t}}(x)-\mathcal{G}^{j}(x)$
. Under the assumptions of Theorem 3,
is continuous for any
$x\in [0,\infty)$
Proof. Since
is a linear combination of the Gaussian processes
, it is enough to show continuity for the two terms separately. We start with the continuity of
. For any
$0\le x\le y\le 1$
, since either


depending on whether we are in Case (i) or Case (ii) of Theorem 3.5 in [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8], we have to upper-bound
by some power of
. The definition of
applied to the characteristic

On the other hand, as for
it holds that
, we conclude that

In particular, in both of the cases (i) and (ii) of [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8, Theorem 3.5] we have

and therefore, since
is Gaussian, we obtain

which by the Kolmogorov continuity theorem implies that
is continuous. The same calculations as for
can be carried out to prove that
is continuous, so also
is continuous.
Localization of the stopping times
This section addresses the localization of the stopping times
. On the non-extinction event
, for any
, we define the random variable

and we define the function

Note that
is uniformly continuous and given by
$h^{-1}(x)=\lfloor x\rfloor+\log_\rho\big(1+(\rho-1)\{x\}\big)$
Proposition 5. Under the assumptions (GW1)–(GW3), and if for
we set
, then for
defined as in (10), we have

Proof. By Proposition 2, the following
-almost sure convergence holds:

We recall that
is defined as
. Since
, we infer that for any
and large enough k we have

This can be rewritten as

Notice that we have

and the inverse of the increasing function
is given by
$ \lfloor x\rfloor +\frac{\rho^{\{x\}}-1}{\rho-1}=h(x)$
, which then yields the following inequalities:

From the uniform continuity of h(x), by letting
$\delta\to 0$
, we obtain the claim.
The above proposition implies that

4.4. Limit theorems for
Proposition 6. Under the assumptions of Theorem 3, let
$\Phi\;:\;\mathbb{Z}\to\mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$
be any characteristic such that the following stable convergence holds:

for some continuous Gaussian process
$\textrm{Var} \left[\mathcal{G}^{\Phi}(x)\right]>0$
, for any
. Then there exists a continuous, positive, 1-periodic function
such that for
as in (10) and
, it holds that

Proof. The key idea in the proof is to use the functional limit theorem for
to replace
. Recall that for h as defined in (20), which is continuous and strictly increasing, we have used the notation
$t_n=h(\log_\rho n-\log_\rho\frac{W}{\rho-1})=h(T_n)$
. Furthermore, for any
it holds that
. Consequently, by (21), we have

and the latter convergence can be rewritten as

for some stationary and continuous process G with
$G(0)\overset{\textrm{D}}{=}\mathcal N(0,1)$
. Note that one consequence of the convergence in (21) is the following property of the limiting process:
$\mathcal{G}^{\Phi}(x+1)\overset{\textrm{d}}{=}\sqrt\rho \mathcal{G}^{\Phi}(x)$
. Hence, the previous convergence is equivalent to

In other words, for the function
defined by

which is continuous and positive, and for

it holds that
$X(n+x)\xrightarrow{\scriptscriptstyle{\textrm{st},\mathcal{S}}} G(x)$
, and therefore an application of Lemma 3(ii) with
$a_n= \log_\rho n$

is uniformly continuous, by Proposition 5 we get

We claim that from Lemma 3(i) with
$N_n= \lfloor{\log_{\rho} n}\rfloor$
it follows that

Indeed, for fixed
, on the event
$|\log_{\rho} W|\le k_m-2\delta_m-1-\log_\rho(\rho-1)$
$|h^{-1}(\tau_n)-h^{-1}(t_n)|\le \delta_m$
we have

In turn, for any
we get

Taking the limit first as
and then as
and using (24), we get (25). Finally, (25) and (23) imply that

which together with (24) and the
-almost sure convergence of
$\frac{h^{-1}(\tau_n)}{\log_\rho n}$
to 1 yields that

that is, (22) holds. This completes the proof.
Using the auxiliary result that we have just proved, we can now state and prove our main result.
Theorem 4. Suppose that (15) holds and all assumptions from Theorem 3 are satisfied. Then there exists a continuous, positive, and 1-periodic function
such that, for
and any
, we have

Proof. Since for any
we have
, we can write

From the fact that
together with Lemma 1, we obtain

and therefore

By Proposition 4 (positivity of the variances of the limiting process) and Lemma 2 (continuity of the limit processes), the characteristics
and the corresponding processes
with these characteristics satisfy the assumptions of Proposition 6. Thus we can apply Proposition 6 to the processes
and to
to obtain

for some function
which is continuous, positive, and 1-periodic; moreover,
$\frac{\mathcal{X}^{\mathsf{t}}(\tau_n)}{ \sqrt n (\log_\rho n)^{\ell+\frac12} }\cdot o(1) \xrightarrow{\scriptscriptstyle{\mathbb{P}}} 0$
, which completes the proof.
Finally, in view of Theorem 4, it suffices to find an expansion of
up to an error of order
to prove Theorem 2 ; the latter will then follow immediately from the next corollary.
Corollary 3. Under the assumptions of Theorem 4, suppose that all eigenvalues in
are simple. Then the following hold:
(i) If
$\gamma \gt \sqrt \rho$ , then for any
$\lambda\in\Gamma$ there exist a 1-periodic, continuous function
$f_{\lambda}\;:\;\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{C}$ and a random variable
$X_{\lambda}$ such that
\begin{align*}B_j(n)=\rho\textrm{u}_j\cdot n+\sum_{\lambda\in \Gamma}n^{\log_{\rho}\lambda}f_{\lambda}(T_n)X_{\lambda}+o_{\mathbb{P}}\Big(n^{\log_{\rho}\gamma}\Big).\end{align*}
(ii) If
$\gamma=\sqrt \rho$ , then there is a 1-periodic, continuous function
$\psi\;:\;\mathbb{R}\to(0,\infty)$ such that the following convergence holds:
\begin{align*}\frac{B_j(n)-\rho\textrm{u}_j\cdot n}{\sqrt n(\log_{\rho} n)^{\frac12}\psi(T_n)}\xrightarrow{\scriptscriptstyle{\textrm{d},\mathcal{S}}} \mathcal{N}(0,1),\quad \text{as }n\to\infty.\end{align*}
(iii) If
$\gamma<\sqrt \rho$ , then there is a 1-periodic, continuous function
$\psi\;:\;\mathbb{R}\to(0,\infty)$ such that the following convergence holds:
\begin{align*}\frac{B_j(n)-\rho\textrm{u}_j\cdot n}{\sqrt n\psi(T_n)}\xrightarrow{\scriptscriptstyle{\textrm{d},\mathcal{S}}} \mathcal{N}(0,1),\quad \text{as }n\to\infty.\end{align*}
Proof. We handle the case (i) in detail; the other two cases are identical, so we leave the details to the interested reader. If
$\gamma>\sqrt \rho$
, then by (5) we have

where we define
$W_{\lambda} \textrm u^{\lambda}=\pi_{\lambda} W^{(\lambda)}$
for some scalar random variable
(this can be done since
is a projection on the space spanned by the eigenvector
$\textrm u^\lambda$
). In particular, as
are piecewise linear between consecutive integer arguments, we conclude that

and taking into account that
$\textrm{x}_1(\Phi_{0}^j)= \frac{\lambda}{\lambda-1}\textrm{e}_j^\top\pi_\lambda$
, we finally get

By the same argument, we also obtain

In particular, it holds that

Since for
$\lambda\in \Gamma$
we have

, we deduce that

and thus (i) holds with

for every
$\lambda\in \Gamma$
In the case
$\gamma=\sqrt \rho$
we have

and for
$\gamma<\sqrt \rho$
we have

In both cases we can use the same approach as in the proof of (i), after an application of Theorem 4; this proves (ii) and (iii).
Appendix A. Example
We illustrate here the model with two alternating urns using an example with
colors (
$1= \text{black}$
$2= \text{red}$
, and
in the tree from Figure 1) and deterministic replacement matrix L given by

; that is, we start with one black ball in
at time 0, so
. The first column
of L tells us that when we draw a black ball from some urn, we add one black and one green ball to the other urn, so
is given by the nodes at level one of the tree and
. Since after one step
has been emptied, we proceed to draw balls step by step from
(from the first level of the tree). After drawing a green ball from
, since the third column of the matrix L gives the number of balls of each color added to the other urn, with probability
the number of balls added after two steps is
and with probability
it is
. Then
has been emptied, so we proceed again to
, which now contains 6 balls, and with probability
we have
; now we have started to build the third level of the random tree and to fill
Appendix B. Higher-order estimates and additional results
Higher-moment estimates for
. We provide here, for a general random characteristic
, higher-moment estimates for the random variable
${Z_n^{\Phi}-\textrm{x}_1A^n_1 W^{(1)}-\textrm{x}_2A^n_2Z_0}$
. These estimates are needed in the proof of Theorem 3 for the characteristics
which fulfill the assumptions of the next result. Recall that
is called centered if
$\mathbb{E}[\Phi(k)]=\textrm{0}\in \mathbb{R}^{1\times J}$
for any
Theorem 5. Let
, and let
$\Phi\;:\;\mathbb{Z}\to \mathbb{C}^{1\times J}$
be a random characteristic. Moreover, assume that (GW1)–(GW3) hold and the second moment of L is finite. Then the following hold:
(i) If
$\sum_{k\in \mathbb{Z}}\big(\mathbb{E}\big[ \|\Phi(k)\|^p\big]\big)^{1/p} \rho^{-k} <\infty$ , then
$\mathbb{E}\big[|Z^\Phi_n|^{p}\big]=O(\rho ^{pn})$ .
(ii) If
$\sum_{k\leq n}\big(\mathbb{E}\big[ \|\Phi(k)\|^p\big]\big)^{1/p} \rho^{-k} =O(n^r) $ for some
$r\ge0$ , then
$\mathbb{E}\big[|Z^\Phi_n|^p\big]=O(\rho ^{pn}n^{pr})$ .
If in addition
is centered, then the following hold:
(i) If
$\sum_{k\in \mathbb{Z}}\big(\mathbb{E}\big[ \|\Phi(k)\|^{2p}\big]\big)^{1/p}\rho^{-k}<\infty$ , then
$\mathbb{E}\left[|Z^\Phi_n|^{2p}\right]=O(\rho^{np})$ .
(ii) If
$\sum_{k\le n}\big(\mathbb{E}\big[ \|\Phi(k)\|^{2p}\big]\big)^{1/p}\rho^{-k}=O(\rho^nn^r)$ , then
$\mathbb{E}\left[|Z^\Phi_n|^{2p}\right]=O(\rho^{np}n^{pr})$ .
Proof. From the decomposition

it is enough to get the desired bound on each term separately. If v is the right eigenvector of A for the eigenvalue
, then it holds that

and further we have

In view of Lemma 2.2 from [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8], the random variables
$\big\lt \textrm{v}, W_k^{(1)}\big\gt$
are bounded in
, and therefore by Minkowski’s inequality the
norm of
is bounded by a multiple of
$\rho^n\sum_{k\le n} \|\mathbb{E}\Phi(k)\| \rho^{-k}$
. As a result we get

in the case (i) and

in the case (ii). By Jensen’s inequality, the pth moment of
, for
, is of order
in the case (i) and of order
in the case (ii).
Now we focus on the case with a centered characteristic
. We consider an increasing sequence
of subsets of
that satisfies the following:
$\cup_{n\geq 1}G_n=\mathcal{U}_{\infty}$
; for any
; if
$u\in G_n$
, then for any
$v\leq u$
$v\in G_n$
. Such a sequence can be constructed using the diagonal method. If
$\mathcal{G}_n=\sigma\left(\{L(u)\;:\; u\in G_n\}\right)$
, then one can see that
$\sum_{u\in G_k}\Psi_u(n-|u|)\textrm{e}_{\textrm t{(u)}}$
is a
-martingale. Indeed, for any
$u\in G_k$
$\textrm t(u)$
-measurable, and the fact that
is centered gives the martingale property. By the Topchii–Vatutin inequality [Reference Topchǐ and Vatutin13, Theorem 2] applied to
$\sum_{u\in G_n}\Psi_u(n-|u|)\textrm{e}_{\textrm t{(u)}}$
we get

and the latter expression is of the order
in the case (i) and
in the case (ii). This finishes the proof of the first two statements (i) and (ii).
Now we turn to the proof of (iii) and (iv). Observe that the Burkholder–Davis–Gundy inequality [Reference Burkholder, Davis and Gundy4, Theorem 1.1] yields

is a new characteristic defined by
, i.e. the components of
are squares of the components of
. Clearly
$\|\Psi(k)\|\le \|\Phi(k)\|^2$
, and as a consequence (iii) and (iv) follow from (i) and (ii) respectively applied to the characteristic
Corollary 4. Let
$\Phi\;:\;\mathbb{Z}\to \mathbb{C}^{1\times J}$
be a random characteristic such that

for some
, and

Suppose that
for some
. Then, for
defined by (5), it holds that

Proof. The decomposition from Equation (18) in [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8] yields

are two random centered characteristics such that
• for any
$k\in \mathbb{Z}$ we can decompose
$\Psi_1$ as
$\Psi_1(k)=\Psi_1'(k)(L-A)$ for some deterministic characteristic
$\Psi_1'(k)$ (see the paragraph after Equation (19) in [Reference Kolesko and Sava-Huss8]) and
$\sum_{k\in \mathbb{Z}}\mathbb{E}\left[\|\Psi_1(k)\|^2\right]\rho^{-k}<\infty$ , and
$Z_n^{\Psi_2}=\textrm{x}_2\pi^{(2)} (Z_n-A^n_2Z_0)$ , i.e.
$\Psi_2(k)=\textrm{x}_2\pi^{(2)}A^{k-1}(L-A)\textbf{1}_{\{k>0\}}$ , for some row vector
$\textrm{x}_2$ .
Moreover, the last term
in (28) is deterministic. By Minkowski’s inequality, we have

We estimate each of the two terms on the right-hand side separately. In view of Lemma 4, there is a constant
such that

and, in particular,

Theorem 5(iii) applied to
. In order to deal with the second term
on the left-hand side of (29), note that by the definition of
we may write

In particular, as k goes to infinity we have

and by Theorem 5(iv) applied to
, we obtain
, which together with (29) proves the desired.
For any function
, let

be the modulus of continuity of f on the interval
Lemma 3. For a stochastic process X taking values in the Skorokhod space
$\mathcal D(\mathbb{R})$
, and for
$n\in \mathbb{N}$
, let
$X_n(t)= X(t+n)$
. Furthermore, suppose that
is a stationary process with almost surely continuous trajectories. Then we have the following:
(i) If
$X_n\xrightarrow{\scriptscriptstyle{\textrm{d}}} Y$ ,
$N_n$ is a sequence of natural numbers diverging to infinity, and
$\delta_n\searrow0$ , then there is a sequence
$k_n\nearrow\infty$ such that
(30)\begin{align}\omega(X_{N_{n}},k_n,\delta_{n})\xrightarrow{\scriptscriptstyle{\mathbb{P}}}0,\quad\text{as }n\to\infty.\end{align}
(ii) If, for some real-valued random variable S independent of Y, it holds that
$(S,X_n)\xrightarrow{\scriptscriptstyle{\textrm{d}}}(S,Y)$ as
$n\to\infty$ , then for any sequence
$a_n$ that diverges to infinity we have
(31)\begin{align}X(a_n+S)\xrightarrow{\scriptscriptstyle{\textrm{d}}} Y(0),\quad \text{as } n\to\infty .\end{align}
Proof. (i): Fix
$k\in \mathbb{N}$
. Then the mapping
$\mathcal D(\mathbb{R})\ni f\mapsto \omega(f,k,\delta)\in\mathbb{R}$
is continuous at any
$f\in\mathcal C(\mathbb{R})$
. The continuous mapping theorem yields

Hence, for any
$\varepsilon >0$
we have

is arbitrary, we can take the limit as
goes to 0, and from the continuity of Y we conclude that

In particular, there is
such that for all
$n\ge n(k)$
it holds that

Now for
$n\ge n(1)$
we set
$n(k)\le n<n(k+1)$
. Clearly
and it holds that

which implies (30); this proves the first part of the claim.
(ii): The convergence in (31) holds if for any subsequence
we can choose a further subsequence
along which the convergence holds. Since we may replace the sequence
by a subsequence
, it suffices to show the convergence (31) along some subsequence. Thus, without loss of generality, we may assume that
$\{a_n\}\to a$
for some
. For
$N_n=\lfloor a_n\rfloor$
, we infer from Part (i) the existence of a sequence
such that (30) holds.
$Z_n= X(N_n+\{a_n\}+S)-X(N_n+a+S)$
, once again by Part (i) of the proof, we have

and thus, by Slutsky’s theorem, it suffices to prove

Next, observe that the mapping
$\mathbb{R}\times\mathcal D(\mathbb{R})\ni(s,x)\mapsto x(a+s)\in \mathbb{R}$
is continuous at any point
$(s,x)\in \mathbb{R}\times \mathcal C(\mathbb{R})$
. Therefore, by the continuous mapping theorem we have

and this completes the proof.
Lemma 4. Suppose that X is a random
$k\times m$
matrix with
for some
. Then, for any
, there is a constant
such that for any
$m\times k$
deterministic matrix A it holds that

Proof. Without loss of generality, by the homogeneity of both sides, we may also assume that
$\|A\|= 1$
. Now let
$N=\{a\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times k}\;:\;aX=0\ \text{ almost surely}\}$
be a linear subspace of
$\mathbb{R}^{m\times k}$
and V its orthogonal complement. As both functions

defined on the compact space
are continuous and do not vanish, they achieve their minimum and maximum. We define

Finally, by writing
$A_1\in N$
$A_2\in V$
, we obtain

and this completes the proof.
Lemma 5. Let I, J be two disjoint subintervals of [0,1], let
, and let
$U_1,\ldots U_N$
be an independent collection of random variables uniformly distributed on [0,1]. Then for any sequence
and any numbers
$A,B\in \mathbb{R}$
, we have

for some absolute constant
Proof. For ease of notation, for
we set

$\mathbb{E}[q_i]=\mathbb{E}[r_i]=\mathbb{E}[q_i q_j]=\mathbb{E}[r_i r_j]=0$
, for
$i\ne j$
. Simple calculations give

We first have

Expanding the expectation, we get

We show that each of the terms I, II, III, IV is bounded by a multiple of the term
$|I| |J|N(A^2+B^2+N)$
. Note that a nontrivial term of the form
is either of the form
or of the form
, which in turn implies

is nonzero if it is of the form
. Hence, we have

By symmetry, we have

Finally, by the same reasoning as above, we get

and the claim follows from putting together the four quantities.
Lemma 6. Let
and let
be different, nonzero complex numbers. For
$(i,j)\in\mathbb{N}_0\times [\ell]$
we define
$f_{i,j}(k)= k^i\lambda_j^k$
. Then the collection of functions
$\{f_{i,j}\;:\;(i,j)\in\mathbb{N}_0\times [\ell]\}$
is linearly independent. In particular, if, for any
$j\le \ell$
is a polynomial of degree i, then the collection of functions
$\{k\mapsto \lambda_j^{k} p_{j,i}(k)\;:\;(i,j)\in\mathbb{N}_0\times [\ell]\}$
is also linearly independent.
Proof. Let
be a finite linear combination of the functions
. Our aim is to show that

we denote the maximal power i such that the element
appears in the combination of h. Furthermore, we set
$d(h)= d_1(h)+\ldots d_\ell(h)$
. We prove the claim by induction on d(h). If
for some j and the conclusion follows. Now suppose that (33) holds for any h with
and take h with
. If
for all
$j\le \ell$
, then
for some
$j_1,\ldots,j_{n+1}\le n+1$
. Since
$\big(\lambda_{j_m}^{-N+1}f_{0,j_m}(k)\big)_{1\le k,m\le n+1}$
forms a Vandermonde matrix, this implies (33).
Therefore, we may now assume that for some
$j_0\le \ell$
we have
. We denote by
the difference operator defined by
$\nabla f(k)= f(k+1)-f(k)$
, and
is defined by
. We now define a linear operator
$\nabla_{{j_0}}= m_{j_0}\nabla m_{j_0}^{-1}$
. Clearly
acts on the linear combinations g of
$d_{j}(\nabla_{j_0}g)\le d_{j}(g)$
and also
$d_{j_0}(\nabla_{j_0}f_{i,j_0})=d_{j_0}(f_{i,j_0})-1 $
. In particular,
$1\le \nabla_{j_0}h\le n$
, and hence by the induction hypothesis
for some
$k\ge N$
, which finally implies that
, thus proving (33).
We are very grateful to the two anonymous referees for their suggestions and positive criticism, which substantially improved the quality and the presentation of the paper.
Funding information
This research was funded in part by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) 10.55776/P34129. For open access purposes, the authors have applied a CC BY public copyright license to any author-accepted manuscript version arising from this submission.
Competing interests
There were no competing interests to declare which arose during the preparation or publication process of this article.