We are pleased to be able to offer free access to a collection of book chapters and journal articles on the theme of Politics and Social Media.
Featuring articles from journals such as the American Political Science Review, PS: Political Science and Politics, Political Analysis and the British Journal of Political Science, this collection is available with our compliments until the end of July 2019.
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Frenemies introduces the END Framework of social media interaction. END refers to a subset of content that circulates in a social media ecosystem.
Networked News, Racial Divides examines obstacles to public dialogues about racial inequality and opportunities for better discourse in mid-sized, liberal cities.
Is social media changing who we are? We assume social media is only a tool for our modern day communications and interactions, but is it quietly changing our identities and how we see the world and one another?
The rise of the internet and mobile telecommunications has created the possibility of using large datasets to understand behavior at unprecedented levels of temporal and geographic resolution.
Young People and the Future of News traces the practices that are evolving as young people come to see news increasingly as something shared via social networks and social media rather than produced and circulated solely by professional news organizations.
Drawing on economic sociology, anthropology of the gift and heterodox economics, this book proposes a groundbreaking framework for analysing diverse economic systems: a political economy of practices.
This book analyses the many thrilling ways that communicative abundance is fundamentally altering the contours of our lives and of our politics, often for the better.
Based on the paradigm of 'leading from the periphery', this groundbreaking analysis offers an explanation for such spontaneity and apparent lack of leadership in contentious collective action.
Anxious Politics explores the emotional life of politics, with particular emphasis on how political anxieties affect public life.
Rohlinger expertly reveals why some activist groups are more desperate than others to attract media attention and sheds light on what this means for policy making and legal abortion in the twenty-first century.