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Enjoy complimentary access to the pure mathematics journals content below through 31st January 2017.
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (Volume 36, Issue 8)
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (Volume 101, Issue 3)
LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics (Volume 19, Issue A)
The Mathematical Gazette (Volume 100, Issue 549)
Nagoya Mathematical Journal (Volume 224)
Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (Volume 22, Issue 3)
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society (Volume 94, Issue 3)
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing (Volume 25, Issue 6)
Compositio Mathematica (Volume 152, Issue 11)
Glasgow Mathematical Journal (Volume 58, Issue 3)
Journal of Symbolic Logic (Volume 81, Issue 4)
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu (Volume 15, Issue 4)
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society (Volume 161, Issue 3)
Mathematika (Volume 62, Issue 3)
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society (Volume 59, Issue 4)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics (Volume 146, Issue 6)
Review of Symbolic Logic (Volume 9, Issue 4)