I know social media and the online world isn’t to everyone’s taste. I’m pre-Internet vintage myself, which means it’s hardly my natural environment either.
But it is important in modern communication. And, if it helps ease the pain, when I teach social media I often hear a comment which delights me.
That’s certainly the plan. Communication is for creativity, not constriction, so enjoyment is essential for best results.
Anyway, be that as it may, here’s our next knowledge check, this time social media style:
By the way, if you’ve read Compelling Communication and remember my story about the sparrowhawk in my garden, you can watch the video here. It’s even more scary than the photo!
Finally for this section, a challenge. Given what we’ve covered in the quiz, write a social media post about something interesting in your work life this week. Then, if you wish, tag me in.
You can find me on LinkedIn at Simon-Hall-Communications.
I look forward to seeing your posts!