The Earth System Governance Project was established in 2009 as a core project of the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change. Since then, the Project has evolved into the largest social science research network in the area of sustainability and governance. The Earth System Governance Project explores political solutions and novel, more effective governance mechanisms to cope with the current transitions in the socio-ecological systems of our planet. The normative context of this research is sustainable development; earth system governance is not only a question of institutional effectiveness, but also of political legitimacy and social justice.
More information about the Earth System Governance project can be found at:
To mark the 10-year anniversary of this important project, Cambridge University Press is pleased to publish a series of books that present the main research findings and synthesis volumes from the Project. The series is edited by Frank Biermann (Utrecht University).
This exciting short book series in the Cambridge Elements programme presents concise but authoritative studies of the governance of complex socio-ecological systems, written by world-leading scholars. Highly interdisciplinary in scope, a key aim of the series is to present policy-relevant research that is of interest to both academics and policy-makers working on earth system governance. The series is edited by Frank Biermann (Utrecht University) and Aarti Gupta (Wageningen University) and Michael Mason (London School of Economics). View a selection of Elements published in this series or for the full listing see the url below.