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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
November 2017
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Book description

Understand the relationship between information theory and the physics of wave propagation with this expert guide. Balancing fundamental theory with engineering applications, it describes the mechanism and limits for the representation and communication of information using electromagnetic waves. Information-theoretic laws relating functional approximation and quantum uncertainty principles to entropy, capacity, mutual information, rate distortion, and degrees of freedom of band-limited radiation are derived and explained. Both stochastic and deterministic approaches are explored, and applications for sensing and signal reconstruction, wireless communication, and networks of multiple transmitters and receivers are reviewed. With end-of-chapter exercises and suggestions for further reading enabling in-depth understanding of key concepts, it is the ideal resource for researchers and graduate students in electrical engineering, physics and applied mathematics looking for a fresh perspective on classical information theory.


'This is an excellent textbook that ties together information theory and wave theory in a very insightful and understandable way. It is of great value and highly recommended for students, researchers and practitioners. Professor Franceschetti brings a highly valuable textbook based on many years of teaching and research.'

Charles Elachi - California Institute of Technology and Director Emeritus of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at NASA

'This book is about the physics of information and communication. It could be considered to be an exposition of Shannon information theory, where information is transmitted via electromagnetic waves. Surely Shannon would approve of it.'

Sanjoy K. Mitter - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

'Communication and information are inherently physical. Most of the literature, however, abstracts out the physics, treating them as mathematical or engineering disciplines. Although abstractions are necessary in the design of systems, much is lost in understanding the fundamental limits and how these disciplines fit together with the underlying physics. Franceschetti breaks the disciplinary boundaries, presenting communication and information as physical phenomena in a coherent, mathematically sophisticated, and lucid manner.'

Abbas El Gamal - Stanford University, California

'This is an ambitious and important book … exceedingly well written, and surprisingly thin, given the amount of material. The mathematics, supplemented by considerable intuitive explanation, is never overwhelming, and should be readily followed by the diligent reader. There are extensive references, and a useful summary at the end of each chapter, along with well-crafted exercises. Unquestionably this book will contribute hugely to [Professor] Franceschetti’s goal: ‘to break through the compartmentalized walls of several disciplines’ … any researcher who purports to work on the advancement of wireless communication theory should take time to study Wave Theory of Information.'

Thomas L. Marzetta Source: IEEE Information Theory Society Newsletter

‘Compared to other books, Wave Theory of Information takes a different approach to information theory. It does so by presenting the relationship between information theory and the physics of wave propagation, using electromagnetic waves to describe the representation and communication of information … a textbook for a graduate course in communication and information theory, [it] is intended for PhD students and researchers in electrical engineering.’

Edward S. Krebes Source: The Leading Edge

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