- Cited by 7
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Delaunois, Marcel 1988. Essai de syntaxe grecque classique. p. 195.
Combettes, Bernard 2013. Aspects diachroniques du phénomène de figement. Pratiques, p. 9.
Viti, Carlotta 2013. Forms and functions of subordination in Indo-European. Historical Linguistics, Vol. 126, Issue. 1, p. 89.
Magni, Elisabetta 2017. Suffix borrowing and conflict through Latin-Greek hybrid formations. Pallas, p. 283.
Radt, Stefan 2018. Noch mehr Kleinigheiten. Teil 1. Mnemosyne, Vol. 71, Issue. 1, p. 20.
2021. Le sentiment linguistique chez Saussure. p. 169.
Tronci, Liana 2022. Impersonal Constructions Between Personae and ‘Personlessness’. Strategies of Language Manipulation in Aeschines and Demosthenes. Trends in Classics, Vol. 14, Issue. 2, p. 318.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- May 2013
- Print publication year:
- 2009
- First published in:
- 1920
- Online ISBN:
- 9780511706370