- Cited by 6
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Skjelderup, Michael Weddegjerde and Ainashe, Mukhtar 2023. Counterinsurgency as order-making: refining the concepts of insurgency and counterinsurgency in light of the Somali civil war. Small Wars & Insurgencies, Vol. 34, Issue. 6, p. 1180.
Crane, Emma Shaw 2023. Lush aftermath: Race, labor, and landscape in the suburb. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Vol. 41, Issue. 2, p. 210.
Matsuzaki, Reo and Schwartz, Rachel A. 2024. When Counterinsurgent Institutions Persist: Unpacking Local Wartime Legacies. Studies in Comparative International Development, Vol. 59, Issue. 3, p. 379.
Chin, Warren 2024. Counterinsurgency Reconsidered. ReOrient, Vol. 8, Issue. 2,
Cullum, Rob 2024. Making a World of Climate Insecurity: The Threat Multiplier Frame and the US National Security Community. Global Studies Quarterly, Vol. 4, Issue. 4,
Finden, Alice and Dutta, Sagnik 2024. Counterterrorism, political anxiety and legitimacy in postcolonial India and Egypt. Critical Studies on Terrorism, Vol. 17, Issue. 2, p. 176.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- January 2023
- Print publication year:
- 2023
- Online ISBN:
- 9781009225847
- Series:
- LSE International Studies