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Cambridge University Press
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July 2017
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This book describes the remarkable path which led to the Swiss Franc becoming the strong international currency that it is today. Ernst Baltensperger and Peter Kugler use Swiss monetary history to provide valuable insights into a number of issues concerning the organization and development of monetary institutions and currency that shaped the structure of financial markets and affected the economic course of a country in important ways. They investigate a number of topics, including the functioning of a world without a central bank, the role of competition and monopoly in money and banking, the functioning of monetary unions, monetary policy of small open economies under fixed and flexible exchange rates, the stability of money demand and supply under different monetary regimes, and the monetary and macroeconomic effects of Swiss Banking and Finance. Swiss Monetary History since the Early 19th Century illustrates the value of monetary history for understanding financial markets and macroeconomics today.


'The Swiss franc has been one of the strongest currencies in modern times, often serving as a safe haven for 'hot money'. Understanding its history therefore provides new insights into the institutional foundations of monetary policy and the vagaries of international capital flows. Ernst Baltensperger and Peter Kugler do a superb job in explaining these topics. The book is required reading for anyone interested in monetary and financial history.'

Tobias Straumann - Universität Zürich

'Two of Switzerland's most respected monetary economists offer us their unique perspective on two centuries of money and banking in Switzerland. Comprehensive and eminently readable, this is an excellent primer for anyone interested in Swiss financial history. Sweeping historical narrative, informative graphs, and careful econometric evidence give a fascinating overview of the evolution of the Swiss monetary system.'

Stefan Gerlach - Chief Economist of BSI Bank and former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland, 2011–15

‘… the book presents a very interesting case study, which shows the findings of monetary theory and policy, which are impressively illustrated by the example of Switzerland.’

Ulrich Woitek Source: translated from Swiss History Society

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