‘Surface structure determination has taken massive strides forward in the past couple of decades both through the application of LEED and surface Xray scattering, yet there has been no comprehensive review made for some time. Here two masters of the art produce an authoritative volume that sets out the current state of the subject which will be invaluable both to newcomers and current workers in surface science.’
Sir John Pendry - FRS, Department of Physics, Imperial College London
‘This book, written by leading experts, is an extremely valuable resource for both students and researchers who want to learn about the present state of art of surface structure determination. This discipline has matured over the years to form the basis of many modern surface and interface studies, and now requires a new inspection of its methods. This is successfully achieved by the present book. The authors present even quite complex details, hard to find elsewhere, in a very tutorial style to make reading very enjoyable and understanding of the different topics quite easy. I can only highly recommend the book.’
Klaus Hermann - Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Berlin
‘Professors Moritz and Van Hove are long-time leaders in research that uses diffraction by either electrons or X-rays to determine geometrical structure at the atomic level for lower-dimensional materials. This monograph reviews state-of-the-art approaches, covering experiment and theory, with areas of application ranging from single-crystal surfaces and interfaces, through quasicrystals, modulated layers, and disordered surfaces, to nanoparticles. This will be an indispensable reference for new and continuing researchers who apply these methods to add knowledge and understanding in this challenging area of materials science and technology.’
Keith Mitchell - Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia
‘I found this book very rewarding to read. It covers the principles of diffraction of electrons and X-rays very well in a comparative way along with the principles of crystal surface symmetry that merge together in the contemporary research fields of LEED and surface X-ray diffraction. It is rare to see authors equally literate in both of these fields, which are widely used to learn about the way that crystals rearrange their atoms at surfaces. The book is up to date in including ultrafast techniques and nanoscience. It has useful new material on computational ‘direct’ methods of phasing that address the famous "phase problem" in crystallography.’
Ian Robinson - Professor of Physics, University College London
‘It is hard to imagine a better qualified pair of authors to provide a modern handbook covering these methods than Wolfgang Moritz and Michel van Hove, and the result of this collaboration is a very impressive review of both the experimental and theoretical aspects of these techniques. This is a highly recommended book for students and experienced researchers wishing to gain a fuller understanding of these important methods.’
D.Phil Woodruff - FRS, Emeritus Professor, Physics Department, University of Warwick
‘This timely book written by two well-known and internationally acknowledged specialists comprehensively covers both the experimental and theoretical methods, the drastic progress they made in the last decades and the much increased complexity of structures which today can be determined. While basics are resumed in a compact way, the modern developments are described in much and deep going detail (with a rich list of references). Many useful formulas and practical information are provided. The excellent book is very well written.’
Klaus Heinz - Professor Emeritus in the Department of Physics at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
‘This is a very comprehensive and well written book covering all aspects I can think of in the study and characterization of surfaces by diffraction techniques. The book can be used as tutorials for students and postdocs to learn about the science of surface structure determination by diffraction techniques. It is also excellent for the more advanced scientists. Michel van Hove is one of the best and highest experts in the field and I was not surprised by the high standards that guided the writing of his book. I strongly recommend this book.’
Miquel Salmeron - Materials Science and Engineering Department, UC BerkeleyLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
‘The book ‘Surface Structure Determination by LEED and X-rays’ is a comprehensive treatment of methods to determine the structure of surfaces. It serves as an excellent reference book and parts of it may be used as the primary text in a course at the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate levels. The book assumes no prior knowledge of structural determination methods and the chapters are arranged in an easy-to follow manner. It is a must-have manuscript for researchers in condensed matter materials.’
David Shuk Yin Tong - School of Science and Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong
'Highly recommended.'
L. W. Fine
Source: Choice