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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
October 2012
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Should you intervene in the life of the 48-year-old woman whose dwelling is stuffed with accumulated rubbish and who will not let anyone help get rid of it – or the 78-year-old surrounded by putrescent food and filth – or the 'animal accumulator'? Cases of severe domestic squalor (sometimes called Diogenes Syndrome) are among the most complex and difficult faced by community agencies. Local councils, housing officers, health professionals, social services, animal welfare agencies, public guardians and of course relatives and neighbours often feel powerless and lack confidence about what to do when faced with such situations. The guidelines, recommendations and case examples in Severe Domestic Squalor will help concerned people to understand what can be done and how, by providing an understanding of the causative factors and who should take the lead in dealing with them.


'The authors, supported by four other specialists who have contributed to four of the book’s ten chapters, have done a great service to health professionals, environmental health workers, community services providers, emergency services and a host of other staff who encounter people living in domestic squalor from time to time, by publishing this concise and well written text.'

Source: International Psychogeriatrics

'The authors and contributors have written a stimulating piece that offers a thoughtful and, at times, hard-hitting summary of the issues and debates that professionals from several arenas (mental health, law, media, environmental health and domestic services) would benefit from engaging with …'

Source: Journal of Mental Health

'Anyone working in old age psychiatry or geriatric medicine will encounter people who live in squalor and must have access to this excellent text.'

David Ames Source: Journal of International Psychogeriatrics

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